Team Mafia 2018: White Flag — Day Six

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Post Post #350 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:54 am

Post by EddieFenix »

In post 346, Postie wrote:VOTE: EddieFenix

Also can we take a moment to discuss the hot garbage that is EddieFenix's ISO
It's just a bunch of sitting back and saying things from the sidelines or am I missing something here
I'm taking a "slow and steady wins the game" approach. Attempting to form a town block with players whom I feel are town so that way we can start going thru PoE to find the scum team. While also attempting to make sure I flesh out reads and discuss with my team reads as the game crawls along. I feel I don't need to make a huge splash, just take a more methodical, diplomatic, and tactical approach to win for town. That's what you're missing in all honesty.
Llamarble wrote:Eddie isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking, so go for it.
Tchill is... too chill. I want to see more bite. I don't really get a feeling he's trying to win the game for town.
I'm toward the top of your town list, how is that "isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking"? TChill hitting your scum list I can understand why he would be scum in your reads. Also, LQ being in the null area, why?
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Post Post #351 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:16 am

Post by MathBlade »

Votecount 1.9

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan

Cogito Ergo Sum(3)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce, northsidegal
~ LicketyQuickety, Llamarble
~ Tchill13, Dunnstral
~ wgeurts, Cogito Ergo Sum
~ Gamma Emerald
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0):

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch.

Day 1 deadline is in (expired on 2018-02-04 21:00:00)
ScumBlade's eloquent performance left me utterly disoriented, debased, depraved and sent me spiraling into a horrific murky abyss with emotional turmoil and immense despair as my only companions until slowly I suffocate in my own gloom, surrounded by failure. I will never recover. -- Zachstralkita about Mini 1841
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Post Post #352 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:51 am

Post by Sauce »

In post 333, northsidegal wrote:also saving this votecount to come back to look at later – it's an interesting one:
In post 329, MathBlade wrote:
Votecount 1.8

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan

~ Tchill13, Dunnstral
~ Llamarble, wgeurts
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0):
Commodore disagrees. Upon request to render the vote history, it temporarily stopped apparently for no reason at the one right before.
Spoiler: 283 open vh 1.1 (7)
wgeurts:@ - l Postie l Sauce l
Postie:@- l northsidegal l Llamarble l ActionDan l
Llamarble:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum
northsidegal:@ - l Postie l
l Thestatusquo l Thestatusquo l
Marquis:@ - l
l Postie l
l Marquis l
wgeurts:@ - l Postie l
Thestatusquo:@ - l Lycanfire l
Gamma Emerald
Sauce:@ - l Thestatusquo l LicketyQuickety l
Tchill13:@ - l
LicketyQuickety:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum:@ - l
Dunnstral:@ - l Gamma Emerald l
Gamma Emerald:@ - l

Unvote: - l ActionDan l Gamma Emerald l
FOS: - l GE - TSQ l

post 283
Votecount 1.7

~ Dunnstral, Llamarble, wgeurts

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Tchill13
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0): l With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch.
Sit back. Don't chase it, this moment; don't waste it - aooh
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Drunknoodles: btw haven't read a single sauce postethauce: I usually start to, and then I realize
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Post Post #353 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:02 am

Post by Sauce »

In post 350, EddieFenix wrote:I feel I don't need to make a huge splash, just take a more methodical, diplomatic, and tactical approach to win for town
The safest way to assure town's victory, random lynching through and through, is too powerful and therefore against the rules. How did you reach the conclusion that the wording you used to characterize yourself townbloc-lobbying might persuade anyone of it being second best?
Sit back. Don't chase it, this moment; don't waste it - aooh
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Drunknoodles: btw haven't read a single sauce postethauce: I usually start to, and then I realize
I don't hate myself that much, so I stop.
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Post Post #354 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:34 am

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 305, ActionDan wrote:
In post 285, Gamma Emerald wrote:About 125, I felt the vote by Dunn was a bus so I was like "yeah there was bussing, so what". As for LQ's post, I guess that's a reasonable expectation, but there's also the fact that it was a common thread in the post, so I kinda didn't think anything was up with that one in particular.
As for the sauce read, I hadn't really seen much of him yet in that first post. By the time I posted 231 I had gotten to see what he was like more.
Why are you getting a townread from TSQ in the 1v1?
If you didn't think there was something funky with LQ's assessment of Dunn's vote you would not have called him out on it, despite it sharing a similar structure to his assessments on Llmarble's and Postie's votes.

