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Post Post #1075 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:19 pm

Post by mikeburnfire »

I don't think they were all that bad.
[18:31] MikeBurnFire: Post restriction?
[18:31] petroleumjelly42: if you gas me
[18:31] MikeBurnFire: because I targetted you?
[18:31] MikeBurnFire: Okay
[18:31] petroleumjelly42: if you can think of a different retriction, please say it
[18:31] MikeBurnFire: Hmmn
[18:31] MikeBurnFire: Grunt
Gr unt

[18:31] MikeBurnFire: :D
[18:31] petroleumjelly42: LOL
[18:31] petroleumjelly42: well, we already decided against that. ;)
[18:32] MikeBurnFire: Hee
[18:32] petroleumjelly42: funny fun
[18:32] MikeBurnFire: Hmmn
[18:32] MikeBurnFire: "You cannot unvote"
[18:33] MikeBurnFire: "You must not use punctuation or capital letters"
[18:33] MikeBurnFire: "you can only post once per RL day"
[18:33] MikeBurnFire: "You must begin each post with 'HEIL HITLER' "
[18:33] petroleumjelly42: O_O
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Post Post #1076 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:22 pm

Post by mikeburnfire »

By thew way, did anone notice the tumbleweed that passed by MBL's door on... I think it was Day 2? The tumbleweed was supposed to be part of the vigilante kill, which is why it showed up the next day.
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Post Post #1077 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:24 pm

Post by petroleumjelly »


Do you
all of those convos? You is crazy! Cray-Zah!

In any case... you should probably try to find a few snippets of Ibby and I going ballistic about how screwed we were. >.> I kinda want to see the crazy theories we had at different points in the game, if you still have them.
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Post Post #1078 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:25 pm

Post by ibaesha »

What PJ said! Especially so the town can see how frustrating it was from our end. :)
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Post Post #1079 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:17 pm

Post by mikeburnfire »

