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Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:02 am
by insomnia
In post 884, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 805, nomnomnom wrote:Ank how do you feel about wagoning invis with me
In your iso at this point you have too little justification. Whilst you may have stated that you scumread him, you have little evidence he is scummy, and so to attempt to start a wagon without absolute certainty Invisibility is scum isn’t good.
In post 866, SausasaurusRex wrote:
In post 863, nomnomnom wrote:I have the impression Gjt is justifying something that could be summed up in a few words but instead tries to overjustify himself which is usually a scum trademark, but like... ergh
I disagree. It is always better to overjustify than underjustify, no matter which alignment you play. By “over justifying” you ensure that your logic is fully understood by everyone, which allows you to convince people to vote with you. It is beneficial for scum because it causes mislynch, and beneficial for town because the person you think is scum gets lynched.
Therefore, overjustification cannot indicate alignment.
In post 1052, SausasaurusRex wrote:VOTE: Nomnomnom
In my honest opinion, this is too little of a progression to signify that it's a scum progression. My impression of Rex is that he's a logical player and if he had TMI that Nom was his partner with, he most definitely wouldn't have placed a naked vote after having only 2 lines with nom that he knows he'll get scrutinised for.

Moreover, I think he would've felt the urging need to point something highly scum indicative before moving onto her. His logical personality doesn't line up with my mental map of how a logical-centred person would choose to bus here. He either completely ignores the slot, or buries it in evidence before placing a final vote.

If he was pre-planning a bus, then those posts absolutely suck from a scum!him perspective that wants to bus a team mate. Again, he was too calm and spoke to her as if she was town there / a person that he has no read on, it's virtually impossible for him not to feel some sort of pressure there to create some form of anti-spew or make a post that really incriminates her before placing a vote.

If he wanted to bus his scum bud, he would've buried her. I don't think Rex would've allowed himself to risk placing a naked vote on someone he has no engagement with for the whole time and then, knowing that he'll have to explain his switch, kill the person that could've defended him, going through the night.

It just makes no sense. You don't decide to bus a scum partner so openly without having anything to gain in return, and only to lose.

I'm probably never lynching Rex and neither should you, but you do you. This is not a wolf bussing a wolf or a wolf that knows his wolf partner is going to die so he falls under pressure somehow.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:05 am
by insomnia
Or he would've just focused on her for the entire time, which he didn't. He was pursuing his reads and trying to hunt scum and he was too nonchalant while doing it, whereas a scum would've been pressured to either suck it up or hard bus in that situation. Or even like ghost the thread.

He's a new player, there's no way a newb scum would play like that.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:00 am
by Looker
be back later

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:08 am
by Looker
Fuck it, my work can wait.
In post 2889, insomnia wrote:Looker, I'd love to work with you, let me know what requires my assistance
Lynch fuzzy.
In post 2778, Looker wrote:
In post 2701, Looker wrote:SCUM {TheFuzzylogic99 |
Pine | bob3141 | SausasaurusRex | insomnia | Invisibility/Titus | Flavor Leaf } TOWN
I don't want to abandon my guns and compromise with joges. If I'm wrong, I'm comfortable sheeping for the rest of the game (or getting lynched, I don't care). We just have to put more pressure on fuzzy.

pine (2)
~ bob3141, insomnia
invisibility (1)
~ flavor leaf
fuzzylogic99 (1)
insomnia (1)
~ thefuzzylogic99

not voting (4) ~ SausasaurusRex, pine, titus, invisibility

with 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:23 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
VOTE: Vizzy

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:42 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
@ Looker
Maybe i did not understand your alt question. It sounded like you were asking if me and Pine was the same player. Maybe i am just thick. Can you can explain what you were asking?

About Sausage .. i dont usaylly dint equate beibg MIA with being scummy however if a player is absent a lit and then post very little or nonesense post i get suspicious. Right now Rex is bordering on that . i going to give him a chance to post something of substance but he is starring to ping my scum meter . He definitely borsering on lurking

Btw lurking is not nessarily a scum tell but given other factor i can see me voting him

Can you tell me why i should vote Pine over say Vizzy or Insomnia who is very likely scum given the way the wagon went on day one and both were on the Ank wagon.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:44 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
sorry for the spelling errors. on my phone which hates my fat fingers.

I do not like vizzys post of late.Will post more later

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:44 am
by Titus
In post 2889, insomnia wrote:Yeah I'm like a little more confident in Invis scum and bob town now. Funny.

