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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:21 am
by EnderX
Day 2 Final vote count:
Rhapsdy2: 5 (Bifrost, Coron, TINM, darquiel, Shiryu)
On the advice of Bifrost, who claims to be the gemcase's cop, the gems quickly turn on Rhapsdy2. Before any response can be made, they have forced Rhapsdy2 out of the case, and onto the ground below. A scattering of nacre is soon all that's left of the poor villain.
Rhapsdy2, pearl, mafia hench-lynched day 2.
As night begins to fall, all eyes turn toward darquiel, in watchful fear. Everyone remembers what happened before, and they wait to see if history will repeat itself. To their surprise, darquiel stands untouched, even her slight limp nothing more than a distant memory. In relief, the gems return to their positions, to await the coming of day.
Dawn is in 72 hours. Present your night actions now.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:29 am
by EnderX
Day once more dawns for the museum, and the various gemstones make their way to the center of the case. When they arrive, they discover that the villains among them have grown either bold, or desperate. A scattering of purplish fragments marks the passing of one of their own; Darquiel, their backup doc, is no longer among them. They look among themselves, trying to see if they can discover the villains by their expressions. Instead, all they notice is Coron's limping.
Darquiel, Amethyst, Backup Cop/Doc-Shattered Night 3.
With six alive, it's four to lynch.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:58 am
by Bifrost
First things first.
I investigated Coron last night, and I found him to be unfaceted (scum).
I chose him mainly because nobody else seems scummy at the time, and he only made various short posts throughout the game. A form of flying under the radar, I'd think. Most interestingly, he himself mentions flying under the radar in post 106:
Coron wrote:What darquiel has done isn't dodging the radar! People tend to notice small posts and everything about them, especially if you use them a lot, with longer posts sometimes you can get away with it because people tend to skim.
It really sticks out if you use short posts a lot, that's not avoiding the radar, that's like saying why should I care about a radar? I'm protown.
With a little translation due to himself "using short posts a lot", the last paragraph basically becomes "I'm not avoiding the radar, I'm saying why should I care about a radar? I'm protown." Which is quite notable. He also attempts to create an atmosphere of "general unfriendliness" by using the word "idiot" a lot, as commented on by yours truly in post 101, which I suppose is to intimidate others into not messing around with him. All this, coupled with my investigation (which was revealed last night that I'm in fact not an insane cop), I hereby
vote: Coron
But seeing that both the doc and the backup doc is gone, I don't think I'll be surviving another night. The way of death (shattered) is also interesting. So there _is_ still something other than the delayed effect night kill.
I'm speculating that scum are the ones that aren't actually gems--hence the "unfacetedness". Although I can't seem to see whether or not a mass role-claim is going to help us now.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:16 am
by This is not me
coron is victim of delayed kill,no point of lynch him at now,but well darquiel got saved last time so maybe he gets saved too,on the other hand at 1st day crola died so?beacause if he dies it would be good to lynch someone else i think cause if we dont get a mafia dead this day we are kinda dead cause well coron dies makes 5 people then 1 goes for night kill and makes 4 persons and 3 mafia in 12 player game seems logical,if coron is mafia it would be 1 mafia in 4 persons,way better,but if he isnt mafia and he dies and we also get a lynch it would be even better.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:01 am
by Shiryu
Actually TINM, there's no reason not to lynch him. As you said, Darquiel didn't die after limping, so there's no assurance that Coron will. Bifrost has proven himself as the cop, so Coron is most definitely mafia.
Vote: Coron
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:56 am
by This is not me
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:55 am
by Coron
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:57 am
by Bacde
I have to agree that there is no point in hoping that coron will die of a delayed nightkill.
However, I feel way too uncomfortable ending the day this fast, so I will hold my vote for now.
I have something else I want to say, but I can't figure out a way to say it yet, without getting killed tonight, so I will let you all know that I have something to say, but will refrain from telling you all till tommorow. Please don't push for this if you are pro-town, and god I hope I end up alive tommorow.
