Role PMS:
(Colour Investigator)
You are in room Blue #4:
You love the colour blue, but you are deeply suspicious of those around you. Every night you may follow another player to find out which room they are in.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
(Mafia GF)
You are are Alpha-Blue, you are in room Blue #2:
You and your team of infiltrators: _____, and _____, have inflitrated the Simon game. You are the leader, Alpha-Blue (Godfather), Your deft use of guile makes you immune to investigation. Every night, you and your team will lay waste to the players of the game, destroying the Simon games from the inside out. However, You decide that it's safer to take the targets down one at a time to avoid detection. Luckily you and your operatives have communicators and do not need to leave your rooms to discuss who will be taken out. You are responsible for selecting the operative, as well as the the target for the hit. If you are doing the kill, you lose your immunity to investigations.
You win when the Simon game is destroyed once and for all.
(Daytime Investigator)
You are in room Blue #1:
You are praised as being a prodigy, and you want nothing more than the recognition of being the world's greatest simon player. You are also adept at spotting lies. Every day you may ask one player their role. Ex. In the thread, type a post that contains: "
are you
?" Interchange the bolded areas as you wish. Notify me once you have done so and I will PM you if it's true or false.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
You are in room Red #6:
You desperately need to win this tournament to feed your family. You cannot risk losing, so you've decided to hide every night in the courtyard, away from the Simon games, and away from your room to avoid any misconduct that occurs at night.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
~~A Miller, Guilty Result.
(Lockout Selector)
You are in room Red #1:
I have selected you as lockout selector of the group. You have the power to lock the doors of an entire floor the next night. Your choices are: 1) Floor Green, 2) Floor Red, 3) Floor Yellow, or 4) Floor Blue. However, I should warn you that if you decide to role-claim, you will not live the night for the infiltrators want you dead first. If you should fall, I, the coordinator will take over your duties.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
You are in room Red #4:
You are not a Simon player at all. You've heard of the one million dollar prize money and you plan on stealing it. However, recent developments have forced you into eliminating all the players and claiming the prize money for yourself. Every night, you may choose to follow and murder one other player. Given that you came into the tournament to cause mischief, you are well equipped to deal with those who try to kill you, making you immune to nightkill.
You also have the ability to send an anomynous letter to the town each day. The letters cannot contain the name of players and cannot exceed 100 words.
You win when you're the last player standing.
(Doctor) "Placebo"
You are in room Yellow #1:
Advocating for world peace, you do not wish to see bloodshed in the Simon tournament. Being a social bumbleebee, you may leave your quarters every night to converse with another player. The infiltrators will not dare strike the person you're conversing with, risk of detection is too high. However, you will have to go back to your quarters to sleep at night eventually, so by no means are you any safer by conversing with someone else.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
~Miller if Mafia-Doc is still alive.
(Night Watchman)
You are in room Yellow #3:
With eyes of a hawk and ears of a wolf, you don't let anything get by you. You've been waiting for a situation like this one to put your uncommon skills to good use. Every night, you may choose to tail another player. You will get to see which room they came from, and which room they went into. You cannot follow any closer or else risk detection.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
You are Delta-Yellow, you are in room Yellow #2:
You and your team of infiltrators: _____, and _____, have inflitrated the Simon game. You are Second Lt. Delta-Yellow. You are a first-class medic. You can choose to go to the quarters of any player at night. If they should happen to be targetted, you will be able to heal any wound, preventing their death. However, your healing actions will break your cover. Afterall, bandaging someone up will get you noticed. If you are successful of treating someone, all of the players will know who you bandaged and the fact that you bandaged said person. Sadly, you cannot bandage yourself. You possess a communicator which allows you to talk to your team of infiltrators at night. You are also capable of incompacitating someone.
You win when the Simon game is destroyed once and for all.
You are in room Green #5:
Upon entering the tournament, you were promised an advertising deal from Nike. They lied, you got screwed. Interesting enough, you find on your bed a keylock which allows you to lock any door in the hotel. Every night, you may go and lock the room of a player. The catch is, the keylock only works one way: It prevents them from going out, but does not prevent others from coming in.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
You are in room Green #8:
Your tactile mind has already figured out who the infiltrators are, but when you rushed to tell the coordinator, you were pushed down a flight of stairs. Now you can't remember who they were! Luckily, you wrote down the identities of the infiltrators in code so they wouldn't be destroyed, but you don't remember how to decipher the code! Every night, you may select two players and send one of four memos. They will both recieve the memo and whatever is written on it
Your choices are 1) Red Memo, 2) Yellow Memo, 3) Blue Memo, 4) Green Memo.
You win when the infiltrators are eliminated.
~~~Red Memo = The Inventor is innocent
~~~Yellow Memo = Grocery List
~~~Blue Memo = Targets know each other' roles
~~~Green Memo = The Inventor is guilty
You are Beta-Green, you are in room Green #6:
You and your team of infiltrators: _____, and _____, have inflitrated the Simon game. You are First Lt. Beta-Green. You are a locks expert. Every night, You may lock or unlock the door of any room. Naturally, your have full control over your own door, so you may leave your room at any time in the night. However, if you choose to do so, any player may be able to enter your room. You will have to specify who's door you want to tamper with and how. You possess a communicator which allows you to talk to your team of infiltrators at night. You are also capable of incompacitating someone.
You win when the Simon game is destroyed once and for all.