Mini 755 - House of Mirrors Mafia - Game Over
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As you shuffle around the half empty house in the dark, you can't help but wonder at the lack of people you run into. As you are contemplating this, the lights turn back on. As you do a quick head count of your associates you note with horror that Zilla and zwetschenwasser are both missing.
Zilla - Evicted during night 4
zwetschenwasser - Evicted during night 4
Zilla - Evicted during night 4
zwetschenwasser - Evicted during night 4
Town - 3/5
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
I had the option of transferring power from one person to another, which we figured was tying votes together. I chose to transfer Isaac's power to myself.
I'm not going to vote right now, since two votes may end the game very quickly.
Depending on the number of impersonator's left, we're likely in LyLo.
I'm not going to vote right now, since two votes may end the game very quickly.
Depending on the number of impersonator's left, we're likely in LyLo.
pepoel who spel bad and don't know grammer is jerks
This cop ability is starting to bother me. I got nothing like what Budja and Issac got. I got an innocent on zwets! Issac saw Artem's night ability and now Budja has straight up saw a role. So either Budja or Issac is lying or both. We should concentrate on who targetted zwets and Zilla last night since we had two deaths. I targetted no one, Artem targetted Isacc Budja claims to have targetted Isacc so that leaves Nightfall. Nightfall, what was your ability and did you target either zwets or Zilla?
Mod: prod everyone...I am not playing this game for another month just to sit here.
- Nightfall
- Nightfall
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 2631
- Joined: May 15, 2005
- Location: Canada
I got the trap door again. I targeted Zwets.
I'm starting to open more to the idea that it may be some sort of vig role with the fact that it can target dead people being a red herring.
After having K7 flip town I am very hesitant to ever sign up for another game with him :/
Looking back a day, Budja, what was your exact action again
I'm starting to open more to the idea that it may be some sort of vig role with the fact that it can target dead people being a red herring.
After having K7 flip town I am very hesitant to ever sign up for another game with him :/
Looking back a day, Budja, what was your exact action again
night 3
?Once Nightfall comes, everyone's dead...
OK lets just wrap this up.
I am an Impersonator admirer. I was basically playing for the impersonators without them knowing it for the large part of the game and reading their quicktopic. Once I spoke in their thread (2 nights ago) I no longer received night actions.
Normally I would not do this. I play to win. But the moderator's complete unwillingness to find replacements and the fact that Issac, the final impersonator, gave up middle of the day yesterday and didn't respond to PM's from me or the mod shows he could care less anyway. I am just pissed because I played this entire game with little to no suspicion on me only to find out the game will end when Issac dies.
Again, I play to win and would typically never do this but this game has been going on for 5 months now and no one is even the slightest bit interested. So, please, get this over with.
I had a theory that Nightfall was giving out night actions. Is that right?
I am an Impersonator admirer. I was basically playing for the impersonators without them knowing it for the large part of the game and reading their quicktopic. Once I spoke in their thread (2 nights ago) I no longer received night actions.
Normally I would not do this. I play to win. But the moderator's complete unwillingness to find replacements and the fact that Issac, the final impersonator, gave up middle of the day yesterday and didn't respond to PM's from me or the mod shows he could care less anyway. I am just pissed because I played this entire game with little to no suspicion on me only to find out the game will end when Issac dies.
Again, I play to win and would typically never do this but this game has been going on for 5 months now and no one is even the slightest bit interested. So, please, get this over with.
Vote: Issac
I had a theory that Nightfall was giving out night actions. Is that right?
