Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:40 am
I got pulled into marathon marketing meetings through 5 pm PST
I don't cc jk
I don't cc jk
After stewing on this, it wouldn't actually be that much luck? Scum knows which column we're in, so if they have no power roles then, based on last night, they know it's c2 or c3. If neither was jailkept, then they can guess it's a more than 50% chance it's c3. Risky, but the odds are technically in their favor.In post 418, Oxy wrote:correct, c3 is the one setup where it doesn't clear. scum would have to be very lucky to hit this exactly.
I'm finding a couple problems. In A, NK15 could have kept town. Killing the target could be a mislynch, leading to NK15's night kill, and we're down to 0-1 PRs and no useful information from NK15. Also it'd be 3:2 if that's the case. In B, I don't think PMs are allowed.In post 421, teacher wrote:MY earlier general theory does not work because of C2 and A2 combined, as best I can tell. Or it gets too unwieldy for me to play out well.
So what to do about the fact that we have a claim that --if true-- would put us in Row 2 of the setup? Should we counter it or not? I think yes, in the way Oxy suggests. What does the board think of the below?
Oxy's Suggestion
Countering the extant claim at the first level reveals a (cop, neopolitan, jailkeeper). If there is a counter, there are 2 suspects. They reveal actions for info. Lynch among them for a lock scum ID by day 3 at worst (mislynch), PLUS the info from the true PR. At worst, after night 3, it is 3:1, with hopefully usable info.
But if no counterclaim from those powers, NK's claim could still be falsified if there is a tracker AND a doctor - C3 as oxy identifies in 418. But its not as unlikely as he claims. At this stage, it is exactly a 25% chance. So how to address this: presumably a mass "pr no pr claim" without identifying role, as this would (a) validate NK's claim in full if 0-1 pr claims; (b) create a 3 suspect pool if 2pr claims; (c) create a 4 suspect pool INCLUDING BOTH MAFIA if 3pr claims. Option c is guaranteed lock town, so cannot happen. Playing out options A-B further:If this gets validated, I will respond in the manner Oxy desires.
- No PR claim (option A): NK is lock town, and kept mafia (no night kill assumption). He reveals action. Board kills target. D3 begins at 5:1. Good.
- One PR claim: NK is now lock town. The other claimaint is probably real too (A2, B2), but could still be false because of C2. NK leads townblock that other claimant MUST follow for all days. Have alternative PR say reveal role and action.
- IF claimed doctor and NK dies N2, claimant scum. Again D4 begins 3:1.
- If claimant tracker, NK will die N2. Must assess reasonability of tracker's N1 and n2 actions.
- Two PR claim: clear three suspect pool. Select board-cleared person (Elephant?) to receive PMs from two claimaints identifying roles. A contradiction narrows it to two suspects. If they claim consistent with C3, then there remain three suspects. Doctor reveals. Mafia must kill him, so lynch among remaining two. If mislynch, D3 lynch is guaranteed scum (doctor if doctor survives night; 3d claimant if doctor dies). Worst case-D4 starts 3:1 with info.
Townslip or intentional?In post 427, Irrelephant11 wrote:After stewing on this, it wouldn't actually be that much luck? Scum knows which column we're in, so if they have no power roles then, based on last night, they know it's c2 or c3. If neither was jailkept, then they can guess it's a more than 50% chance it's c3. Risky, but the odds are technically in their favor.
A is a valid issue, but minor and does not dissuade me; B is not a valid issue (though apparently correct, my apologies).In post 427, Irrelephant11 wrote:A few thoughts, while we're still trying to figure this out.
After stewing on this, it wouldn't actually be that much luck? Scum knows which column we're in, so if they have no power roles then, based on last night, they know it's c2 or c3. If neither was jailkept, then they can guess it's a more than 50% chance it's c3. Risky, but the odds are technically in their favor.In post 418, Oxy wrote:correct, c3 is the one setup where it doesn't clear. scum would have to be very lucky to hit this exactly.
I'm finding a couple problems. In A, NK15 could have kept town. Killing the target could be a mislynch, leading to NK15's night kill, and we're down to 0-1 PRs and no useful information from NK15. Also it'd be 3:2 if that's the case. In B, I don't think PMs are allowed.In post 421, teacher wrote:MY earlier general theory does not work because of C2 and A2 combined, as best I can tell. Or it gets too unwieldy for me to play out well.
So what to do about the fact that we have a claim that --if true-- would put us in Row 2 of the setup? Should we counter it or not? I think yes, in the way Oxy suggests. What does the board think of the below?