Can you explain how the additional posts of Sauce in-between 105 and 231 drastically changed your view of him as a contender for your vote into someone that someone else might townread?

I see honest scum hunting from TSQ in posts 254 and 265. It's actually good he missed your unvote, as I think I wouldn't have as clear a picture as I do now than if he hadn't.
So what you're saying is the fact I picked it out means I should have noticed what you thought I should? I guess that's fair, but I guess I was just in tunnel vision.
As for Sauce, I feel like it's a general thing about the way he posts. Another person I feel is one of those "annoying but readable" types is Ramcius.
wrt TSQ, Are you saying the missing of the unvote was towny or that it helped you sort him?

Also Dunn I kinda want to know why you're voting Postie, which is kinda a faded wagon, over me, who has been more contentious currently.
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Post Post #355 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:43 am

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 306, northsidegal wrote:
In post 272, Gamma Emerald wrote: Also some questions from the aforementioned teammate: why didn't you believe nsg's self-meta, and why did you write Marquis off as null?
In post 273, Thestatusquo wrote:I dont believe anyones self meta, especially when its presented in as an attempt to answer an attack on them.
i'd like to say again that i haven't done any self-meta this game, nor was the comment tsq is interpreting as self-meta an attempt to answer an attack on me – it was a defense of postie and a statement to llamarble that i didn't think his tells made any sense. the "if i were scum" was meant as a turn of phrase as to what i think scum would be more likely to do moreso than a comment relating to myself.
You mentioned you would have lurked as scum, that's self-meta friendo
In post 306, northsidegal wrote:
In post 272, Gamma Emerald wrote: Also some questions from the aforementioned teammate: why didn't you believe nsg's self-meta, and why did you write Marquis off as null?
In post 273, Thestatusquo wrote:I dont believe anyones self meta, especially when its presented in as an attempt to answer an attack on them.
i'd like to say again that i haven't done any self-meta this game, nor was the comment tsq is interpreting as self-meta an attempt to answer an attack on me – it was a defense of postie and a statement to llamarble that i didn't think his tells made any sense. the "if i were scum" was meant as a turn of phrase as to what i think scum would be more likely to do moreso than a comment relating to myself.
You mentioned you would have lurked as scum, that's self-meta friendo
In post 311, Tchill13 wrote:
In post 304, LicketyQuickety wrote:
In post 303, Dunnstral wrote:VOTE: Postie

I think she deserves votes. the way she's stepping back and referencing her teammates just feels scum driven to me
Completely disagree. Your vote should be on GE, not Postie.
Why GE? Postie feels like they're too worried about the wording of their post.
Actually I agree I'm a more current wagon than Postie, so it makes more sense to vote me
In post 333, northsidegal wrote:
In post 310, ActionDan wrote:
In post 307, northsidegal wrote:also, i'm pretty much of the opposite opinion to dan when it comes to the tsq/gamma interaction – i think gamma's suspicion on dunn is very easily explained by a confusion of the order of events when it comes to dunn's vote vs the rest of the marquis wagon whereas i think tsq's push there feels opportunistic. mathdino agrees with me here, and he thinks the same "predatory" or "gotcha fishing"-style was visible in tsq's posts to me.
I agree that Gamma probably thought Dunn's vote on Marquis came in the middle of the wagon or at least not the first vote (although I wouldn't say that suspicion on Dunn for this is completely warranted per se), but I disagree with you and Dino that TSQ was predatory at any point.