Most of my conversations get saved automatically. It comes in handy. Here are a few precious moments that made me chuckle.
[18:14] petroleumjelly42: do you get to pick gases? or do you just fumigate their room?
[18:14] petroleumjelly42: we need to figure out what sounds the most believable
[18:15] MikeBurnFire: hey, I'm making this up as I go ;)
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: LOL
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: I know it
[18:15] Ibaesha: lol
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: let me re-read your claim post
[18:15] Ibaesha: he's good at bsing
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: we'll figure something out
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: tsk, Mike is awesome at BSing roles
[18:15] Ibaesha: yea
[18:15] Ibaesha: worse case is they don't believe him
[18:15] Ibaesha: And we lynch him
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: well, obv
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: and HOPEFULLY Ibby will be locked in
[18:15] Ibaesha: Mike won't mind!
[18:15] MikeBurnFire: Such flattery! Why am I such a reputable scum all of a sudden?
[18:15] petroleumjelly42: so I can unlock her
[18:15] Ibaesha: >.>
[18:16] MikeBurnFire: :o
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: so she can Kill and Protect
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: <3
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: MBF, you just are
[18:16] Ibaesha: Mike: Because you have won like 6 games of being scum straight
[18:16] Ibaesha: And you're totally good at BSing
[18:16] MikeBurnFire: Well,
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: You're actually teamed up right now
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: with 2 of the worst scum ever
[18:16] Ibaesha: yea
[18:16] Ibaesha: me and PJ aren't good scum
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: <3 Ibby
[18:16] MikeBurnFire: am I? Ah, a good challenge this will be then! THE SWEETER OUR REWARD!
[18:16] Ibaesha: Sorry if we lose it for you
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: but we figure if you put us together
[18:16] petroleumjelly42: we have to win
[18:17] petroleumjelly42: b/c we're so pathetic
[18:17] Ibaesha: LOL
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: dang, so many possibilties
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: if somebody claims red
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: maybe you say you gassed them
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: under their door?
[18:36] MikeBurnFire: dunno
[18:36] MikeBurnFire: *shrug*
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: gah
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: we need Mike to live
[18:36] petroleumjelly42: LIVE!
[18:36] MikeBurnFire: We can cross that bridge when we come to it ;)
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: haha
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: well
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: sadly for you
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: Ibby and I have no qualms in voting for our partners when scum
[18:37] MikeBurnFire: Go for it
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: (except for College Mafia, b/c you were GF)
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: stupid College
[18:37] MikeBurnFire: Hey, I'm GF here too
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: LOL
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: well, we're more powerful than you
[18:37] MikeBurnFire: heh
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: so you're actually the most get-riddable
[18:37] MikeBurnFire: i suppose so ;P
[18:37] petroleumjelly42: ;)
[18:38] Ibaesha: LOL
[18:40] [18:41] petroleumjelly42: and I cannot attack Fritz
[18:41] petroleumjelly42: so I'm losing people to attack left and right. =(
[18:41] Ibaesha: why can't you attack fritz?
[18:41] petroleumjelly42: I just imagine it will be a bad thing
[18:41] Ibaesha: probably lol
[18:41] petroleumjelly42: notice how Fritz responded when M-M attacked him?
[18:41] petroleumjelly42: I don't want that
[18:41] Ibaesha: no
[18:42] Ibaesha: how did he respond?
[18:42] petroleumjelly42: with the F*** YOU
[18:42] petroleumjelly42: post
[18:42] Ibaesha: oh
[18:42] Ibaesha: LOL
[18:42] Ibaesha: see I'm so used to Fritz
[18:42] Ibaesha: I ignore it
[18:42] petroleumjelly42: well, I would rather not have that happen to me. <.<
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: DAMN
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: okay
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: M-M WILL be told his door is locked
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: so Mike cannot claim that
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: argh
[18:49] MikeBurnFire: (I can still gas him though yes)
[18:49] MikeBurnFire: ?
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: yes
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: BUT
[18:49] petroleumjelly42: there will be a very obvious scum RB
[18:49] MikeBurnFire: -_-
[18:50] petroleumjelly42: dangit
[18:50] petroleumjelly42: Vaughn is messing with me now
[18:57] MikeBurnFire: guys, just so you know
[18:57] petroleumjelly42: uh oh
[18:57] MikeBurnFire: I loose investigation immunity when I'm killing
[18:57] Ibaesha: hmm
[18:57] petroleumjelly42: ... frick
[18:57] MikeBurnFire: so taking out the cop = good
[18:57] petroleumjelly42: dangit Mike
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: that's true
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: but Mike
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: MBL might be in Red
[18:58] MikeBurnFire: k
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: (and we don't even KNOW he is a Cop)
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: we need to think
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: dang diddly
[18:58] Ibaesha: hold on
[18:58] MikeBurnFire: right
[18:58] Ibaesha: I can kill and protect
[18:58] Ibaesha: Mike can do nothing
[18:58] Ibaesha: lemme check
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: yes, you can do that Ibby
[18:58] petroleumjelly42: you can protect and incapacitate
[18:59] Ibaesha: yea I can
[18:59] Ibaesha: so Mike can do nothing
[18:59] Ibaesha: and I can kill THT
[18:59] Ibaesha: and protect Fritz
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: well
[18:59] MikeBurnFire: mmn
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: then is there any point in blocking M-M?
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: if he cannot track Mike?
[18:59] Ibaesha: he's a newbie
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: he would basically have to track ibby
[18:59] Ibaesha: who knows who he'll track
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: to catch any of us
[18:59] petroleumjelly42: HE WILL NOT TRACK IBBY
[18:59] Ibaesha: if he tracks a protown
[18:59] Ibaesha: he might be able to confirm them later
[19:00] Ibaesha: trackers suck
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: NO
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: he only tracks COLORS
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: oh, and rooms
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: nm
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: he can confirm rooms tracking, I guess
[19:00] Ibaesha: yeah I don't want him confirming town
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: frick
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: all this is ruining all of my claims
[19:00] Ibaesha: lol PJ
[19:00] MikeBurnFire: o~(=_=)~o
[19:00] petroleumjelly42: well, I NEED a claim
[19:00] Ibaesha: (Mike's good at scum cuz he goes with the flow and we think too much)
[19:01] MikeBurnFire: heh
[19:02] Ibaesha: Tracker should be blocked!
[19:02] petroleumjelly42: FRICK
[19:02] petroleumjelly42: there is no way I will be able to claim later
[19:02] petroleumjelly42: blocking M-M is good strategically
