↑ Vedith wrote:Town you is more accurate and composed. You ask good questions and you are focused on what you are actually trying to find out.
This game you are trying too hard, sloppy and look inexperienced.
We're five pages into a 13 player game, I don't have any solid reads yet so I'm doing what I can to generate content.
↑ Vedith wrote:Self meta.... the most town thing you can do, right?
It's an appropriate response when you're saying stupid shit like "you're better than this". I am pointing out that your accusations here are something that's been thrown at town!me before.
Seriously my line of questioning towards Klazam had a very specific intent to it. You've blown up the entire thing with your pointless digression so I might as well fucking explain why I asked him this.
Klazam made a weak vote on Lucky and referred to "general agreement" on his vote. It's been made quite clear since then that there is NOT general agreement, since multiple players (including myself) are townreading Lucky.
So I ask him why he's not pushing Lucky, because if he's not gonna do anything to push that wagon then it's not gonna happen today. The point is to judge his intent - if scum!Klazam is voteparking on Lucky and not bothering to solve the game, he'll have to bullshit up a reason why his vote is staying on Lucky. if town!Klazam is being lazy, he's forced to acknowledge his vote is weak and start pressing for other leads. The goal is to see why he's keeping a stale vote on a wagon with zero traction.
I fully expect him to say that he's not sure at all whether Lucky is scum or not. So the question after that becomes -
why aren't you trying to sort him?
Which is what I wantED to keep pocketed until he admits that his vote is doing nothing for the gamestate.
If I saw Klazam take the initiative and start pushing somewhere else or start trying to make a case on Lucky or sorting Lucky -without me asking the followup- I could get a better, unfiltered sense of his alignment. Scum give themselves away when you give them room to breathe.
"I think I no longer believe in monsters as faces in the floor or feral infants or vampires or whatever. I think at seventeen now I believe the only real monsters might be the type of liar where there's simply no way to tell. The ones who give nothing away"