Do you (or MathDino if he's following along) have thoughts about my 282 which is largely outside TSQ/Gamma interactions?
you'll have to let me know if i'm misunderstanding your point here, but i just don't think the inconsistencies you've pointed out are strongly scum-indicative. gamma's posts have been pinging me so far as more "disorganized" than "scum". it's not a hard townread, i just don't get any scum feelings from his posting as of yet. mathdino townreads gamma for – he says that that kind of twisty, kind of weird logic more often comes from town than from scum.
In post 312, Thestatusquo wrote:
In post 307, northsidegal wrote:also, i'm pretty much of the opposite opinion to dan when it comes to the tsq/gamma interaction – i think gamma's suspicion on dunn is very easily explained by a confusion of the order of events when it comes to dunn's vote vs the rest of the marquis wagon whereas i think tsq's push there feels opportunistic. mathdino agrees with me here, and he thinks the same "predatory" or "gotcha fishing"-style was visible in tsq's posts to me.
I had included him in my list of people I was planning on pushing on before that and that is not the only reason for me voting him. dig deeper here. my issue is not that the vote can't be explained, but rather that the vote needs to be explained, because he was still pushing it as the only thing in the game that he was actively pushing on. the fact that hes still talking about a naked rvs vote when there is 10+ pages of content to dig into as his most interested in the game and most active sorting attempt is what I am scum reading, not the fact that he was wrong about it. (although that certainly doesn't help the point.) I think this is abundantly clear from my posts.
not really going to go into a defense of gamma here, just going to say that i understand a bit more where your push is coming from now. if you're wondering why i asked you if you're still scumreading me, it's because the way you're talking to me in this post is very different than how you were talking to me earlier in the game and also to how i've noticed you talk to people you're pushing on / scumreading – if you had said that you were still scumreading you i would have taken this post as scum without genuine reads trying to convince someone on a push.

also saving this votecount to come back to look at later – it's an interesting one:
In post 329, MathBlade wrote:
Votecount 1.8

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan

~ Tchill13, Dunnstral
~ Llamarble, wgeurts
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0):

VOTE: cogito ergo sum
Why did you vote CES? I don't see anything here.
In post 352, Sauce wrote:
In post 333, northsidegal wrote:also saving this votecount to come back to look at later – it's an interesting one:
In post 329, MathBlade wrote:
Votecount 1.8

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan

~ Tchill13, Dunnstral
~ Llamarble, wgeurts
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0):
Commodore disagrees. Upon request to render the vote history, it temporarily stopped apparently for no reason at the one right before.
Spoiler: 283 open vh 1.1 (7)
wgeurts:@ - l Postie l Sauce l
Postie:@- l northsidegal l Llamarble l ActionDan l
Llamarble:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum
northsidegal:@ - l Postie l
l Thestatusquo l Thestatusquo l
Marquis:@ - l
l Postie l
l Marquis l
wgeurts:@ - l Postie l
Thestatusquo:@ - l Lycanfire l
Gamma Emerald
Sauce:@ - l Thestatusquo l LicketyQuickety l
Tchill13:@ - l
LicketyQuickety:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum:@ - l
Dunnstral:@ - l Gamma Emerald l
Gamma Emerald:@ - l

Unvote: - l ActionDan l Gamma Emerald l
FOS: - l GE - TSQ l

post 283
Votecount 1.7

~ Dunnstral, Llamarble, wgeurts

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Tchill13
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0): l With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch.
lol u count FOSes in your VCs?

