Skruffs, you can mess with my avatar for a month. You can make it whatever you want it to be. (and, yes, me is Zindaras)
USERNAME, you are Rainbow, The First Cloned Cat.
and Carbon Copy, Clone Of The First Cloned Cat.
You may post, as Rainbow, under your usual username.
You may also post as "Carbon Copy". [Log out, refresh the page, log in
with username Carbon Copy.
Carbon Copy will be treated as a normal player. The rest of the game
does not know it's you. CC can vote, can disagree with you (if you want
to hide the fact that he's you), can be targeted, lynched, etc. If
Rainbow is lynched, CC lives on, and if CC is lynched, Rainbow lives on.
Both accounts can be prodded if they are inactive. In other words, both
have to post. Either can claim, if you want.
I am aware that this role logically does not make a lot of sense.. but
hey. It's all fun, right? :p
Anyways, now for game flavor.
In the town of Minto, everyone loves cats. Real, furry, breathing cats.
But a group of two-dimentional felines are trying to get all of the real
cats out of the town in order to make animated/cartoon cats Minto's
favorite pet.
You win when all animated/cartoon cats are gone.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions,