General rules
1: This is a game. Above all, have fun.
2: Though I am the mod, I'm not infallible. If you see an error somewhere, please PM me.
messages in thread are for the benefit of other players, not me.
3: Do not quote any PMs you receive from me. Paraphrasing is acceptable. Violation of this rule will result in modkilling
4: Do not talk outside this thread about this game unless your role permits it.
5: Once you have been lynched, stop posting. "Bah" posts are not allowed. Posting in twilight before I lock the thread is, however.
6: All players must post every 72 hours or you will be prodded. If you:
A) Fail to pick up and respond to the prod in 48 hours
B) Get prodded 3 times.
You will be replaced
7: All votes must be bolded in the format
unvote vote: XXXX
Game Specific Rules:
1: Deadlines will be 3 weeks unless a majority of players requests an extension.
2: Evictions occur during the day when a majority of surviving players vote for the same person.
3: At deadline, the person with the most votes will be evicted. If two people are tied, the person with the most votes for the longest period will be evicted.
4: You may not vote for no-lynch. Every day, someone must leave.
5: Due to the mechanics of this game, nights will go for 6 days. If I receive all night actions before this time expires, the day will start early, with the remaining time added to the deadline, as well as no prods will occur until day 3 of the original deadline.
6: As usual, if you have any questions about a specific role, please PM me.
7: This game has some information revealed, and some kept hidden.
8: The following role PM is going to all townies. There is at least 1 person with this PM in the game:
You are one of the group. You have been enjoying the carnival and decided to enjoy a bit of a lark in the House of Mirrors. As you walk in, you are given a robe to hide who you really are.
During the first 72 hours of any night period you will be sent your night action. You must utilize this action. If you do not choose a target by the end of the night period, a target will be randomly selected. Actions you do during the day may or may not influence which action you receive.
Win condition:
You win when you are alone in the House with your loyal friends.