[19:02] petroleumjelly42: BUT
[19:02] petroleumjelly42: it confirms anti-town RB
[19:02] Ibaesha: hmm
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: it confirms M-M
[19:03] Ibaesha: lemme think
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: AND it makes me claiming RB impossible
[19:03] Ibaesha: MM is pretty confirmed by being newbie who couldn't have possibly thought to claim that as scum the way he did
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: b/c I would not block a Tracker
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: uh
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: M-M could have been TOLD what to claim
[19:03] petroleumjelly42: in theory
[19:04] Ibaesha: hmm confirming anti-town rber is worse than confirming mm
[19:04] Ibaesha: any doc that doesn't protect MM is dumb
[19:04] Ibaesha: what if the doc is in red
[19:04] Ibaesha: =P
[19:05] Ibaesha: lol
[19:05] MikeBurnFire: Dudes, just use your roles in the best way as scum. Block cops if you have to, kill doctors, whatever. Make up fake claims later. :-<
[19:05] petroleumjelly42: gah
[19:05] petroleumjelly42: *sigh*
[19:05] petroleumjelly42: Mike knows better than we do. heh
[19:05] Ibaesha: I would say so
[19:13] MikeBurnFire: yeah, i loose my immunity when killing
[19:13] petroleumjelly42: <-- getting nervous
[19:13] petroleumjelly42: I hate being scum!
[19:13] petroleumjelly42: GAHHH
[19:13] petroleumjelly42: good thing I'm town
[19:24] petroleumjelly42: my claim is RUINED
[19:24] petroleumjelly42: RUINED!
[19:24] petroleumjelly42: RUUUUUUINED
[19:24] petroleumjelly42: I was thinking about it all last night too
[19:24] petroleumjelly42: grr
[19:25] petroleumjelly42: maybe I pick two people's doors
[19:25] petroleumjelly42: THAT would work
[19:25] petroleumjelly42: I unlock one and lock the other
[19:25] petroleumjelly42:
[19:25] petroleumjelly42: god
[19:26] MikeBurnFire: My method of killing: I will glue an open jars of rats to his face, then blowtorch the other end of the jar so the rats have to eat their way through his face. And then I'd shoot him.
[19:26] Ibaesha: That's gross
[19:26] Ibaesha: LOL
[19:27] VaughnVoon: ...
[19:27] MikeBurnFire: ^_^
[19:27] Ibaesha: Hold on Vaughn
[19:27] VaughnVoon: "Blowtorching peoples faces"
[19:27] VaughnVoon: i'll axe the rats
[19:27] MikeBurnFire: :(
[19:27] VaughnVoon: just too unsightly
[19:27] MikeBurnFire: X-D
[19:27] VaughnVoon: so tacks is a no?
[19:29] petroleumjelly42: maybe a note is taped to his head?
[19:30] petroleumjelly42: after he is shot?
[19:30] Ibaesha: lol
[19:30] petroleumjelly42: OMG
[19:30] MikeBurnFire: !!!
[19:30] petroleumjelly42: Make the note say
[19:30] petroleumjelly42: "all claims are truthful"
[19:30] MikeBurnFire: XD
[19:30] Ibaesha: HEHE
[19:30] petroleumjelly42: AWESOME
[19:26] MikeBurnFire: I mean, I'm scum 75% of the time
[19:26] MikeBurnFire: and I enjoy it because I get to kill bitches
[19:26] MikeBurnFire: but I like being scum in this game real well
[19:27] petroleumjelly42: lol
[19:27] petroleumjelly42: <3 Mike
[19:27] MikeBurnFire: ;)
[19:27] Ibaesha: hehe
[19:28] Ibaesha: well that's good
[19:28] Ibaesha: I think being scum with me and PJ has to be incredibly annoying though.
[19:28] petroleumjelly42: yeah. now we know that Mike is scum 75% of the time
[19:28] Ibaesha: *laugh*
[19:28] petroleumjelly42: good to know
[19:28] Ibaesha: lol
[19:28] petroleumjelly42: oh, yeah. We talk too much and worry too much. <.<
[19:51] MikeBurnFire: By the way
[19:52] MikeBurnFire: If anybdy calls out my "secret hidden floorclaim"
[19:52] MikeBurnFire: it's yellow :P
[19:52] petroleumjelly42: O_O
[19:52] petroleumjelly42: okay
[19:52] MikeBurnFire: Adds a bit of tension, eh? :D
[19:52] petroleumjelly42: indeed it does
[19:52] MikeBurnFire: Ah, I'm the most expendable person here. I won't go down without a fight, but don't let me drag you guys with me when I go.
[19:53] petroleumjelly42: ^_^ pah, we're gonna try and keep you alive
[19:53] petroleumjelly42: (which is much against our bus-throwing nature)
[19:53] MikeBurnFire: Appreciated, but don't risk too much, as I have made a lot of poor decisions early on
[19:53] petroleumjelly42: =/ eh
[19:54] petroleumjelly42: oh, I also thought of a very bad situation the other day
[19:54] petroleumjelly42: what happens if there is a Cop w/ an innocent on Mike and a guilty on Ibby/Pj?
[19:54] petroleumjelly42: Ibby/PJ can't push for a Mike lynch, b/c Mike is GF
[19:54] petroleumjelly42: and that would incriminate Ibby/PJ in the end anyways
[19:55] MikeBurnFire: I'm the Godfather, ha! Forgot
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: yesh ^_^
[19:55] Ibaesha: lol
[19:55] MikeBurnFire: Wait, what?
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: okay
[19:55] MikeBurnFire: This proposed scenario confused me
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: Cop investigation: Inn. on Mike, Guilty on PJ
[19:55] Ibaesha: Obviously if there's a guilty on me, I will call sanity into question.
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: for example
[19:55] Ibaesha: I'm so the doc.
[19:55] Ibaesha: :)
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: I know Ibby
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: so you lynch Mike, right?
[19:55] MikeBurnFire: ;)
[19:55] petroleumjelly42: then he turns up GF
[19:56] MikeBurnFire: Why lynch me if I'm innocent?
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: then the sanity is confirmed!
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: no, no, b/c either Cop is Insane or Sane
[19:56] Ibaesha: oh there's that
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: flipped results
[19:56] MikeBurnFire: A cop would assume he's sane until otherwise noted
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: we can't lynch Mike, b/c that confirms Sane
[19:56] Ibaesha: let's just hope the mbl kill goes through
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: yeah =/
[19:56] Ibaesha: and he's not the doc
[19:56] MikeBurnFire: Yess, we'll burn those bridges when we come to them
[19:56] Ibaesha: if he is
[19:56] petroleumjelly42: LOL
[19:57] petroleumjelly42: he dang well better not be the Doc
[19:57] Ibaesha: then he sucks
[19:57] petroleumjelly42: pretty sure he's Cop, though
[19:57] Ibaesha: =P
[19:57] petroleumjelly42: why isn't Vaughn on-line? that slacker
[20:01] Ibaesha: lol
[20:12] petroleumjelly42: oh, yeah
[20:12] petroleumjelly42: Ibby and I were wondering if there is a resurrector (since Pie's role was not revealed)
[20:12] Ibaesha: they'd be nuts to resurrect him
[20:12] petroleumjelly42: I'm starting to think there isn't... b/c otherwise, the mod wouldn't have revealed pie's room and color
[20:12] Ibaesha: after that whole claim/red floor thing
[20:12] petroleumjelly42: oh, yeah, no way resurrector goes for pie
[20:12] petroleumjelly42: but I don't think there is one
[20:13] petroleumjelly42: that doesn't mean I can't claim it if I need to. *teehee*
[20:13] petroleumjelly42: 1-Shot, can only revive lynched people. bwahaha
[20:13] petroleumjelly42: and it must be immediate
[20:14] petroleumjelly42: Oh, also
[20:14] petroleumjelly42: Mike, if Ibby is outed as Doc, say you used the Deep Grey capsule
[20:14] petroleumjelly42: and if I post in colors, claim the Bright Green capsule
[20:15] petroleumjelly42: they seem to go together. *shrug*
[20:15] MikeBurnFire: k
[20:15] MikeBurnFire: posting in colors doesn't seemmm.....
[20:15] MikeBurnFire: restrictive enough. :S
[20:15] petroleumjelly42: okay
[20:15] petroleumjelly42: need a different restriction then
[20:15] petroleumjelly42: I didn't really like the suggestions earlier =/
[20:15] MikeBurnFire: bah
[20:18] petroleumjelly42: yeah. "no unvoting" is too testable
[20:18] petroleumjelly42: "heil hitler" isn't going to happen
[20:18] petroleumjelly42: =P
[20:18] petroleumjelly42: "no capital letters or punctuation" would end with me killing myself
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Post Post #1080 (ISO) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:08 pm