I'll be reading and willing to lynch coron after everyone has put in at least 1 post today, I want to hear from everyone alive.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:57 am
by Bacde
Sigh, thats what I was trying to prevent.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:13 am
by EnderX
Final Count:
Coron: 4 (Bifrost, Shiryu, TINM, Coron)
Almost as soon as the lights go on, Bifrost announces that Coron is scum. Within moments, it seems, the town has begun to turn on him. They start backing Coron to the edge of the case.
Coron, however, seems determined to deny them the pleasure of throwing him out. Before any other gem can get near him, he throws himself off the edge of the case, in a graceful backwards swan dive. The rest of the town watches in a mixture of anger and awe as Coron seems to drift toward the ground below. Partway down, the crack running through him finishes its work, and two seperate pieces land on the floor and shatter.
Coron, Coral, Mafia Hench-Both Lynched and Delay-Nightkilled, Day 3.
Night deadline is in 72 hours. And on another note, that's one of the fastest days I've ever seen.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:55 am
by EnderX
<Aside: Wow. Fast night to accompany a fast day.>
Day once more dawned in the museum, and the few remaining stones went out to see who among them was left. To their dismay, although not surprise, the missing gem was Bifrost. Inside his display, they found a few bits of bright red fragments, the final remains of their valiant cop. Limping for the day: TINM
Bifrost, Ruby, Cop-Shattered Night 4.
With four alive, it's three to lynch. Choose wisely.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:11 am
by This is not me
mhhh what we do now,usually if there are 4 people a no lynch would be good,but at now bitfrost has invegasted me,so we have 1 out os suspcetion who would die at night,if somebody wants i can rc,so should we try to bust a mafia at now or we try to bust him next day,with me being probably dead.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:25 am
by Shiryu
I don't think no lynch is a good idea now. You're already confirmed a townie, TINM; if the limping doesn't get you, you'll most likely die tonight. Best to try to find the reamining mafia now while you're still alive, as our chances won't increase by lessening our numbers. Not to mention that if you do die due to the limp and we don't lynch, we lose.
I find it interesting that, if the limps are caused by a role targetting players, it definitely looks like this role is not pro-town.
Bacde sait he had something to say today, so I'd like to heard that now.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:33 am
by This is not me
well lets say i cannont use my ability more in this game,but the good news are that the limping doesent kill me
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:33 pm
by Bacde
How does the limping not kill you?
And Shiryu, the honest truth is that I had nothing to say, I was trying to get the scum to target me over Bifrost. Obviously it didn't work as planned. I have a good reason to try to make the scum target me, and I'm pretty sure the scum already know what that reason is.
Im surprised though, unless two ends make themselves very inconvienient for the town, we should have 2 confirmed townies ATM, not just This is not me. This leads me to guess Chaotic_Diablo's role, unless he says otherwise.
Still though, not enough information for me to make a guess as to who is scum here. I'm going to go read through the voting patterns.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:38 pm
by chaotic_diablo
I'd like to say Thisisnotme is still possibly scum. Bifrost investigated TWO scum which turned out to be henchmen. As you already know, a regular mafia group consists of two henchmen and a godfather. The godfather appears innocent in investigations and is immune to night kills. Since Bifrost caught two guilty results, the only one left is the godfather, which means all of Bifrost's previous investigations are void.
Since Thisisnotme just claimed that he couldn't be killed, I'm pretty suspicious of him right now. I'd also like to hear what Bacde has to say. Mayb he has something which can help us catch the last scum.
@Shiryu, you forget, the killer also targetted unclaimed people such as Crola and Coron. Both turned out to be Sk and scum. Followed by that, the killer failed to actually kill an innocent protown. I don't understand how you can claim our killer is antitown when he/she hasn't killed anyone from the protown side yet.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:46 pm
by chaotic_diablo
@Bacde, take a wild guess and I'll confirm it if it's right.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:58 pm
by Bacde
Based on what you just said, and what This is not me just said, I think Shiryu is scum. I am glad that Chaotic_Diablo brought up the idea that the delayed deaths are pro-town, because before I just assumed that Darquiel somehow was able to save herself from dying by the delayed kills.
