Jean Valjean: MeMe
You are an ex-convict, who has been hiding with some success as a well-to-do man for the past ten years. You are a good man at heart, and have but one love, that of your adopted daughter Cosette. You also have a remarkable presence around the town, as you are well known as a powerful and kind man.
You can use your influence to add an additional (anonymous) vote on any player once at any point during the game. When you want to use this ability, PM me and I will add on the extra vote. You win if the only people alive at the end are good guys.
Note: If Cosette dies, Valjean will become a possible member of the ABC Café.
Investigation: You recognize MeMe as a violent, very powerful, evil criminal. You know she’s broken the law many times in the past, and has evaded you for a long time. You know it’s a bad idea to let her stay free. (Guilty)
Marius Pontmercy: vikingfan
You are a simple student, recently inducted into the ABC Café revolutionaries by the leader, Enjolras (Changling Bob). However, in the last week you have found yourself torn – you have fallen in love with Cosette, the daughter of a rich man, and you find it difficult to live without her.
As a member of the ABC Café, you may communicate at night with Enjolras. You must also either search for Cosette each night or ask your friend Eponine to search for her for you. PM me with your choice of who to investigate, and whether you or Eponine investigates. You will receive more instructions when you find Cosette… No matter what, you win if the only people left alive are good guys.
Notes: If Cosette is targeted for any night action on the night that she is found, the action happens to the person investigating instead. Also, if Marius investigates one of Thenardier’s gang, there is a 25% chance he will be caught and will be killed for snooping around (in which case they will not make a nightkill); if Eponine investigates, there is a 50% chance she will be caught, in which case she will run away from the Thenardiers and no longer be able to prevent their kills.
When Cosette is found, Marius receives this PM:
You have found your love (LoudmouthLee)! From now on, you share in Cosette’s protection from night actions as you sit and talk in her yard; however, you must follow Cosette’s voting if she votes before you.
Marius's protection only begins the night after he finds Cosette. However, should Cosette die after he’s found her, Marius will kill himself from grief.
Investigations: (Pre-revolution): Vikingfan seems to be a fundamentally innocent man, although you notice that he’s spending a lot of time with shady characters. (Innocent)
(Post-revolution): Vikingfan spends a lot of his time with very unlawful people… but as far as you can tell he’s a good man. (Innocent)
Enjolras: Changling Bob
You are the leader of the revolutionaries of the ABC Café, and as such may talk at night with your most recent, and most fervent, induction, Marius (Vikingfan). You may also choose to either try to induct people into the ABC Café each night, or organise the revolutionary’s activities. PM me with your choice each night. You win if the only people left alive are good guys. But beware! You know it’s possible that spies might infiltrate the Café; the only person you can truly trust is Marius.
Notes: Eponine and Grantaire are the only characters who can be inducted into the ABC Café. However, no matter who Enjolras chooses to induct, they will find out Enjolras’s role.
If Enjolras chooses to organise revolutionary activities, the masons will all require one additional vote to lynch the next day (representing the support of the people of Paris), but he will turn from innocent to guilty in the eyes of Javert.
Investigations: (Pre-revolution): Although you aren’t aware of any crimes Changling Bob has committed, you have heard of some shady dealings with enemies of the authorities. Perhaps it would be worth keeping an eye on him? (Innocent)
(Post-revolution): Changling Bob is a vicious man – leading a band of ragtag, ill-advised men against the Government. He’s too dangerous to suffer to walk free. (Guilty)
Javert: LordKrishna
You are the stern police officer of Paris. You consider anyone guilty of any crime to be a member of the worst caste on Earth, and everyone else beyond reproach. Each night, you may choose to investigate any person. Whenever you do, you find out any crimes they may have committed*, and if they are guilty of a crime in your eyes you will arrest them. You win when everyone guilty is either dead or in jail.
Notes: Marius and Cosette count as innocent in Javert’s eyes, as is Enjolras (before he organises revolutionary activities) and Grantaire (before he is inducted into the ABC Café). Everyone else is a bad guy. Note that this means Javert’s role is somewhere between that of a serial killer and a cop, and should be quite interesting… Also, the arrest is NOT automatic – LK has to actively PM me to make the arrest.
*Regarding investigation results, in all cases I wrote up a fairly descriptive result, which would make it reasonably clear if LK is OK to arrest the person or not. However, the flavour of the investigation result was supposed to give LK slight hints as to who the person could be. In Madame Thenardier’s case, I couldn’t find any indication that Javert knew of her direct involvement in a crime, but did know about her marriage to Thenardier (a known criminal) and the fact that she knew the various scum her husband worked with. Admittedly, that one result was deliberately written to be confusing.