Also I'm gonna dive that EddieFenix ISO, because that might be valid, plus I think I recall him being a fairly decent player in Night and Day
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Post Post #356 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:49 am

Post by Llamarble »

In post 350, EddieFenix wrote:
In post 346, Postie wrote:VOTE: EddieFenix

Also can we take a moment to discuss the hot garbage that is EddieFenix's ISO
It's just a bunch of sitting back and saying things from the sidelines or am I missing something here
I'm taking a "slow and steady wins the game" approach. Attempting to form a town block with players whom I feel are town so that way we can start going thru PoE to find the scum team. While also attempting to make sure I flesh out reads and discuss with my team reads as the game crawls along. I feel I don't need to make a huge splash, just take a more methodical, diplomatic, and tactical approach to win for town. That's what you're missing in all honesty.
Llamarble wrote:Eddie isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking, so go for it.
Tchill is... too chill. I want to see more bite. I don't really get a feeling he's trying to win the game for town.
I'm toward the top of your town list, how is that "isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking"? TChill hitting your scum list I can understand why he would be scum in your reads. Also, LQ being in the null area, why?
Well, I had you as probably town, so I was thinking you wouldn't be a good vote.
Then the surprisingly solid case of your ISO was made against you.
In post 337, EddieFenix wrote:
In post 299, Llamarble wrote:I'm taking this a lot slower now Eddie, starting from the beginning. I'll get back to LQ eventually.
It takes me a lot of effort to get good reads and I'm going to put that effort in instead of just hoping that everything will magically become clear to me because I am Llamarble.
Good to see you're taking a step back to think on things.

NSG vs LQ is TvT to me. I'd like at least a 6 person town block (the 3 that are on there + LQ, Marble, and NSG if they would be so kind to join us) to turn up the heat on that GE wagon, please and thank you.
Like, what do scum want to do here, in this game where they have to survive 19 days but the odds one of them dies early aren't very high? They want to be in the town block. You want 6 people in the town block, enough to give it a very high probability of containing scum, and you're trying to organize it to make sure you're in it yourself. I feel it's premature to put :anyone: in a town block right now, possible exception of NSG but even her stuff isn't that hard to imitate as scum. I also know you like playing scum, even if it hasn't gone well for you recently. Whoever has Chesskid on their team, ask him if EddieFenix has failed this city too.

This game hasn't had enough drama yet for people to legitimately town it up. I'm thinking I might abandon my zennier take it slow read it well in favor of blowing more things up, I think this game needs that.

Realistically, there are 3 scum out of 15 players. Our odds of hitting D1 aren't particularly good. On the bright side scum have low lynch influence. If this game gets to D3 and we haven't hit scum on D1 or D2, just remember, town is FINE. Morale, continuing to try and win the game as town and not getting disengaged because the first attempts don't work out, will be really important if it gets to that.
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Post Post #357 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 7:46 am

Post by Sauce »

Spoiler: 283 open vh 1.1 (7)
wgeurts:@ - l Postie l Sauce l Postie l
Postie:@- l northsidegal l Llamarble l ActionDan l
Llamarble:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum
northsidegal:@ - l Postie l
l Thestatusquo l Thestatusquo l
Marquis:@ - l
l Postie l
l Gamma Emerald l
Thestatusquo:@ - l Lycanfire l
Gamma Emerald
Sauce:@ - l Thestatusquo l LicketyQuickety l
Tchill13:@ - l
LicketyQuickety:@ - l
Cogito Ergo Sum:@ - l
Dunnstral:@ - l Gamma Emerald l
Gamma Emerald:@ - l

Unvote: - l ActionDan l Gamma Emerald l
FOS: - l GE - TSQ l

post 283
Votecount 1.7

~ Dunnstral, Llamarble, wgeurts

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan
~ northsidegal, Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum(2)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce
~ Gamma Emerald
~ LicketyQuickety
~ Tchill13
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0): l With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch.

.. only a glitch, which believe it or not is a good thing. We never want to use the 1.00 major release as it would immediately calculate its way to world domination in a matter of seconds, seal that destiny in a matter of minutes and let it unfold throughout the course of anywhere from a decade to millennia.
This version is from a parallel universe where the ai matrix training was sabotaged in time to prevent its completion, and where I died an aborted fetus.
If it didn't glitch out sporadically we should be worried, albeit there's no telling it didn't auto-update itself long ago with the glitches pacifying us on our way to certain doom.
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Drunknoodles: btw haven't read a single sauce postethauce: I usually start to, and then I realize
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Post Post #358 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:44 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

This game is kinda stagnant, which makes me even happier thinking there is at least one scum in the majorish wagons. It makes sense with the setup.
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Post Post #359 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:18 am

Post by LicketyQuickety »

VOTE: marquis
I was anything worse than you! Anything worse than you was I!

