Page 11 of 71

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:33 am
by clidd
Ok, let's start the case:

Page 1
- Something that caught my attention was
's entry in posts and , considering that I don't think that comedic comments are necessarily healthy for the game's development, but as I have seen in other games, this is not, as a rule, an attitude that indicates alignmen (so ignoring).
Emperor flippyNips
also enters this ''sphere'' with posts ,, and . In contrast, Creative's engagement in post and Hectic's spontaneability in post are two positive points for this start.

Page 2
- Post from
is precipitate, considering the lack of content to support such a statement. Posts 37-40 have votes basically instinctive. Post from Hectic intends to mischaracterize the confident message of Creative, demoting it to the term ''Lamist''(scum point). Post 32 from
doesn't make sense when he employs the
''confrontational side''
to accuse
(scum point).

Page 3
- Post from
seems fine, I didn't see anything suggestive in the content. Post from
Luca Blight
common sense (townpoint). Post from
is scummy.

Page 4
- Post from Luca Blight is, again, common sense (townpoint).

Page 5
- Post from
Luca Blight
makes me put him as locktown. Post from
is interpretive. Post from AaronFrost is good (townpoint). Clash between
is not suggestive.

Page 6 - More clash.

Page 7 - Clash continues.

Page 8 - Insomnia is locktown.

Page 9 -
starting to seem less scummy.

Luca Blight

Indicative town
Aaron Frost
Emperor flippyNips

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:34 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 247, Emperor flippyNips wrote: i've stated about 2 maybe 3 people i think could be scum thats about it. doesnt mean im tr everyone else

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:35 am
by Emperor flippyNips

that was suppose to go after this

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:36 am
by clidd
The attention that Ame attracted does not appear to be meticulously planned. I believe there is, in fact, a human town with this playstyle.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:37 am
by clidd
And yes, I am extremely confident about this read.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:38 am
by insomnia
In post 250, clidd wrote:Page 2 - Post 27 from Insomnia is precipitate, considering the lack of content to support such a statement
My point was that he can't be scum with him because scum have a chat in which they talk so there's no way Wimpy would mix up Creative's name with Creature if they were partners, which is another player on this site. And I don't believe wimpy's that good of a player to orchestrate an anti-spew like that if scum.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:40 am
by clidd
Three scum are in the unsafe pool.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:41 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 248, insomnia wrote:I don't know what you want out of me, to expound on my reads?

I am a free flowing transparent spirit conveying each and every thought of mine that pops through my head, you should be able to deduce my reads throughout my organic progressions, that's like the only thing I'm good at and that's why I'm obvtown and that's why my reads are shit for the most part

cuz i focus on being town read more than actually resorting to any critical thinking lol

there are like 50 posts of mine, me going through them again just clutters the thread with useless talk, they're all there.

most of this is just words to me. the only thing i can get behind is what i have bolded

idt think you're obvtown tho i still have you in the null area

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:41 am
by clidd
In post 255, insomnia wrote:
In post 250, clidd wrote:Page 2 - Post 27 from Insomnia is precipitate, considering the lack of content to support such a statement
My point was that he can't be scum with him because scum have a chat in which they talk so there's no way Wimpy would mix up Creative's name with Creature if they were partners, which is another player on this site. And I don't believe wimpy's that good of a player to orchestrate an anti-spew like that if scum.
I see.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:42 am
by Wimpy
In post 232, Emperor flippyNips wrote:@wimpy– who are your scum reads?
already posted them. why aren't you reading?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:42 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 256, clidd wrote:Three scum are in the unsafe pool.

do you mean the unsure pile?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:42 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 259, Wimpy wrote:
In post 232, Emperor flippyNips wrote:@wimpy– who are your scum reads?
already posted them. why aren't you reading?

thought i did, must of missed it :shrug:

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:43 am
by clidd

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:43 am
by insomnia
In post 251, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 247, Emperor flippyNips wrote: i've stated about 2 maybe 3 people i think could be scum thats about it. doesnt mean im tr everyone else
I think you're misinterpreting my post, i said you are scum because of your progression on Ame and because, FOR ME, the active players are townier, so it's only normal i'd switch back.

whenever i have a lead, my scum read posts a townie post so i'm lingering in a limbo zone where i'm pressuring myself to solve and find scum

ame and aaron are quite town to me although both have weird posts, I just am not confident in any of them flipping scum and ame's point on you was good

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:45 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 123, Wimpy wrote:Insomnia, Luca, ame.

I’m fine with any of these. I’ll be tunneling ame though. That’s just a line I don’t think people should cross.

i'm assuming this

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:45 am
by clidd
I share the same thought, Insomnia.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:45 am
by insomnia
maybe i'll take a break from trying to look town and implement my solving as a means of getting town read instead

although feeling quite down atm so i'd much rather just sit on live interactions ngl

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:00 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 263, insomnia wrote:
the active players are townier, so it's only normal i'd switch back.

are you saying im less active then others thats why you switched to me?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:00 am
by Emperor flippyNips
on top of the other stuff

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:01 am
by insomnia
I'm saying that the active players are towns, so I shifted my focus on low posters that I also believe to lack a town agenda.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:02 am
by insomnia
the "switch back" comes from me previously expressing a scum read on you

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:03 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 243, insomnia wrote:yeah you're doubling down on it while not really commenting on anything is my point, just stating blank reads list
& i'm pretty sure i have been commenting on stuff & quoting post that don't feel right to me. so i hardcore disagree there.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:04 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 269, insomnia wrote:I'm saying that the active players are towns, so I shifted my focus on low posters that I also believe to lack a town agenda.
i'm one of the most active players in the game, even if you take out all the gifs

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:17 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 211, Ame wrote: My read list wasn't fully thought through. It was mainly an attempt to get some flow into the game because we seemed stuck. I didn't fully evaluate my own thoughts yet and was developing them in the moment. When Wimpy reacted the way he did, with phrases like "I'm going to make your life miserable," "you're dead to me," and "MFer" I was taken a back and a bit flustered. Sourly, it caused me to double down on my feelings, when I really should have abandoned them at that point. After sleep, that is obvious to me now.

I'll answer your other question in just a little bit Somni.

alright i did miss this part & i do like it, but i guess it could be ATE

still positive vibes

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:34 am
by Emperor flippyNips
idk i still feel the same. i thought i took a step back & it changed my perspective but then that feeling quickly went away