Thenardier: Emptyger
You are a vile man, a rogue, and for a long time a vicious criminal. You want nothing more than to rob the innocent and survive, and neither does anyone else in your clan. Each night, you may talk with your wife, (Gootentag), and decide on someone to rob – inform me of your choice by PM. Your is the final decision, not your wife’s. You don’t mind getting a little violent in the crime if needs be, and it seems to quite a lot… You win if you’re still alive at the end of the game. Thenardier and his wife make up the Mafia.
Investigation: Emptyger is an evil man – from abandoning the army, to looting, petty thievery and many more crimes. You’d feel more than happy arresting him. (Guilty)
Cosette: LoudmouthLee
You are simply an innocent young lady, living in relative seclusion, and yearning for your new love to find you. Unfortunately, your life is so secluded you can do nothing apart from simply wait in your garden for him to arrive. Thankfully, the large gates and walls offer significant protection. You are immune to any night-kill attempts. You win if the only people left alive are good guys.
Notes: If Marius finds Cosette, then she gets the following PM:
Your love, Marius Pontmercy, has found you! You invite him into the yard to talk every night, and you find you agree with him so absolutely, that if he should vote before you in the day you must follow his example and vote for the same person.
However, should Marius die after he’s found her, Cosette will kill herself out of grief.
Investigation: Loudmouth Lee is perfectly innocent.
Eponine: Mr Stoofer
You are an unfortunate soul, in that you were brought up under the cruel hand of the Thenardiers. You ran away from them recently, and now can do nothing other than wander the streets alone. You are hopelessly, hopelessly in love with your best friend, Marius, but alas! He is oblivious to the fact. However, he does respect you and like you a lot, so despite the pain you remain his friend… although you couldn’t walk away if you tried. You also harbour a deep resentment of your parents, as well as a lasting distrust of the authorities. As such, if you find either of these groups doing anything in your wanderings at night, you will do your utmost to distract them from their task.
At night, PM me with the name of a person you want to hang around that night. You will distract any thugs who visit that person, as you don’t want the person hurt. You’ll also distract the authorities, more out of habit from your time as lookout for your father’s gang than anything else.
Investigation: You know that, in the past, Mr Stoofer has fallen from splendour to sin. That said, you can’t see anything specific wrong that he has done, although you know he’s acted as lookout for criminal activities in the past. However, that's enough for you to feel good putting him behind bars. (Guilty)
Mme Thenardier: Gootentag
You are the wife of the old rogue, Thenardier (Emptyger). Each night, you may talk with him regarding who you should rob to survive another day – unfortunately, robbing people often involves brutally beating them as they resist, but eh, you don’t care. He will make the final decision, but you’re still significant in the process. You win if you are alive at the end of the game.
Notes: Mme. Thenardier is the other Mafia member.
Investigation: You can't pinpoint anything specific from Gootentag, but you know he's been in contact with a variety of shady figures from the underground. You feel that he's just about dodgy enough to arrest... but you aren't certain that it's a good idea. (Guilty)
Grantaire: Seol
You are a drunkard student, and hugely cynical. You win if the townies win.
Notes: If Enjolras tries to recruit Grantaire, he will join the ABC Café and become a Mason. He will then become a criminal to Javert if and when Enjolras does.
Investigations: (Pre-induction): Although Seol is hardly a productive member of society, he’s also harmless to society.
(Post-induction, pre-revolution): Seol seems to be harmless, but you can see how he’s hanging around with the wrong sort of late… perhaps you should keep an eye on him, just in case.
(Post-induction, post-revolution): Seol has been spending a lot of time around highly dangerous men, and seems to support them in their evil ways! You know he’s taken part in attacks on the authorities, and so feel more than comfortable ridding the streets of his presence.
Night activities
Vikingfan (Marius, searcher):
N1: Seol
N2: LoudMouthLee
N3: ---
Mr Stoofer (Eponine, Doc):
N1: MeMe
N2: MeMe
N3: MeMe
Changling_Bob (Enjolras, Mason recruiter):
N1: None
N2: None
N3: ---
LordKrishna (Javert, Cop / SK):
N1: Loudmouth Lee (No arrest)
N2: Gootentag (No arrest)
N3: Mr. Stoofer (No arrest)
Emptyger / Gootentag (Thenardiers, Mafia):
N1: Seol
N2: vikingfan
N3: Mr. Stoofer
Interestingly, since MeMe never used her ability (She PM'd me asking if the deadline still held, and said if not, she would almost certainly use her ability - but before I could reply to let her know it didn't, Emp was lynched), it got to a situation in day 3 where MeMe could only win if there was a no lynch, and Goot and LK could only win by lynching one another.
Good game, all! I'm gonna go sign up to mod another - I have a particularly evil idea up my sleeve...