Post by petroleumjelly »


<3 Mike. You is so crazy.

And yeah, that's actually funny. I was stressing out over a fake-claim for weeks and weeks, because I wanted to claim something similar to my actual role so I could prove it (I thought of about seven different variations of a role-blocker!), although I also considered claiming something like a Bellhop (who checks luggage, or gets tips or certain amounts, or is a thief-type role), as well as an Elevator-Operator who could transfer one person from one floor to another floor [like a redirector], and I was kicking around a few other ideas as well. Glad I went with the Mayor/Bishop claim though, it fit in really well with the mechanics of the game.

And I still say Mike's suggestions for post restrictions were all silly. <.<
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Post Post #1081 (ISO) » Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:59 pm

Post by Petroleum Pie »

I declare victory.

My predictions to Vaughn right after I died were Iba, PJ, and MBL as scum, plus one scum per floor. 2/3 on the scum and I pretty much nailed the setup.

Moral of the story: Always listen to Pie.
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Post Post #1082 (ISO) » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:04 pm

Post by Pie_is_good »

...says Petroleum Pie, a completely objective third party.
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Post Post #1083 (ISO) » Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:22 am

Post by Drummer »

Gaw! After that last post concerning me from MBL I was
that he was scum. Nice work, PJ. Uh...and Mike. Both of whom I considering very probably pro-town. I was considering Ibaesha, but mostly in collaboration with MBL, so meh.
Vaughn wrote:For Drummer's role.. given the first 10 pages.. about floors and colors.. I think his role would've been the answer to everything haha. Given the colour to floor ratio (3/3/3/3), scum would need to be careful about who to kill off, because killing off your floor mates puts you under immediate suspicion. Drummer's role was to make it hard for scum to fake colour claim.
Yeah...the floor ratio of 3/3/3/3 would have made strategy so much easier. I wasn't sure of it though.
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Post Post #1084 (ISO) » Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:38 am

Post by MeMe »

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