Shadow Knight - Town PM
(nicoliosgotpolio) (rokovoj) Zilla - Town PM
Tuberkulos - Impersonator PM
(alexhans) (Qanqan) (Rhinox) Artem - Town PM
Isacc - Impersonator PM
Juls - Impersonator Admirer PM
Nightfall - Ringmaster PM
Sironigous - Town PM
(AWA) (LlamaFluff) killa seven - Town PM
(Citizen Karne) Budja - Town PM
zwetschenwasser - Switching PM
ThAdmiral - Town PM
Shine spotlight
Hide in sack
Beat with blackjack
Inject with redbull (Above 3 don't get an extra action)
The rest
(nicoliosgotpolio) (rokovoj) Zilla - Town PM
Tuberkulos - Impersonator PM
(alexhans) (Qanqan) (Rhinox) Artem - Town PM
Isacc - Impersonator PM
Juls - Impersonator Admirer PM
Nightfall - Ringmaster PM
Sironigous - Town PM
(AWA) (LlamaFluff) killa seven - Town PM
(Citizen Karne) Budja - Town PM
zwetschenwasser - Switching PM
ThAdmiral - Town PM
Town PM
You are one of the group. You have been enjoying the carnival and decided to enjoy a bit of a lark in the House of Mirrors. As you walk in, you are given a robe to hide who you really are.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. You must utilize this action. If you do not choose a target by the end of the night period, a target will be randomly selected. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
Win condition:
You win when you are alone in the House with your loyal friends.
Impersonator PM:
You are one of the impersonators hired to make the House of Mirrors the carnival attraction it is. Your job is to act like of the group of friends, while getting them to evict each other.
You are an impersonator with XXXXX. You may talk with your partner during pre-game, twilight and night.Alldiscussion must take place in this thread: Even though it is a quicktopic, use of the same user names is required.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. Youmayutilize this action. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
Alternatively, you may advocate to evict someone from the House instead. Your impersonator team starts with one eviction per night.
Wind condition:
You win when you control a majority in the house, or nothing can prevent the same.
Impersonator Admirer PM:
While you are one of the group, you have always had an unhealthy fascination with impersonators. During the start of this game, you carefully peer around and determine who the impersonators are before you walk into the house. You decide to do what ever you can to help them without revealing yourself.
The impersonators are XXXX and XXXX. They have a discussion in: Even though it is a quicktopic, use of the same user names is required. At any time, day or night, you may post a message there. If you do, you lose the ability to move among your friends, and hence lose all night actions.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. You must utilize this action. If you do not choose a target by the end of the night period, a target will be randomly selected. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
Wind condition:
You win when you control a majority in the house, or nothing can prevent the same.
Ringmaster PM:
You are the ringmaster. You are just here to make everyone have a fun time.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. You must utilize this action. If you do not choose a target by the end of the night period, a target will be randomly selected. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
You have a 1-shot immunity to evictions. This effects all evictions.
Additionally, during 1 night, you may PM requesting the previous nights action. This will become your action for that night.
Win condition:
You win if you are still in the House of Mirrors at the end
Switcher PM:
You are one of the group. You have been enjoying the carnival and decided to enjoy a bit of a lark in the House of Mirrors. As you walk in, you are given a robe to hide who you really are.
You also have a brother who is an impersonator. You figure that if you can't taste victory, at least your brother might.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. You must utilize this action. If you do not choose a target by the end of the night period, a target will be randomly selected. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
Win condition:
You win when you are alone in the House with your loyal friends or the impersonators win after you are evicted.
After being voted out
As you are dragged unwillingly from the house, the ringmaster appears in front of you.
"Congratulations in being the [X] evictee from the house. In keeping with out policy of fairness, you will now be able to assign actions to either help or hinder your collegues back in the house. Please choose from the following list of actions and assign them to the player list. And remember, just because you are no longer in the house, doesn't mean you are out of the game."
The actions are as follows:
1) Stalk
2) Observe
3) Build trapdoor
4) Inject with red bull
5) Power drain
6) Power shift
7) Hide in sack
8) Beat with blackjack
9) Look under robe
10) Switch nametags
11) Cover with glue
12) Shine spotlight
You must assign these powers to the following players. If you wait to long (72 hours), or if you choose, they will be assigned randomly.
