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Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:06 am
by Datisi
In post 371, Irrelephant11 wrote:
In post 32, Datisi wrote:hi irrel!!
why did you call me Irrel?
because typing out long names is a pain and i think i've seen someone somewhere shorten your name to "irrel" and it just sounded nice
In post 373, Irrelephant11 wrote:
In post 343, Datisi wrote:like ok one thing is that the tone does read pretty pure.
In post 348, Datisi wrote:i feel that both irrel and std are some sorta vibe townreads for the majority of the game, and either my vibe radar is broken or they're getting read for nonsense reasons
I don't know, these don't go together really which feels a little scum-motivated
have you considered reading the very next sentence in 343:
In post 343, Datisi wrote:but also as far as i can tell he is an Experienced Player so there's only so far that the tonal aspect can give me good vibes from him.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:07 am
by Datisi
why is ari scummy? i skimmed through your iso and i'm not sure i see it

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:22 am
by skitter30
In post 395, Aristeia wrote:I guess dictator does have a bad connotation

how about designated town leader person
Uh honestly not especially? Like i can say what i think but i don't love telling everyone else what to do

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:22 am
by skitter30
In post 397, fireisredsir wrote:like this just is pure scum tbh
. Not really tbh

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:39 am
by Aristeia
slept on it and it uh it feels like fire/mala scum makes sense and is the simplest explanation

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:45 am
by Aristeia
mala feels like she doesn't really care about playing and demoralized and I dunno why it would make sense if she wasn't mafia here.

and fire feels like he's seeing ghosts or something ?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 12:52 am
by Datisi
i think i'm at, like

i don't want mala or nk15 in the coalition - i feel like this setup, coupled with the extremely short deadline, can feel very demoralizing for scum if they don't get onto the train early and that makes sense from both of them. i think it's fairly unlikely they're both scum because games are almost never that easy but i would be somewhat surprised if they were both town. i guess nk15 is slightly townier than mala buh meh.

fire is kinda missing his usual fire (hehe) and while i did like the way we lowkey mindmelded on irrel yesterday night i'm wondering if that's enough. the posts i'm reading from him on the previous page feel like reads pulled out of like i don't get why he has them or that he actually believes in them or how he arrived at them and etc.

so i'm left with me/mena/skitt/ari and one of std or irrel? bleh maybe they're both town and i'm not giving enough credit to The Vibes but also time is short

why did i join this game

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 1:23 am
by Aristeia
probly cuz I begged you on discord and you have trouble saying no to me <3

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 1:42 am
by skitter30
I did wonder how you managed to sign up within a minute of dats...

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 1:43 am
by skitter30
In post 406, Datisi wrote:so i'm left with me/mena/skitt/ari and one of std or irrel?
I'm still on the fence with u and ari but i'm also wondering if i should Get Over It
But otherwise i dont hate this

I kinda think scum is in fire, mala, nk15
Which kinda makes me think i have to include one of ari/dats

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 1:44 am
by skitter30
HEAL: myself

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 1:50 am
by Datisi
ari and i planning to join games together? who would've seen that coming

skitt, did you read my Thoughts(tm) on irrel and std and like, where am i going wrong?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:10 am
by Aristeia
I think you're scumreading irrel for being performative but I'm not sure if being performative is AI for him.

I guess I tend to town read people who push things forward and re-evaluate when new information comes up.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:16 am
by Aristeia
In post 371, Irrelephant11 wrote:
In post 32, Datisi wrote:hi irrel!!
why did you call me Irrel?
this is an example of an angleshooty townie post because I think he thinks at that moment in time maybe you heard someone refer to him as irrel in a scum pt and it struck him as weird you referred to him that way.

a lot of his thoughts are angleshooty in a townie way but I guess if he's good at faking angleshooty thoughts then maybe this is NAI for him?

I am kind of just going with a general profile of the player because I have no experience with him.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:19 am
by Menalque
In post 343, Datisi wrote:@mena and whoever else has him as a strong townread, where am i wrong?
good progression:

there's an internal consistency to the way he's thinking

, are talking about skitter being town

then I like him going to her as a TR for more info on me in

then a bit of time passes and next day he realises his reasons on skitt aren't very strong in posts ,

he reflects on why he TRs her in

and then acknowledges the flaws in the argument while still saying that he wants to stick with it for now bc of practical past experience in ,

^all that rings to me as a genuine thought process by steps

plus I liked his take on me, going from probably town but losing the towniness race () to upgrading me in which also makes sense to me based on the interaction we were having

aside from that I think his ISO shows he's generally been trying to move the game forward (pro-town) and I liked for being willing to engage while still explaining why he didn't think it would be worth it, which I also think is pro-town because that sort of bickering tends to kill thread

there's obviously always a degree of paranoia because scum are motivated in this setup to try and do townier things, so it's the combination of what seem to be to be real thought process combined with the pro-town stuff that elevates him to a strong TR for me

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:22 am
by Menalque
In post 259, Menalque wrote:
In post 231, Menalque wrote:
In post 229, Not Known 15 wrote:It's the only thing able to throw off Ari off balance like that
could you please say in your own words what you mean by Ari being thrown of balance

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:23 am
by Menalque
HEAL: mena
HEAL: Relly
HEAL: dats

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:24 am
by Menalque
HEAL: ducky

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:24 am
by Menalque
that's a town duck if I ever saw one

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:26 am
by Menalque
might do reads later today

would still like some more content first though

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:33 am
by Menalque
In post 409, skitter30 wrote:I kinda think scum is in fire, mala, nk15
Which kinda makes me think i have to include one of ari/dats
would like greater explanation of this please

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:44 am
by Irrelephant11
I think there's a world where Datisi shading the two most-widely-townread players makes him scum but I also think there's more worlds where his analysis of me, std, and aristeia (three players whom everyone else has seemingly not done that much out-loud work to sort) makes him town

HURT: all
HEAL: menalque
save the dragons

Leaving out skitter for reasons

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:46 am
by Ydrasse
In post 417, Menalque wrote:HEAL: ducky
who is this healvote referring to?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:48 am
by Irrelephant11
time to catch up on the thread and drown out every other voice until it is only I, King Elephant Supreme, Dad of Toddlers and Solo Winner of All Mafia Games /s

menalque let's catch up on the thread together and fully solve this

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:54 am
by skitter30
In post 411, Datisi wrote:ari and i planning to join games together? who would've seen that coming

skitt, did you read my Thoughts(tm) on irrel and std and like, where am i going wrong?
Sorry i'm in the office today so i'll respond later / be around sporadically