Hi. Sorry for the absence; I was very busy. Anyway, Monsieur is lying scum gambiting for a quick win in what has been a very slow game. I'm the real cop. I have an innocent on Mr. Dude from night one, and an innocent on Mr. M from night two. Knowing that Mr. Monsieur is scum, there are probably two more scum among Mister Doug Flutie, Mr. Penile Issue, Mister Flay, and Mr. Muhammed Jihad. However, it is important that we lynch Mr. Monsieur now, as it is most likely a lynch-or-lose situation.
Now, to prove to you that I'm the real cop. I think Mr M.'s supposed investigation of me makes little to no sense. He expressed no suspicion of me yesterday, or anywhere else in the game for the matter. I'll admit I didn't express suspicion of Mr. M yesterday either, but I was curious about his interaction with a player I knew to be pro-town near the end of the day about double lynches (his conversation with Mr. Dude). It didn't seem natural, IMO. Although I was wrong, I certainly feel that it was worth investigating.
Vote: Mr. Monsieur