Looker, I'd love to work with you, let me know what requires my assistance
In post 2888, Titus wrote:
In post 2886, Flavor Leaf wrote:@Titus - Rex made that post, and i think it just pissed all of us off, and I don’t necessarily think that comes from scum in their position.
Really, what position is that? Coasting lurker scum with toxic Bob.

Bob is very different than the finished team mafia game we were in.
Is this saying Bob is scum or town, i don't really understand what you're trying to convey here.
Bob scum. He was much more civil in team mafia.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:47 am
by Titus
This is the best activity level you're getting from me. However, do you know what increases activity? Lynching lurking scum.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:49 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
Sorry also if i am getting players posts mixed up.As i said. Phone posting.
Will post better stuff once i get home and i can have more then one screen open at a time

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:49 am
by insomnia
How would you define different? What has he done there that he's not doing here?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:54 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
@ Titus
Why do you think he is scum and not just altering his town game? What
about his meta shout scum other than it is different?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:01 am
by insomnia
I’m not taking that as a reasoning for scum reading him, I think that’s misusing meta, it’s highly contextual. If you were to make a thorough analysis on why he would react like that and if it’s genuine frustration or scum faked anger then yes, but just saying he didn’t respond like this won’t do it. Maybe there wasn’t an instance where he would’ve been triggered or something idk.

He’s literally unlynchable anyway, been trying for 5 days I don’t have the energy to get town to actually vote him.

Good luck lynching him, he’s apparently the towniest despite not casting a vote / getting involved in day one wagons on a scum lynch.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:09 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
@ Insomnia
was asking Titus

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:10 am
by SausasaurusRex
In post 2911, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:@ Titus
Why do you think he is scum and not just altering his town game? What
about his meta shout scum other than it is different?
I also don’t like Invisible’s posts. His posts generally lack any form of insight, as if he either isn’t scumhunting (town!Invisibility) or already knows everyone’s alignment and therefore doesn’t need to scumhunt (scum!Invisibility). In addition, even if he does have a read, it is rare that he would explain why. This is beneficial for neither alignment:
Scum!Invisibility wants people to vote for town people. Therefore, it is in his advantage to provide arguments that make town look like scum, which require written logic. He fails to provide this.
Town!Invisibility wants people to vote for who he thinks is scum, as he believes that will get him closer to his win condition. Therefore, he provides logic on why his scumread is scum, as he needs people to vote with him, and logic is the best way to do this. He fails to provide this.

Therefore, Invisibility, no matter which alignment he is, is currently playing badly and needs to explain his reads and votes more than he has been.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:10 am
by insomnia
In post 2186, bob3141 wrote:then i hit my working week and then you repped in today.

VOTE: isomnia

i can only assume you knew where my vote was going and wanted to get ahead.

i can only assume again im to close for comfort
Like this is the closest thing to a scum claim and nobody gives a damn

This man is literally unlynchable for no reason

He literally has no reads on people that come from subjective analysis which result from questions, even though 3 quarters of his iso are asking questions. The reads he has are all based on meta despite early claiming that it’s hard to meta read someone if you don’t have at least 3 games or more.

And people don’t get the simple concept that scum already have the information so they just need to fake being interested and looking like they are contributing. How do they do that? Asking questions and not caring about answers.

How do you know that they don’t care about answers? They don’t follow on your comment at all, even for justification and they just jump elsewhere asking another question to someone else.

And they give meta reads that don’t require even a tiny bit of analysis from reading the game.

It’s literally impossible not to have some form of progression on someone that is rooted into something they say in thread and yet here he is.

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:12 am
by SausasaurusRex
In post 2915, insomnia wrote:
In post 2186, bob3141 wrote:then i hit my working week and then you repped in today.

VOTE: isomnia

i can only assume you knew where my vote was going and wanted to get ahead.

i can only assume again im to close for comfort
Like this is the closest thing to a scum claim and nobody gives a damn

This man is literally unlynchable for no reason

He literally has no reads on people that come from subjective analysis which result from questions, even though 3 quarters of his iso are asking questions. The reads he has are all based on meta despite early claiming that it’s hard to meta read someone if you don’t have at least 3 games or more.

And people don’t get the simple concept that scum already have the information so they just need to fake being interested and looking like they are contributing. How do they do that? Asking questions and not caring about answers.

How do you know that they don’t care about answers? They don’t follow on your comment at all, even for justification and they just jump elsewhere asking another question to someone else.

And they give meta reads that don’t require even a tiny bit of analysis from reading the game.