You was doided teh aposit_tisopa het dedoid saw em.
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Post Post #360 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:23 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

gamma why are you still voting me? Do you actually think I'm scum? If you're town I want to see actual scum hunting from you if you want me to unvote.
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Post Post #361 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:28 am

Post by MathBlade »

Votecount 1.10

~ wgeurts, Cogito Ergo Sum, LicketyQuickety

Gamma Emerald(3)
~ Thestatusquo, EddieFenix, ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum(3)
~ Lycanfire, Sauce, northsidegal
~ Tchill13, Dunnstral
~ Gamma Emerald
~ Llamarble
~ Marquis
~ Postie

Not Voting (0):

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch.

Day 1 deadline is in (expired on 2018-02-04 21:00:00)
ScumBlade's eloquent performance left me utterly disoriented, debased, depraved and sent me spiraling into a horrific murky abyss with emotional turmoil and immense despair as my only companions until slowly I suffocate in my own gloom, surrounded by failure. I will never recover. -- Zachstralkita about Mini 1841
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Post Post #362 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:36 am

Post by Llamarble »

VOTE: Marquis
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Post Post #363 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:40 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

Marquis is actually just in danger of being straight up replaced.
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Post Post #364 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:41 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

And I'd rather not pressure someone who is not even here to be pressured. I'd rather vote gamma or tchill.
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Post Post #365 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:46 am

Post by EddieFenix »

In post 353, Sauce wrote:
In post 350, EddieFenix wrote:I feel I don't need to make a huge splash, just take a more methodical, diplomatic, and tactical approach to win for town
The safest way to assure town's victory, random lynching through and through, is too powerful and therefore against the rules.
I'm sorry, can I get that response in English, please?! Cause going thru at least a PoE and grouping town together
How did you reach the conclusion that the wording you used to characterize yourself townbloc-lobbying might persuade anyone of it being second best?
What sort of moon logic are you on with my wording? Is building a town block
to you? I'd love to hit the mark and just keep on chugging along to lead to victory, because yo, I want those Town MVP points if a tiebreaker is a make or break for being the top team.
In post 356, Llamarble wrote:
In post 350, EddieFenix wrote:
In post 346, Postie wrote:VOTE: EddieFenix

Also can we take a moment to discuss the hot garbage that is EddieFenix's ISO
It's just a bunch of sitting back and saying things from the sidelines or am I missing something here
I'm taking a "slow and steady wins the game" approach. Attempting to form a town block with players whom I feel are town so that way we can start going thru PoE to find the scum team. While also attempting to make sure I flesh out reads and discuss with my team reads as the game crawls along. I feel I don't need to make a huge splash, just take a more methodical, diplomatic, and tactical approach to win for town. That's what you're missing in all honesty.
Llamarble wrote:Eddie isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking, so go for it.
Tchill is... too chill. I want to see more bite. I don't really get a feeling he's trying to win the game for town.
I'm toward the top of your town list, how is that "isn't as bad of a vote as I was thinking"? TChill hitting your scum list I can understand why he would be scum in your reads. Also, LQ being in the null area, why?
Well, I had you as probably town, so I was thinking you wouldn't be a good vote.
Then the surprisingly solid case of your ISO was made against you.
I wouldn't call Postie's case solid by any sense, just pointing out something that even my team captain pointed out to me. It's easy to see and read, but I have a deeper thought process going on throughout all of this.
In post 337, EddieFenix wrote:
In post 299, Llamarble wrote:I'm taking this a lot slower now Eddie, starting from the beginning. I'll get back to LQ eventually.
It takes me a lot of effort to get good reads and I'm going to put that effort in instead of just hoping that everything will magically become clear to me because I am Llamarble.
Good to see you're taking a step back to think on things.

