You're deathproof and will turn pro-town if your lover is killed. If you don't have a lover, you'll remain a Mafia.
You would die by suicide once you are the only one left in your faction, and nothing can stop it from happening.
Because you're in power, you can't vote.
While you're still a scum, anyone investigating you will get the opposite result of what they should get. An example is if a seer investigates you, you'll get the result Werewolf because the seer is supposed to get not Werewolf.
Every night you may target a player and you would receive a result whether or not the player is a vanilla townie. At the same time, if the player dies that night, you become a one-shot bus driver.
If you get a one-shot bus driver, you would need to select two different players to bus, and a third player for you to use your other ability . You could choose not to use your ability. The one-shot ability would accumulate.
You can't kill, nor can you communicate with your other mafia members.
You win with the scum unless your lover is killed.
May choose to RB every other player in the game each night. This has topmost precedent and fails only on untargetable players or strong-willed/strongman actions.
If this player performs the nightkill, it resolves before all other actions except Commuter (thus making Doctors and the like pointless, and effectively roleblocking the nightkill target).
Re: the VT Exterminator, if scum NK the Exterminator themself, do they suicide due to not having killed a VT, or not?
Suicide is my interpretation, but if the exterminator is the same alignment as the faction that the restriction applies to, then I would leave it at mod interpretation.
I guess the issue with the Exterminator being NKed is purely one of action resolution. Does the kill or the suicide happen first? (NAR has a special case that says that kills always happen last, but if not for that, the kill would happen first in NAR.)
In post 66, ChannelDelibird wrote:
Once per game, at night, you may choose to activate the Bland Band. You will gain daytalk and nighttalk in an out-of-thread topic along with any and all players who have the role 'Vanilla Townie' and any and all players who have the role 'Mafia Goon'. You win with the town.
If any roles belonging to other players have a specific interaction with another role or role property listed in their PM, you will be given a role or role property that fulfils the interaction. (For example, if there's a Gunsmith in the setup, you will be given a role that shows up positive to the Gunsmith; likewise, if another player has
, you do too.)
(Note: the description above is for the moderator; tell the player their actual role, rather than the means via which it was generated.)
If any roles belonging to other players have a specific interaction with another role or role property listed in their PM, you will be given a role or role property that fulfils the interaction. (For example, if there's a Gunsmith in the setup, you will be given a role that shows up positive to the Gunsmith; likewise, if another player has
, you do too.)
(Note: the description above is for the moderator; tell the player their actual role, rather than the means via which it was generated.)
"Dammit Felissan, making someone lose the game is NOT NICE"
- DeathRowKitty 2016
"Also, the me in your signature just made the me in this thread lose the game and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
- DeathRowKitty 2018
"You've made me make myself lose the game so many times that I feel like it's an entirely new game I'm losing"
Each night, choose two players. This night, those players will be protected from any effect that would change their alignment or win condition (i.e. any attempt to change the alignment or win condition of either of those players will be rolestopped).
Each night, you may ward a player. This protects that player from all kills. It also roleblocks any non-factional night abilities that player may try to use that night. However, a warded player can use factional night abilities as normal; those won't be blocked.
Once in the game, during the day, you can choose a post. If the post was made by a townie, and the post in question contains at least one statement about the setup, role distribution, PT conversation, etc. that a hypothetical backup moderator could determine as false, then the player who made the post dies. Otherwise, nothing happens.
After the rest of the setup has been completed, this role rolls amongst the other players' roles in the game, and is whatever it lands on. If it's a mod chosen alignment, the duplicate role may be given a different alignment.
Three times per game may ask how many scum (including Aliens but excluding neutral roles but including self-aligned roles with a kill (self-aligned without a kill are not counted)) were on the previous day's lynch wagons.
Last edited by Ircher on Sat May 25, 2019 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Needs to investigate the same player on consecutive nights to get a result.
Immune to roleblock and redirection.
Immune to false positive like godfather and false negative like miller.
Targeting a PR at night reduces the effeciency of that PR from 100% to 50% for the rest of the game.
Example - Turns a doctor into a faith healer.
Basically the chance of the night action being successful reduces to 50%.