It’s literally impossible not to have some form of progression on someone that is rooted into something they say in thread and yet here he is.
Sorry, I’m a little confused what made that a scumclaim. Could you elaborate a little on it?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:12 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
@ Looker
can you explain why i am scum ....also why you have me as # 1 scum but voting Pine

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:26 am
by insomnia
Instead of him saying “You’re blatantly misrepping me” or just anything else

Instead he says “I could only assume you wanted to vote me and you beat me to the punch”

How is that ever a town thought lmfao. He said “I think Insomnia read the thread and saw dp scum reading me and so he jumped on it”

From his PoV why do I go against the grain of an ank lynch if she’s not my scum buddy and push a slot that’s highly town read? Why doesn’t bob think Ank is scum because of this?

It’s just not a thought a real town ever has, they focus on what’s in the thread and if anything he should’ve naturally concluded that I was saving my scum buddy ank by pushing him which he didn’t even think about lol. Not even having the thought is weird as all hell.

His previous AtE is literally made from the PoV of me being conftowned even though he said i’m scum

I just don’t get why you think he’s town, he’s literally done nothing :shrug:

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:27 am
by insomnia
How the fuck would I know where someone’s vote is going especially when they have mentioned nothing about my slot

That’s textbook scum 101 lol

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:31 am
by insomnia
I think we have 4 lynches, as long as you lynch in

Bob / pine / invisibility and i’ll consider a fourth

Then it should be auto. Lynching outside of that is a cardinal sin and doing mafia’s bidding for them

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:36 am
by insomnia
Those 3 slots are so controversial that any flip is good, we just need one more.

Gamestate’s fucked, none of those are saying anything at all and we’re staying here doing nothing productive

Lynch the people that aren’t town and don’t complicate / overthink it.

We’re always lynching in that pile anyway so we should all just flash wagon someone, get the informational flip and move on.

We’re wasting our time and apathy keeps on settling.

Scum aren’t posting cuz they locked themselves in a PoE that they know they can’t get out of.

This game’s hopeless for them, don’t give them hope just vote em off

Us not working together and solidifying our reads is really bad, everyone’s all over the place and being individualistic.

Please stop parking your votes and not say anything, just say something, anything. Engage someone, share reads etc etc

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:37 am
by insomnia
Looker and TFL you guys are both town please stop scum reading each other

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:42 am
by insomnia
I’m really invested because i love town and you guys are awesome

Let’s lynch some scum together and stop directing hate and suspicion towards one another

I want town to win and I want it to be a great atmosphere

Lofiu all stay safe flashwagon pine unless you want to solidify your read on anyone


Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:06 am
by bob3141
In post 2918, insomnia wrote:Instead of him saying “You’re blatantly misrepping me” or just anything else

Instead he says “I could only assume you wanted to vote me and you beat me to the punch”

How is that ever a town thought lmfao. He said “I think Insomnia read the thread and saw dp scum reading me and so he jumped on it”

From his PoV why do I go against the grain of an ank lynch if she’s not my scum buddy and push a slot that’s highly town read? Why doesn’t bob think Ank is scum because of this?

It’s just not a thought a real town ever has, they focus on what’s in the thread and if anything he should’ve naturally concluded that I was saving my scum buddy ank by pushing him which he didn’t even think about lol. Not even having the thought is weird as all hell.

His previous AtE is literally made from the PoV of me being conftowned even though he said i’m scum

I just don’t get why you think he’s town, he’s literally done nothing :shrug:

it happened last game. I started scum reading nick slot in the game that finished during this games day 2. He had repped in and immediately launched a push on me and because he got his vote in first. I was seen a omgusing and got stupidly scum read for unvoting his slot before he repped in.

What insomnia did felt earily familiar. It was teh exact same thing that a scum player did in my last game.

Basicly he is either scum preemptively pushing my slot by swing out of teh gate so he has monteum like nick. What pops tried to do in 2020 when i appeared to be joining the mentum of her lynch. She pushed on me before I finished deliberating on her. So that my vote woudl appear reactionary rather than the fact my questions had momentum.

And see he is even pushing the idea of why he cant be scum as why would he push a bob lynch when ank coudl be acheived. Ingnoring the fact that he would need mislynches he could push the next day. See how he only switched to ank after it looked liek he coudl get people to vote for me after as he would know an ank mislynch.

At first when i saw him saying he would look else where until end of day 2. my instincts were telling me that he could be town. Not strongly but enough of feelign to push him out of the bottom 2 scum reads. But as everyone can see he used that as opportunity to try and push the flase narrative that i saw him as confirmed town. rather than the clear reality that he was just hovering above my poe for day 2. Below 6 other players still alive