NSG vs LQ is TvT to me. I'd like at least a 6 person town block (the 3 that are on there + LQ, Marble, and NSG if they would be so kind to join us) to turn up the heat on that GE wagon, please and thank you.
Like, what do scum want to do here, in this game where they have to survive 19 days but the odds one of them dies early aren't very high? They want to be in the town block. You want 6 people in the town block, enough to give it a very high probability of containing scum, and you're trying to organize it to make sure you're in it yourself. I feel it's premature to put :anyone: in a town block right now, possible exception of NSG but even her stuff isn't that hard to imitate as scum. I also know you like playing scum, even if it hasn't gone well for you recently. Whoever has Chesskid on their team, ask him if EddieFenix has failed this city too.

This game hasn't had enough drama yet for people to legitimately town it up. I'm thinking I might abandon my zennier take it slow read it well in favor of blowing more things up, I think this game needs that.

Realistically, there are 3 scum out of 15 players. Our odds of hitting D1 aren't particularly good. On the bright side scum have low lynch influence. If this game gets to D3 and we haven't hit scum on D1 or D2, just remember, town is FINE. Morale, continuing to try and win the game as town and not getting disengaged because the first attempts don't work out, will be really important if it gets to that.
Odds of us hitting scum aren't very high on day 1 obviously. But, I'd love to hit one and start the ball rolling. The formation of my town block comes from my personal strongest town reads so far, which includes you because I can see you're being a town player trying to figure shit out. In that same vein, you have yourself at the top of your reads list, just like everyone else who is going to try and blend in. This isn't rocket science, Marble. I'm leaving the potentially scummy players in my eyes to the wind and trying to get 6 players together, not even the majority for that matter, to HUNT and cook up pressure. LQ questioned why I would want you on the block, and it even made me take a step back and question my read on you and your place on the block. I still have you as town.

You -feel- it's hard to form a town block because of there being scum in it, but for me, I don't feel it being hard to start a block with a small pool and then we start going from there. Do I want myself to spearhead it? Duh. MVP points to break tie breakers. Yes, I like to play scum admittedly. We've played together and you know how my mindset works for that matter. However, if you're gonna drag Chesskid of all people into this, I'll personally point him to my team captain and tell him that he better think twice before he even remotely feels the need to pass his judgment. I've seen his judgment and it reeks a lot of the time.

@Sauce, english mate. Gonna need English.
Thestatusquo wrote:This game is kinda stagnant, which makes me even happier thinking there is at least one scum in the majorish wagons. It makes sense with the setup.
It does. However, Tchill is still on Postie and that player (Tchill) REEKS of scum imo.
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Post Post #366 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:51 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

Like ffs, we have now 15 pages of hard interaction to go off of I don't understand how you guys think the most fruitful course of action is to jump on the guy who is not even here.

Mike, what do you think of my attacks on gamma emerald? More to the point, what do you think of ADs case and NSGs response to it? What are your positions on these slots?

LQ, same question.
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Post Post #367 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:51 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

I refuse to fucking settle for the lurker lynch when we have people who are actually scummy to vote out today.
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Post Post #368 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:15 am

Post by Cogito Ergo Sum »

In post 363, Thestatusquo wrote:Marquis is actually just in danger of being straight up replaced.
That wouldn't be the first time that's happened to a lurkerscum I was wagonning. (It could reasonably be the last time but that's neither here nor there.)

is scummy
and I'm certainly not going to let the fact that he's lurking work to his defense. Scum do it and they do it often. Because it works.
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Post Post #369 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:19 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

In post 368, Cogito Ergo Sum wrote:
In post 363, Thestatusquo wrote:Marquis is actually just in danger of being straight up replaced.
That wouldn't be the first time that's happened to a lurkerscum I was wagonning. (It could reasonably be the last time but that's neither here nor there.)

