Page 9 of 58

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:26 am
by Fizz Raab
Not sure why I quoted the post that didn't have anything to do with what I said. Was an accident, sorry.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:28 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 197, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 194, GrandpaMo wrote:I WILL RIGHT NOW LOL! I literally told you many times that you have brought up ways especially general terms in which ANYONE can and quickly pivot that onto me because you already seen TWO people have that synopsis. You also are over reaching on a quote that never was meant to attack you or anything. You were overdefensive and only mafia gets overdefensive on something like that. You get overdefensive because you have nothing else to attack me on that besides that. You are exposed.
You say you're rushing and cannot answer me, which in extension accepts that I did explain the mindset thing yet here you're denying it.

Also Town can't get defensive when they get attacked for literally having the inability to post? Just stop

Because I actually had to go?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:35 am
by Hand of Glory

Responding to "scum want to survive" with "I don't care about surviving" as you did is a textbook self-nuke for townies. Claiming not to care about survival is anti-town behavior when you're town. If it's true, you're failing at protecting the village power roles (either you're power yourself, or you're throwing away the protection-in-numbers that power needs). If it's a lie, town as a rule doesn't like getting lied to, either. Whereas scum really won't care that much about your trying to WIFOM role/alignment -- miselimination is miselimination. Scum are naturally less afraid of miselim, so more brazen when threatened by it.

You're coming off to me as too obvscum to be true, but even if you're townie I find your play decidedly anti-town -- this is not how to advertise your reads. If I believed in scum Jackson, my tells would be weak at best because I would expect town Jackson to act much the same.

I don't want to risk D1 ending by hammer right now, otherwise I would have put you at E-1. As it stands, make an effort to change your style, or I will most likely act on your word that you don't care about dying.
In post 196, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 148, GrandpaMo wrote:I will boldly say this as I love to do this when I am town.... I believe there is one mafia between Fizz and Jackson.
LAMIST, also is this not your first game? You said so in your first post.
He said it was his first game of forum mafia, not mafia as such. It's the same for me.

: That's an odd accident. It's my second post of three at that time, and I think it's the first one in the thread where anyone registers a town read on you.

It changes nothing about how I'm reading you as town D1, though. I doubt scum would expect to live long after arguing that D2+ reads are much preferable, and then not delivering markedly good calls D2-D3. Scum not expecting to live long means they're busing. A proactive bus on D1 seems wildly implausible (it's not usually a grand strategy rather than a reactive trade), and even if it is, Fizz is likely not the intended bus survivor judging by the scum tells she's drawn; townies who believe in Fizz = scum gain more from trying to find that one D1.

: You didn't answer my question (#147, at the bottom)

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:39 am
by Ahri
In post 198, skitter30 wrote:I kinda like jv and think they come off a lot better in their convo with grandpamo than grandpamo does


hog does seem town with weird takes

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:41 am
by Ahri
In post 181, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 179, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 177, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 174, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 169, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 167, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 163, GrandpaMo wrote:Sad thing is that I never scumread you because you were coasting lmao. I said you kept having excuses (which were genuine) and you had to coast intentional or not intentional. I feel like this is a mafia BW. I am waiting for other takes from other people, to really look at more pairings and interactions with you because you did actually come out with info now.
Did I say that you were scum-reading me for me coasting? No, I didn't. I am saying your perspective is not one that aligns with what I would consider a town mindset.
Also the typical scum-tell of the 'lmao' has emerged.

Now I just feel like you are over reaching. I always say lmao,
It was a semi-joke but the scum-tell is a serious one, and has been documented somewhere on the wiki iirc.
You also said you have blatantly said your scumread on me. Can you please again if you did because you did not and referred me to saying "I have said it multiple times". I expect a reply very soon not something for you to look back and make some random shit as of now.
This is actually manipulative.

And I've said many times that your perspective/mindset is not one I would or ever have considered a townie mindset and this also doubles down as one of my own person strongest scum-tells to look out for. You blatantly sheep another's reads by saying you agree to it, without actually adding any content for yourself, and then you cherry-pick the information to shade me knowing all too well that you knew exactly why I was not active. What you've said to me just now proves that. You aren't town, and I am almost certain
Problem is that you are wrong. You are now saying this now because you KNOW I will flip town and they will put you in the mindset that "hey, they hard pushed this person on the reason of this and this...mafia isn't more inclined to hard push based on that and rather sheep" But honestly the more I look into it... that's what you are doing right now. You have NOT explained my mindset and perspective on how what I did is actual scum. I do agree that I did sheep some of the reads and that is because I actually townread three people in the beginning two of which scumread me. If you look back... you can see I pointed out the possible "1 mafia out of this pair" type situation. I will be voting you for the time being.