Ability PMs
Tonight you may stalk someone
Mod note:
Typical tracker, will see who they targetTonight you may observe someone
Mod note:
Typical watcher, will see who targets their targetTonight you may build a trapdoor in your targets location. You may target people evicted from the house
Mod note:
A vigilante who, if they target an evicted person who was not
voted out, they get brought back as a stump.Tonight you may inject someone with some red bull
Mod note:
Typical motivator, target gets 2 actions. In addition, the target is knocked out for 1/3 of the next deadline period. They may not vote during this period. Tonight you may drain someones influential power
Mod note:
During the next day, the target may not unvote. This will be shown in the votecountTonight you may transfer power control. Please choose a primary target and a secondary target
Mod note:
During the next day, the primary target's vote is forced to follow the secondary target. This will be shown in the votecount.Tonight you may hide someone inside a sack
Mod note:
Typical jailer, target can not be targeted by other actionsTonight you may beat someone with a blackjack
Mod note:
Roleblocker, target can perform no actions tonight. In addition, the target is knocked out for 1/3 of the next deadline period. They may not vote during this period. Tonight you may look under someone's robe
Mod note:
Investigative role. 50% of alignment, 50% chance of current night ability. SaneTonight you may switch nametags around. Please choose 2 targets. You may target yourself
Mod note:
All abilities that target those 2 people target the other insteadTonight you may cover someone with glue
Mod note:
If the target is voted out during the next day, the person who supplies the final vote is dragged outside with them. They return the following day, but have no night action and cannot be targeted during the night, except by build trapdoor
Tonight you may shine a spotlight on someone
Mod note:
If the target is evicted during the night, their current alignment will be posted in the thread.Ability execution order:
Shine spotlight
Hide in sack
Beat with blackjack
Inject with redbull (Above 3 don't get an extra action)
The rest
Town - 3/5
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
Mafia eviction is unblockable
Actions chosen by Sironigous
Shadow Knight - 2) Observe -> Tuberkulos
rokovoj - 7) Hide in sack -> Juls
Tuberkulos - 11) Cover with glue -> No action
Rhinox - 4) Inject with red bull -> zwetschenwasser
Isacc - 3) Build trapdoor -> No action
Juls- 9) Look under robe -> LlamaFluff (Alignment)
Nightfall - 6) Power shift -> Shadow Knight - zwetschenwasser
LlamaFluff - 12) Shine spotlight -> Tuberkulos
Citizen Karne - 8) Beat with blackjack -> zwetschenwasser
zwetschenwasser - 1) Stalk -> rokovoj
ThAdmiral - 5) Power drain -> Tuberkulos
Isacc evict ThAdmiral
Actions chosen by Sironigous are carried over from Night 1 as Nightfall could not be evicted
Shadow Knight - 2) Observe -> Juls
rokovoj - 7) Hide in sack -> Citizen Karne
Tuberkulos - 11) Cover with glue -> Killa Seven
Rhinox - 4) Inject with red bull -> Citizen Karne
Isacc - 3) Build trapdoor -> Shadow Knight
Juls- 9) Look under robe -> zwetschenwasser (Alignment)
Nightfall - 6) Power shift -> zwetschenwasser - Tuberkulos
killa seven - 12) Shine spotlight -> zwetschenwasser
Citizen Karne - 8) Beat with blackjack -> Shadow Knight
zwetschenwasser - 1) Stalk -> Isacc
No mafia eviction
Actions chosen by Tuberkulos
Budja - 2) Observe -> Zilla
Nightfall - 3) Build Trapdoor -> killa seven
Juls - 5) Power Drain -> Communicated with mafia, lost night action
Zilla - 6) Power Shift -> Artem - Zilla
Artem - 7) Hide in Sack -> killa seven
Isacc - 9) Look under robe -> Artem (Ability)
zwetschenwasser - 10) Switch nametags -> Isacc - zwetchenwasser
killa seven - 12) Shine spotlight -> Isacc
No actions submitted by killa seven. Random actions instead
Zilla - 1) Stalk -> Juls
Artem - 6) Power Shift -> Isacc - Artem
Isacc - 2) Observe -> No action
Nightfall - 3) Build Trapdoor -> zwetschenwasser
Budja - 9) Look Under Robe -> Isacc (Alignment)
zwetschenwasser - 12) Shine Spotlight -> Juls
Juls - Action already lost
Isacc evict Zilla
Night 1
Actions chosen by Sironigous