I do beleive I now know both Chaotic_Diablo's role
This is not me's role, so I will (again) read through with my idea that of these roles and see if they make sense.
Also, I will willingly guess as to what everyone's role is if we all agree to a mass claim. I'd love to claim first and put my guesses into the same post.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:03 pm
by Bacde
Oh crap, nevermind. I thought you were a mason by the way, I never saw that the first one died N1, and I was still waiting for the second Mason to come out since the first lynch :/
@ me. I guess everything else I said about my suspicions is void now.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:24 pm
by This is not me
Bacde youre wrong darquiel had nothing to do with his saving
i saved her,my role is like i can save 1 guy every 2 days and obviously i will not die cause i saved myselfb
last day the message about maybe not lynching coron was cause i was 100% sure he does not get saved a) cause i wouldnt save him b) cause i saved darquiel night before that.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:54 pm
by chaotic_diablo
@This is not me, no hard feelings, but your post is pretty confusing. The only parts I could understand was that your a doc that could save one time every two nights and you targeted Darquiel and yourself. Could you clarify it by adding some periods, commas, and spaces inbetween?
There is also another reason why I think our killer is protown. If you look at the way he kills, you know that he kills them by created cracks in them. How can an unfaceted gem create a crack in another gem? This means the killer is actually faceted since the cracks were probably made by the sharp edges of the gem. For instance, amber used gunk to kill people. It made sense since amber is fossilized tree sap.
I support a mass roleclaim. I have a few suspicious I want to lay out but I can't be exact if all the information is blurred up. Bacde was wrong when he said I was a mason. However, if anyone is smart enough to put two and two together, you would already know what my role is.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:13 pm
by This is not me
It is like that i can use it once per 2 days. It is a day ability,so I can see who has got the limped and i can save that person,if i want and havent used this baility last night.So i saved darquiel on day 2 and me at now
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:52 pm
by Bacde
As I see it Chaotic, you are either the Day-Killer, or the Mafia. I'll claim after Shiryu posts his agreement to mass-claim.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:33 pm
by Shiryu
Assuming TINM is who he says he is, doesn't his ability still mean that the other killer might be anti-town? Though I must say chaotic, your reasoning, while a bit far fetched maybe, does make sense. But the way I see it, this killing role might be a varation on the serial killer, in that he doesn't know who the mafia are, and just targets players randomly; while killing the SK certainly did favor us big time, we could have just gotten lucky there. So out of curiosity, what happens in a mafia game if all mafia are lynched, but there's still a SK in the game?
I never did stop to think about there being a godfather. Are there usually godfaters in mini games? If so, are they usually inmune to the cop investigation?
Anyway, yeah, I'm all for the mass-claim at this point.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:33 pm
by chaotic_diablo
What does your role say? It says protown wins when all
are dead. An SK is not scum, therefore we don't need to kill SK in order to win.
Yes, godfathers are usually immune to cop investigations. Followed by that, they are usually immune to nightkills as well.
Just to tell you, I'm obsidian, the vigilante. In no way were my targets random, except for crola. I targeted Darquiel because she received the most support from Coron.
Since I took kain's suspicions into account, I thought there might have been a connection between the two. After Darquiel didn't die, I assumed she was godfather and targeted coron. As it turns out, coron was scum but Darquiel was not. Which meant I was half right.
Last night was a pretty hard decision. I didn't catch any scummy vibes from anyone, so I targeted TINM because he didn't immediately agree with lynching Coron. Although there was the cop investigation, there is also the godfather, so I dumped Bifrost's innocent result and gambled.
So far, the information provided by TINM doesn't match with my speculation. Darquiel said she protected Coron. However, Coron was scum, which means scum couldn't have targeted him. Followed by that, TINM targeted Darquiel after the day started, which meant he couldn't have stopped the mafia night kill. Where did that night kill go?
I have several guesses:
1. TINM is scum and my role isn't fullproof when I kill
2. Darquiel lied
3. Another role interfered
4. Darquiel didn't give us all the information her role provided