VOTE: JacksonVirgo
bad rxns are bad

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:42 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 196, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 35, GrandpaMo wrote:.I see how Jackson's introduction is actually off lmao. .
In post 48, GrandpaMo wrote:
I said I agreed with Andante's weird impression on JV on how that may look scum lmao.
In post 35, GrandpaMo wrote:Jackson keeps finding a way to coast which is kinda lame because I really want to hear from them so I can perceptualize an actual read on them.
Looking back this looks even worse than I remember. You're not only shading me, you're also blatantly lying.
In post 148, GrandpaMo wrote:I will boldly say this as I love to do this when I am town.... I believe there is one mafia between Fizz and Jackson.
LAMIST, also is this not your first game? You said so in your first post.

This is my first forum game lmao. I have played mafia in other communities though as I said previously. This proves that you are taking what I say out of context.

Back to the mindset thing. I never have lied anything about you, didn't even scum read you nor really focus on you. Just like how I questioned GeorgeBailey's presence, I questioned yours as Andante has said something about your entrance. I followed up with "yea I can see how that can be weird" then proceed to say that I want to hear from you (which I expected for you to do once you get back from whatever doing).

Coasting never aligns with me being manipulative. Not in any way I have tried to be manipulative. I was just game solving from a town mindset and actively searching for different reads because at that time, I did NOT have a distinct scum read and wanted to hear from you and your reaction to Andante and me hence, why I said the thing I said.

You are taking my words out of context and it just seems unbelievable. You are also hypocritical to the fact that you as well never answered my question in post 187. Also looking back when you said I didn't answer your question in post 183. I believe I did with breaking down each of your definition and explained why it was more of a fallacy and contradicting to define your mindsets as that. Yes, those definitions can be used, but I think in a more general context it is only useful, not in this specific interaction where you have scum read me because "I sound manipulative" where you have gotten overdefensive on something such as me calling you out as coasting.

Your second question made no sense as I already was responding to something else in that earlier post. Pay attention to what you said, specifically when you called me out on sheeping the reads. I explained my reasonings with my pairings I made which I believe I am correct on.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:48 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 202, Hand of Glory wrote:

Responding to "scum want to survive" with "I don't care about surviving" as you did is a textbook self-nuke for townies. Claiming not to care about survival is anti-town behavior when you're town. If it's true, you're failing at protecting the village power roles (either you're power yourself, or you're throwing away the protection-in-numbers that power needs). If it's a lie, town as a rule doesn't like getting lied to, either. Whereas scum really won't care that much about your trying to WIFOM role/alignment -- miselimination is miselimination. Scum are naturally less afraid of miselim, so more brazen when threatened by it.

You're coming off to me as too obvscum to be true, but even if you're townie I find your play decidedly anti-town -- this is not how to advertise your reads. If I believed in scum Jackson, my tells would be weak at best because I would expect town Jackson to act much the same.

I don't want to risk D1 ending by hammer right now, otherwise I would have put you at E-1. As it stands, make an effort to change your style, or I will most likely act on your word that you don't care about dying.
In post 196, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 148, GrandpaMo wrote:I will boldly say this as I love to do this when I am town.... I believe there is one mafia between Fizz and Jackson.
LAMIST, also is this not your first game? You said so in your first post.
He said it was his first game of forum mafia, not mafia as such. It's the same for me.

: That's an odd accident. It's my second post of three at that time, and I think it's the first one in the thread where anyone registers a town read on you.

It changes nothing about how I'm reading you as town D1, though. I doubt scum would expect to live long after arguing that D2+ reads are much preferable, and then not delivering markedly good calls D2-D3. Scum not expecting to live long means they're busing. A proactive bus on D1 seems wildly implausible (it's not usually a grand strategy rather than a reactive trade), and even if it is, Fizz is likely not the intended bus survivor judging by the scum tells she's drawn; townies who believe in Fizz = scum gain more from trying to find that one D1.

: You didn't answer my question (#147, at the bottom)

I totally agree with you. However, when you are put in a predicament where the other party (JV in this situation) has called you out on something that isn't true especially with the whole mindsets thing on how mafia is trying their best to survive and become overly defensive then your argument contradicts their stance; hence why I called it a fallacy really. (I explained in the earlier post) I really don't want to focus on JV that much anymore unless they do reply.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:51 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
im ok with townreading fizz for the reaction :3

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:54 am
by GrandpaMo
Specifically for HoG, I want to hear a specific read on me and how you feel about others so far.

