This is not an attempt to stop users from using alternate accounts, but with this rule we want to clarify that for administrative purposes, we need to know which accounts are linked. If you accidentally register your account as a main, don't fret (it's easy to accidentally do if you mess up part of the form), just post in the alt activation thread or PM a mod. We may inquire as to your identity if there's some confusion.
Also, this isn't intended to necessarily stop users from using proxies
To be clear, it's not a problem to act like a different person on an alt in a game even if there's a staff member playing the game, though as we've stated before, you should not attempt to get around another player or game mod's "blacklist" by using an alt. Also, it's worth noting that while staff members shouldn't use their position to try to gain an advantage in a game, their official duties may mean they discover your identity.
Last, keep in mind that certain areas of the site, such as The Speakeasy/GTKAS and Newbie Games have their own rules about alternate accounts.