Oxy's Suggestion
Countering the extant claim at the first level reveals a (cop, neopolitan, jailkeeper). If there is a counter, there are 2 suspects. They reveal actions for info. Lynch among them for a lock scum ID by day 3 at worst (mislynch), PLUS the info from the true PR. At worst, after night 3, it is 3:1, with hopefully usable info.
But if no counterclaim from those powers, NK's claim could still be falsified if there is a tracker AND a doctor - C3 as oxy identifies in 418. But its not as unlikely as he claims. At this stage, it is exactly a 25% chance. So how to address this: presumably a mass "pr no pr claim" without identifying role, as this would (a) validate NK's claim in full if 0-1 pr claims; (b) create a 3 suspect pool if 2pr claims; (c) create a 4 suspect pool INCLUDING BOTH MAFIA if 3pr claims. Option c is guaranteed lock town, so cannot happen. Playing out options A-B further:If this gets validated, I will respond in the manner Oxy desires.
- No PR claim (option A): NK is lock town, and kept mafia (no night kill assumption). He reveals action. Board kills target. D3 begins at 5:1. Good.
- One PR claim: NK is now lock town. The other claimaint is probably real too (A2, B2), but could still be false because of C2. NK leads townblock that other claimant MUST follow for all days. Have alternative PR say reveal role and action.
- IF claimed doctor and NK dies N2, claimant scum. Again D4 begins 3:1.
- If claimant tracker, NK will die N2. Must assess reasonability of tracker's N1 and n2 actions.
- Two PR claim: clear three suspect pool. Select board-cleared person (Elephant?) to receive PMs from two claimaints identifying roles. A contradiction narrows it to two suspects. If they claim consistent with C3, then there remain three suspects. Doctor reveals. Mafia must kill him, so lynch among remaining two. If mislynch, D3 lynch is guaranteed scum (doctor if doctor survives night; 3d claimant if doctor dies). Worst case-D4 starts 3:1 with info.
Well, for starters he phrased it with an @IC that probably my brain just skipped over. That said, his question also wasn't a meta question it was a 'how do you scumhunt' question. I probably would have said 'lots of ways' and skipped it because that's basically asking me to write a book or to give a pithy short answer.In post 368, Flicker wrote:@Thor - care to explain?
In post 375, teacher wrote:To be clear, I am NOT seeking mass-claiming, but staggered claiming to time counterclaims.In post 372, Nauci wrote:Idk about mass claiming.
Maybe tracker/not tracker claims, and/or hypothetical claims after? I have to think on this.
First (Thur-Friday) Doctor(s) claim. If cc - both identify saves, lynch among. If no cc, move on. If no doc claim at all, gain info that general suspect list likely off.
Second (Sat-Sun), if doctor identified, other pr claim. If cc - Doctor then ID save (lock-town), and lynch among ccs (unless one is saved by dr. Then lynch other). If no cc by end of sunday - 2 towns confirmed. 3 if doctor didnt save other pr. Known!town block grinds down mafia.
Again, only a theory. But I think it works.
Why a massclaim at this stage?In post 384, Not Known 15 wrote:At this point a massclaim, with three stages should be in order.
First stage: Everyone claims VT or Not VT.
Second stage: The Not VT claims claim their roles.
Third stage: The powerroles tell us their targets.
Yes.In post 385, Flicker wrote:@Thor - Would you still argue for a tracker claim today?
In post 387, Oxy wrote:Thor I'm glad we have an IC still around.
@Could you please walk us through your IC opinion on mass claiming vs other strategies for this particular situation? Could you also talk about lynching vs no lynching after a no kill? <3
In post 418, Oxy wrote:@Thor I know a lot changed since I asked you my last question. Could you please talk about what good strategy is here, from an IC perspective? <3 again.
In post 420, Nauci wrote:I think claim strats are super complicated and would like to see Thor weigh in before we continue
In post 430, teacher wrote:By the way, @Thor, Im taking it from the board silence that this requires an IC to sort out. Good luck!
In post 434, Not Known 15 wrote:If I am not mistaken then everyone except Thor(and me, of course) did claim Not JK/Cop/Nea. Which means that we have to wait for Thor anyways...
1. IC.In post 441, Oxy wrote:What made you think he was a likely nk target?
In post 445, Oxy wrote:I thought it best to see what was going to come out claims wise, first.
I like your fos on meji more than I like your fos on teacher. Why did you decide to vote teacher and not Meji?
Thor is saying that one of the people who voted James were scum.In post 439, Thor665 wrote:James Brafin (5)Thor665 , Irrelephant11 , Not Known 15 , teacher , Oxy , L-0