Specifically for Fizz, I just want to hear your reads as well; as I have gotten nothing of you besides the whole voting discussion earlier on.

Specifically for pooky, I want to hear your reads other than me.

I also want to hear Andante's take on the whole interaction between me and JV.

I wish GB was here to give reads.

Ahri and Skitter, I also want to hear your finalized reads on everyone since you have kept discussing townpings and scumpings; more of a compliation.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:39 am
by Fizz Raab
In post 208, GrandpaMo wrote:Specifically for Fizz, I just want to hear your reads as well; as I have gotten nothing of you besides the whole voting discussion earlier on.
I did that in the last post before my mistake dude since I must've pressed quote on my phone by accident. Did you not read this post at all?

In post 199, Fizz Raab wrote:
OK, I understand it's a game to throw out votes and figure out who's town and scum. I didn't know that was part of the fun on taking risks to vote whelther right or wrong. My apologies on that. I should really understand people before saying anything.

I was only stating I wouldn't vote on day one because it's too early to figure out who's scum and town which at the time when I last properly posted, I didn't have anyone to place in town or scum groups.

But now as we speak, I do, although I don't get why ahri is throwing out town and scum posts only without their reasoning for it, apart from quoting posts from before. I believe to think Pooky and Andante although don't get the entrance stuff being tad off stuff are town and grandpamo with his insane aggressive play, is scum. Possibily Ahri scum, but not certain on that. What catches my attention with grandpa mo is he asks why he was read town, but also asked why he read scum. Bit strange don't you think when he's most aggressive right now out of everyone. I leave this post here for now.
The thing is though is you're continuously spamming this thread, not really allowing people to have their say on the reads they are getting and we also need George Bailey to have his say on the situation as well. Although I just caught a post from grandma po saying he doesn't care if he dies is another suspicion to be concerned about, while addressing Jackson. It comes out as strange to me personally to say something like that when the aim of the game is to survive and capture scum from what I read in the rules anyway. Anyway, the other scum is up in the air at the moment. Is what I'm giving out reads at all or I still don't understand on giving out reads rule?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:41 am
by skitter30
In post 208, GrandpaMo wrote:Ahri and Skitter, I also want to hear your finalized reads on everyone since you have kept discussing townpings and scumpings; more of a compliation.
i mean i think ti's p early to have finalized reads at this stage

but to summarize, i'm townreading hand of glory and fizz and jv
andante maybe like light-town
i think you're scummy

i don't have good reads yet on everyone else

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:00 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 209, Fizz Raab wrote:
In post 208, GrandpaMo wrote:Specifically for Fizz, I just want to hear your reads as well; as I have gotten nothing of you besides the whole voting discussion earlier on.
I did that in the last post before my mistake dude since I must've pressed quote on my phone by accident. Did you not read this post at all?

In post 199, Fizz Raab wrote:
OK, I understand it's a game to throw out votes and figure out who's town and scum. I didn't know that was part of the fun on taking risks to vote whelther right or wrong. My apologies on that. I should really understand people before saying anything.

I was only stating I wouldn't vote on day one because it's too early to figure out who's scum and town which at the time when I last properly posted, I didn't have anyone to place in town or scum groups.

But now as we speak, I do, although I don't get why ahri is throwing out town and scum posts only without their reasoning for it, apart from quoting posts from before. I believe to think Pooky and Andante although don't get the entrance stuff being tad off stuff are town and grandpamo with his insane aggressive play, is scum. Possibily Ahri scum, but not certain on that. What catches my attention with grandpa mo is he asks why he was read town, but also asked why he read scum. Bit strange don't you think when he's most aggressive right now out of everyone. I leave this post here for now.
The thing is though is you're continuously spamming this thread, not really allowing people to have their say on the reads they are getting and we also need George Bailey to have his say on the situation as well. Although I just caught a post from grandma po saying he doesn't care if he dies is another suspicion to be concerned about, while addressing Jackson. It comes out as strange to me personally to say something like that when the aim of the game is to survive and capture scum from what I read in the rules anyway. Anyway, the other scum is up in the air at the moment. Is what I'm giving out reads at all or I still don't understand on giving out reads rule?
I just saw it now. I am the most aggressive? I didn't bother to really push anyone besides JV during that whole interaction; the only time of aggressiveness there. If you are going to call me out for being aggressive (I believe you are talking about with me and JV) then what do you feel about JV? There is no read coming from you onto them. I am spamming this thread? not allowing people to give reads? But you agree with me. I honestly think you could just be spewing lies just to continue this BW with me. You are also a sheep, sadly not the shepherd.