Shadow Knight - 2) Observe -> Tuberkulos
rokovoj - 7) Hide in sack -> Juls
Tuberkulos - 11) Cover with glue -> No action
Rhinox - 4) Inject with red bull -> zwetschenwasser
Isacc - 3) Build trapdoor -> No action
Juls- 9) Look under robe -> LlamaFluff (Alignment)
Nightfall - 6) Power shift -> Shadow Knight - zwetschenwasser
LlamaFluff - 12) Shine spotlight -> Tuberkulos
Citizen Karne - 8) Beat with blackjack -> zwetschenwasser
zwetschenwasser - 1) Stalk -> rokovoj
ThAdmiral - 5) Power drain -> Tuberkulos
Isacc evict ThAdmiral
Night 2
Actions chosen by Sironigous are carried over from Night 1 as Nightfall could not be evicted
Shadow Knight - 2) Observe -> Juls
rokovoj - 7) Hide in sack -> Citizen Karne
Tuberkulos - 11) Cover with glue -> Killa Seven
Rhinox - 4) Inject with red bull -> Citizen Karne
Isacc - 3) Build trapdoor -> Shadow Knight
Juls- 9) Look under robe -> zwetschenwasser (Alignment)
Nightfall - 6) Power shift -> zwetschenwasser - Tuberkulos
killa seven - 12) Shine spotlight -> zwetschenwasser
Citizen Karne - 8) Beat with blackjack -> Shadow Knight
zwetschenwasser - 1) Stalk -> Isacc
No mafia eviction
Night 3
Actions chosen by Tuberkulos
Budja - 2) Observe -> Zilla
Nightfall - 3) Build Trapdoor -> killa seven
Juls - 5) Power Drain -> Communicated with mafia, lost night action
Zilla - 6) Power Shift -> Artem - Zilla
Artem - 7) Hide in Sack -> killa seven
Isacc - 9) Look under robe -> Artem (Ability)
zwetschenwasser - 10) Switch nametags -> Isacc - zwetchenwasser
killa seven - 12) Shine spotlight -> Isacc
Night 4
No actions submitted by killa seven. Random actions instead
Zilla - 1) Stalk -> Juls
Artem - 6) Power Shift -> Isacc - Artem
Isacc - 2) Observe -> No action
Nightfall - 3) Build Trapdoor -> zwetschenwasser
Budja - 9) Look Under Robe -> Isacc (Alignment)
zwetschenwasser - 12) Shine Spotlight -> Juls
Juls - Action already lost
Isacc evict Zilla
Town - 3/5
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
Mafia - 1/4
Other - 1/1
I didn't want to but after you claimed your investigation I gave it a shot to send the conversation another direction. When I checked the replacement queue only to see roffman was not looking for a replacement for Issac even though he said he was going to after night I flipped my lid. And Issac not responding to PM's requesting his pressence really pisses me off because the least someone can do is say "I don't want to play anymore" instead of ignoring me. I have been here since the beginning. Absolutely my worst experience on mafiascum to date.
killa seven Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 1690
- Joined: January 21, 2008
Told you issac was scum.
eff you for lynching me
eff you for lynching me
Games Won..
Mini 545 as town.
Mini 578 as scum.
mini 618 as scum.
Mushroom Kingdom as town.
Monty pythons as town.
mini 642 bodyguard 7 as town
Explosive mafia - as scum
mini 712 -town
Mini 545 as town.
Mini 578 as scum.
mini 618 as scum.
Mushroom Kingdom as town.
Monty pythons as town.
mini 642 bodyguard 7 as town
Explosive mafia - as scum
mini 712 -town
- Nightfall
- Nightfall
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 2631
- Joined: May 15, 2005
- Location: Canada
I'll share the victory
I must say Juls you did a good job. For a good part of the game I was actually thinking that you, Isaac, and Roko were our scum, hence my questioning of what you thought of each other. When you claimed your cop like role without any problems arising I figured I should bite my tongue. I started thinking Isaac was scum when he seemed to know that I was town when others were trying to lynch me. There was always someone that seemed scummier to me though.
Killa Seven - You deserved to be lynched.
I must say Juls you did a good job. For a good part of the game I was actually thinking that you, Isaac, and Roko were our scum, hence my questioning of what you thought of each other. When you claimed your cop like role without any problems arising I figured I should bite my tongue. I started thinking Isaac was scum when he seemed to know that I was town when others were trying to lynch me. There was always someone that seemed scummier to me though.
Killa Seven - You deserved to be lynched.
Once Nightfall comes, everyone's dead...