Page 63 of 382

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:43 pm
by Dwlee99
where's my fan club
I came out of hiding for this game, yknow

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:44 pm
by Aristophanes
In post 1550, Dwlee99 wrote:where's my fan club
I came out of hiding for this game, yknow
I know!!
Join Aero's too? I'd love to play with ya again! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:49 pm
by Secret Agent Jin
/in Aero

How can i resist?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:55 pm
by Dwlee99
In post 1551, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 1550, Dwlee99 wrote:where's my fan club
I came out of hiding for this game, yknow
I know!!
Join Aero's too? I'd love to play with ya again! :)
I would but signing up for one is already kinda ridiculous with my schedule at the moment. Sorry :(

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:58 pm
by Aeronaut
In post 1552, Secret Agent Jin wrote:/in Aero

How can i resist?
Going to have to reject this, player does not meet experience requirement. So sorry!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:31 pm
by GuyInFreezer
holy shit it filled really quick

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:32 pm
by Aristophanes
In post 1553, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 1551, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 1550, Dwlee99 wrote:where's my fan club
I came out of hiding for this game, yknow
I know!!
Join Aero's too? I'd love to play with ya again! :)
I would but signing up for one is already kinda ridiculous with my schedule at the moment. Sorry :(
All good, I understand!
Hopefully we'll meet again soon! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:23 pm
by Aeronaut
I am excite

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:43 pm
by Secret Agent Jin
In post 1554, Aeronaut wrote:
In post 1552, Secret Agent Jin wrote:/in Aero

How can i resist?
Going to have to reject this, player does not meet experience requirement. So sorry!
I didnt see that your requirements were different than the queues requirements. I understand

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:03 pm
by Luna Fox
In post 1549, mhsmith0 wrote:
In post 1548, pisskop wrote:Pie is a good playerlist. Much fuuuns will be had Just need a few more good peoples
/In to make the pie player list go DOWN in quality :P
I actually think this makes it got up in quality tbh.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:07 pm
by mhsmith0
<3 :D

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:06 pm
by McMenno
that game would be a game too many I think

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:16 am
by Fate
/in to mod Dr. Strange mafia

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:24 am
by Fate
Or just more generally,

Mystic Mafia. Theme pending, definitely magic based mechanic

Accepting pre-ins from experienced players, Minimum 5 games played

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:49 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
I'd like to pre-in Fate

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:15 am
by Shadow_step
/in Gif if it isn't full already

Playerlist is good so I'll probably roll scum and get fucked

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:17 am
by KuroiXHF
In post 1565, Shadow_step wrote:/in Gif if it isn't full already

Playerlist is good so I'll probably roll scum and get fucked
That's the spirit.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:18 am
by mhsmith0
sorry shadow I think I hammered :(

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:25 am
by Shadow_step
NP, just noticed hydrae ain't allowed either lol so I'll be a replacement if ya need me Gif.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:46 pm
by T-Bone
Mini 1856: This mafia game is for pieguyn
has filled for GuyInFreezer with the following playerlist...

Luna Fox
Gamma Emerald

Still Taking Sign-Ups: Aeronaut's Drunken Christmas Party! Mafia

Now Taking Sign-Ups: Clumsy's D&D: Curse of Strahd

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:58 pm
by Dunnstral
/in Clumsy's D&D :)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:55 pm
by Pine
/confirm pre-in for Clumsy

Crap, I think I may be getting close to my limit. I was kind of expecting these pre-ins to be more spaced out

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:27 am
by Fate
New fangled rules huh...


Game Name:
Mystic Mafia

Flavor/Mechanics: The Spiritual Successor to Shaman Mafia, delve into an abilities rich game that will celebrate the magic of energy manipulation. Inspired by Dr. Strange, this game will not contain overly complex mechanics but more of just an interplay of day/night abilities and a warping of space-time dimensions.
Your Experience: Shaman Mafia
Current Modding Commitments: None
Reviewed By: No thanks
Back-Up or Co-Mod:
Number of Players: 13
Hydrae: Will you allow hydra to sign-up? No, must be pre-approved
Restrictions: Are there restrictions for who can play your game? 5 games experience on site and at least 5 months
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics? cults, mid-game alignment changes, moderator lies that cannot be reasonably anticipated (for example, Godfather, Tailor, Miller, Ninja, and mechanics like that are generally fine. Telling someone they are a reflexive doctor when they're actually a PGO is not), secret win conditions, un-divulged non-randomness in player role/alignment generation, direct moderator influence during the game

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:12 am
by keyenpeydee
/in Aeronaut

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:25 am
by JasonWazza
/in D&D