There is no way that there is not atleast one scum between Fizz and JV.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:02 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 210, skitter30 wrote:
In post 208, GrandpaMo wrote:Ahri and Skitter, I also want to hear your finalized reads on everyone since you have kept discussing townpings and scumpings; more of a compliation.
i mean i think ti's p early to have finalized reads at this stage

but to summarize, i'm townreading hand of glory and fizz and jv
andante maybe like light-town
i think you're scummy

i don't have good reads yet on everyone else

Thank you. I just needed from this day so far not actual like gamesolve reads. I will give you a townread for compliance, no reason to hide info as town...

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:53 pm
by skitter30
eh not such a good reason to give me a townread tbh

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:56 pm
by Ahri
In post 208, GrandpaMo wrote:Specifically for HoG, I want to hear a specific read on me and how you feel about others so far.

Specifically for Fizz, I just want to hear your reads as well; as I have gotten nothing of you besides the whole voting discussion earlier on.

Specifically for pooky, I want to hear your reads other than me.

I also want to hear Andante's take on the whole interaction between me and JV.

I wish GB was here to give reads.

Ahri and Skitter, I also want to hear your finalized reads on everyone since you have kept discussing townpings and scumpings; more of a compliation.
skitter how does it feel to be compared(?) or put in the same boat as me lul

it's at page 200 i'll give blockreads at 500 bb

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:06 pm
by Cabd
Votecount 1-5

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to eliminate.

GrandpaMo (3): Andante, skitter30, JacksonVirgo
George Bailey (1): PookyTheMagicalBear
PookyTheMagicalBear (1): Hand of Glory
JacksonVirgo (1): GrandpaMo

Not Voting (3): Fizz Raab, Ahri, GeorgeBailey

The deadline for day one is set at (expired on 2021-03-31 00:59:36)

Mod Note: Prodding GeorgeBailey

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:12 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 213, skitter30 wrote:eh not such a good reason to give me a townread tbh

It is in my opinion. Town is more likely to actually comply and not jump around the questions and stuff and give a distinct answer. Someone like Ahri, never did but made a comment regarding something else. You see?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:14 pm
by GrandpaMo
^ That doesn't imply I scumread Ahri though, just not a good enough reason to townread her.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:22 pm
by skitter30
i mean if i actively avoided answering you i would look scummy, no? and i would probably want to avoid that as scum

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:27 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 218, skitter30 wrote:i mean if i actively avoided answering you i would look scummy, no? and i would probably want to avoid that as scum

I am confused. Your sentence contradicts your next sentence. Is it (from your perspectve) scum to avoid that? If so, then that is literally what I said, hence why I gave you town pings for it.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:28 pm
by skitter30
i know - i'm saying that if i'm scum i would know that actively avoiding answering would look scummy, so i would go out of my way to answer, so it's not particularly alignment indicaative (AI) either way, since i'd respond either way

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:54 pm
by Andante
I fell so far behind, and I'm too tired to catch up right now, Hand's post at 147, I was trying to process it, but Hand's posts are just written in a way they take a lot out of me to try and comprehend what they're saying, I'll probably just end up ISOing Hand later

I do have 1 thing I want to say, I stopped reading at #147, so whatever happened between then and now, I have no clue. but the Ahri slot....

Ahri enters #99, starts talking about the flavor logistics, then quoted random lines going town/maf/pepega, then calls skitter and fizz maf then is just like "I was meme'ing" #137
- At this point I feel like Ahri made no genuine effort to catch up on the game. no feedback on Grandpa?? which 2 of us were voting?? I'm down with an ahri elim, only reason I'm not going to vote it right now is I need to catch up, so I'm confident in my SR.

#84 kinda had me thinking Grandpa might be town, the tone there strikes me as towny

sorry its been a long day, I'm trying here, I'll be able to catch up and stuff tomorrow morning, I'm only missing like 70 posts
VOTE: no one
I just wanna unvote for now, don't need anyone quick hammering again

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:56 pm
by Andante
lol just realized grandpa was up to 3 votes lmaoooo yeah I'm gonna catch up then figure out who's good to elim here, cause as of #147 I SR Ahri a lot more than grandpa

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:16 pm
by GeorgeBailey
Uh, sorry for the late entrance, real life is a thing sometimes.
In post 31, Fizz Raab wrote:I say give George a chance as he may live in a different time zone from us. I personally wouldn't vote for anyone on the first day.
I love this post and everything about this post. You are town.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:17 pm
by Ahri
In post 222, Andante wrote:lol just realized grandpa was up to 3 votes lmaoooo yeah I'm gonna catch up then figure out who's good to elim here, cause as of #147 I SR Ahri a lot more than grandpa
bad reads are bad