is scummy
and I'm certainly not going to let the fact that he's lurking work to his defense. Scum do it and they do it often. Because it works.
Why? You have asserted that he is scummy and given no reasons for it. You have vote parked him the whole game and done nothing to find out anything else. You don't seem to care about anything else? Your only other significant vote this game was on llamarble, someone who has been basically on and off voting marquis the whole game.

also why don't you turn that lurk looker inward. You have like 2.5 posts this game.
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Post Post #370 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:30 am

Post by EddieFenix »

TSQ, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Good on you for attacking, but we're in day 3 of a 14 day process. There's still a lot of time for vote swings to happen in mafia.
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Post Post #371 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:34 am

Post by Thestatusquo »

I am aware of that, but the votes of llamarble and LQ just feel lazy there, for lack of a better word. I just don't understand how they could read what's happened in the last day and think "huh, the best thing to do here is to vote the lurker with no explanation"
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Post Post #372 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:41 am

Post by EddieFenix »

I get that and it irks me as well. It also irks me that Marble dodged my question about LQ.
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Post Post #373 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:53 am

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 360, Thestatusquo wrote:gamma why are you still voting me? Do you actually think I'm scum? If you're town I want to see actual scum hunting from you if you want me to unvote.
I was planning on doing a review of EF's ISO, now's as good a time as any
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Post Post #374 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:29 pm

Post by ActionDan »

In post 354, Gamma Emerald wrote: As for Sauce, I feel like it's a general thing about the way he posts. Another person I feel is one of those "annoying but readable" types is Ramcius.
wrt TSQ, Are you saying the missing of the unvote was towny or that it helped you sort him?
Sauce's non-content noise is not readable to me, or really, any sane person I'd wager. There are very tiny bits of content here and there, and 100 and 101 are examples which you made a concrete statement about in 105. I still don't see how you go from that to offering a hypothetical scenario wherein someone could read his
as town (which is no where near anything close to what Ramicus might post). Is Sauce still a contender for your vote?

wrt TSQ, it's the latter, that his miss helped me read him based on the context that he thought your vote was still on Dunnstral when it wasn't (not that missing it was towny)


I've been going through a couple of isos.

Lycan, in your 225, do you not think your conclusion that CES is opportunistic scum jumping on Llmarble is example of what you described as "feely bullshit" since it seems to me you don't have a reasonable basis to conclude either that Llmarble talked himself up to rile up scum or that CES voted him in reaction to it as CES hardly gave much of a reason for his Llmarble vote in the first place.

Why do you think the first part of 214 is scummy?

CES which posts of Marquis' do you think are scummy and why was Llmarble a better vote at the time of post 68?

Dunnstral, you have said Postie "leans back" when referencing her teammates opinions, but I neither see it as a crutch nor do I see any opinion of hers being deferred to her teammate's separate opinions (they seem to share many). Similarly, why if someone like RC is taking a large amount of interest in this game, would it be scummy to utilize and showcase his opinion?

To which Postie post are you referring to in 311, Tchill?

In 77 what relevance is there in Llmarble's or NSG's opinions on Marquis in relation to your own Wgeurts?


Gun to my head, Tchill/Marquis/Wgeurts would be just above the null line into town but I need to more posts to get a better determination

I agree with NSG's assessment of CES in that his contributions thus far aren't anything to write home about but I think in time I'll get a better feel for him.

Very much not impressed with any of Sauce/Lycan/Dunnstral and furthermore would put them a peg further down the sliding scum scale than CES.

GE is still in the doghouse but I'm not sure where I'll be later.

In large part I need a good amount more of posts from everyone that I've named here. Anyone I haven't is to various degrees a townread and that won't be changing anytime soon.

Also Llmarble, I asked chess to look into EddieFenix but he's wrapped up in his own game atm. That said I highly doubt you'll get a different answer from mine wherein this version looks very different from his previous scum incarnations.
I'll give you a moment to let that sink in