In post 3011, ffullisade wrote:I suppose if you want to twist "majiffy asked me to leave you alone so I did" into a "strategy" to not discuss things with you okay well then. I guess you were able to discern my supposed intent. where are you going to go with that?
I was actually just using your own answer, when you said that *was* your strategy - or are we now claiming I misunderstood when you said that?
In post 3011, ffullisade wrote:Wait...I *wasn't* voting you yesterday?
...since when?
Because according to the Mod I was, and according to my memory I was, and according to you complaining that I voted you yesterday I
your vote landed on os.
No...according to my memory, and the mod vote counts, my vote landed on Red Ryu...y'know, a scum player. And not on OS, whom i called town, and he was.
I also voted you.
So, now that we've proven that your read on me is based, at least partially, off two totally not true things...are you still scum reading me for this?
In post 3011, ffullisade wrote:this. so much of this. walk me through the process where sheeping someone whom you were suspicious of during the prior day and haven't given out a town read on should take precedence over your own strong scum read is a normal occurrence. cos I am just not seeing it.
Explain how it's pro-scum play?
Maybe I consider Cephir's push on Red Ryu to make him look more town in retrospect?
Maybe I'm curious to get a read on Haylen, a player I've admitted to having not read any of and who replaced into a rather blatant null/lurker slot?
Maybe I just want to start the push on a wagon to see what reactions I get to it.
Y'know, the usual *totally insane* things that no town would do, because it is so blatantly scummy play.
I'll at least admit your quick back off of at least this misrep attack on me is a nice moment - it's a shame it took you this long and you are still glomming onto so much of the rest, while not bothering to analyze for yourself the value of your read on me considering how you're clearly using wrong info, conclusions, and thoughts.
In post 3011, ffullisade wrote:no. and more no. but let us walk through the responses that you think you are reading and how they are completely different and therefore could not be congruent with each other.
Yes, and more yes (man, this is easy to counter with)
Here is the conversation as I understand it;
Thor: U iz dodgin' scum-gal!
Mollie: Dodgin' whut na0w?
Thor: Dodgin' mah queshtins!
Mollie: I am answered all ur kweshtins! Link to ones I not!
Thor: (giant honkin' wall of links)
Mollie: Oh...well...uh..y'see, I was *intentionally* not answerin'...cause...u scumz...wit scary mind powah and u eat me aliive in werd war!
Thor: ...den Y U say U answerin' if U *plannin' not answer? Why not just say 'I plannin' not answer!
Mollie: ...
Thor: That is a lie, only one be true, can't coexist.
Mollie: Nuh-uh!
Thor: Yes.
Mollie: Y no coexist?
And now we're here.
Here's the point - you have answered a lot of my questions with dodges. You have supplied a number of reasons for those dodges. Here's a quick list in (I believe) chronological order.
1. You were ignoring me.
2. Majiffy told you to back off of me.
3. You think you answered everything, but I should re-ask the ones you didn't answer...but you answered them all.
4. You were intentionally not answering me because that's some sort of anti-Thorscum strategy for you...even though it is a strategy you used as scum against town Thor in Audio mafia.
3 and 4 don't gel very well. If you were intentionally not answering me about stuff, why would you act confused and want links to questions I had asked you? After all - you *know* you haven't answered things. That's the ENTIRE POINT OF WHAT YOU WERE DOING. Like, that's the goal you were going for, to not answer things. So why act confused by me taking issue with you not answering things?
That suggests that either 3 or 4 is a lie.
If either of them are a lie then I think you're scum, because town you being honest about 4 wouldn't have said 3, and town you being honest about 3 wouldn't have tried to dodge again.
And that's the lie
And that's why they don't mesh together.
But, please, tell me what I'm missing here.
In post 3011, ffullisade wrote: what is bugging me and is making me really sticky with my fos on you is that you have replaced into a game for me before and know my responses don't always make sense to most people. that you are not town reading me is bothering me especially since it is based on weird reasoning; it is why I am not reading you as town.
So you're not reading me as town because I suspect you because you have bad logic...when I HAVE CAUGHT YOU AS SCUM BECAUSE OF YOUR BAD LOGIC IN THE PAST.
Yeah...tell me more.
Are you kidding me?
Remember Audio Mafia.
You are, functionally, committing the scumtell you're attributing to me now. Fake awareness of meta.
Except I actually have a reason not to take 'lack of logic' as a town tell from you.
And I also have a reason to take 'dodging and trying to avoid around things' as a scumtell from you.
What have you got?
In post 3011, ffullisade wrote:see this is where I wonder if you honestly think I am on the opposite scum team as you cos of the winky face. I am not scum and you will get no cred with our lynch if that is what you are angling for. cos we are town.
Yeah, me and my scumbuddies got you via PoE, soon the rest of town will sheep me and I'll be in the winner's circle for sure.