Party Experience:
Base XP = 8 + (2 + 2) + (2 + 2) + (3) + (2) + (2 + 2) + (3) + (3 + 3) + (2 + 2) = 38 XP
XP Adjustment = 13 XP
Average Enemy Level = (5 + 4 * 13) / (1 + 13) ~4.1
Number of Participants = 10
XP Awarded Per Participant = 5.1 XP at Level 4.1.
(3) James Brafin gains 6 XP.
James Brafin levels up from level 3 to level 4!
(You may reallocate your stat point if you like. For now, I'll assume you will keep it at HP.)
(4) the worst gains 5 XP.
the worst levels up from level 4 to level 5!
Please allocate your stat point at your earliest convenience. In addition, please choose a specialization path (see below).
(4) Cerberus v666 gains 5 XP.
Cerberus v666 levels up from level 4 to level 5!
Please choose a specialization path.
You may reallocate your stat point if you like.
(3) Inferno390 gains 6 XP.
Inferno390 levels up from level 3 to level 4!
Please allocate your stat point at your earliest convenience.
(3) inspiratieloos gains 6 XP.
inspiratieloos levels up from level 3 to level 4!
Please allocate your stat point at your earliest convenience.
(4) Chemist1422 gains 5 XP. Chemist1422 stays at level 4.
(1) Not Known 15 gains 8 XP.
Not Known 15 levels up from level 1 to level 3!
(1) Jackal711 gains 8 XP.
Jackal711 levels up from level 1 to level 3!
(4) Amzela gains 5 XP.
Amzela levels up from level 4 to level 5!
(1) Gamma Emerald gains 8 XP.
Gamma Emerald levels up from level 1 to level 3!
Level 5
(XP Needed: 17)
Hitpoints = 20
Attack = 2d4
| Defense = 1d3
- Mana Points = 4 | 1 Stat Point
- Gain active skill "Provoke" (3 CD): Increases the likelihood you are targeted for one round.
- Gain active skill "Focus" (3 CD): Instead of attacking, you can increase your focus on the battle. Taking damage causes this skill's effect to end early. Your next action has a *2 modifier on its dice roll(s).
- Gain active skill "Gather Energy" (2 CD): Instead of attacking, you can gather energy. On the next two rounds, any spell you cast gains a +1 modifier on dice rolls.
- Gain magic spell "Minor Heal" (2 Mana): Heals an ally by 1d3 hitpoints.
- Gain magic spell "Cure" (1 Mana): Cures a target of a single negative status afflictions. You may choose which one to cure.
- Gain magic spell "Tornado" (2 Mana): Choose two targets. Each target takes 1d6 damage (roll separately for each), and if the target takes damage, the target is additionally stunned for one round.
- Upgrade passive skill "Luck Mitigation" to level 2: If you roll the minimum you can roll on an attack roll on three of your past four attack rolls, you may reroll the last roll up to two times. (You may only reroll a reroll if it is the minimum again.) After this skill activates, none of the previous minimums count. (However, if you managed to roll the minimum again on your reroll, that one counts.) The player is the primary one responsible for keeping track of this. The moderator will only verify that this skill is being used properly.
- Upgrade active skill "Defensive Slash" to level 2 (3 CD): Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 4 damage. You will take half damage for two rounds.
- Upgrade magic spell "Redirection Shield" to level 2 (2 Mana): Protects an ally by taking some of the damage they would otherwise take for them and by giving your ally a protective shield. You will take half of all damage (before defenses) they receive rounded up. Your ally will take half of all damage they receive (before defenses) rounded down. In addition, enemies that attack players who have this spell active (target, not caster) receive 1d3 damage (ignores defenses). This effect lasts for two rounds.
- Choose one path to take. Once you choose a path, you cannot change it unless you die and respawn at a level lower than level 5.
Level 5.A: Path of the Berserker
- Gain active skill "Fury Blade" (4 CD): Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 3 damage and grants a bonus action to the user. (A bonus action basically means you can act again. You will not be able to use active skills though because the cooldown from this skill immediately becomes effective.)
Level 5.B: Path of the Warrior
- Gain active skill "Cross Slash" (4 CD): Attacks two different enemies for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. If an enemy takes damage from this attack, that enemy takes an additional one damage.
Level 5.C: Path of the Magician
- Gain magic spell "Silence" (2 Mana): Silences an enemy for two rounds, preventing the enemy from using spells.
Level 5.D: Path of the Acoylyte
- Gain magic spell "Minor Heal All" (4 Mana): Heals all allies by 1d2 hitpoints. (You should only roll once for this spell.)
The band of adventurers search the nearby crate from which the Gamma Slime withdrew the potions for any loot. Inside, they found another Lesser Healing Potion and junk items that are worth a total of four silver coins. **The party now possesses six silver coins.** Just as the group finishes grabbing the items, another band of slimes appear. Compared to the colorful rainbow of slimes the group had just fought, all of these slimes have a dull, silver color to them.
Battle #12
(5) Alpha : Silver Slime : HP = 15/15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d2
(5) Beta : Silver Slime : HP = 15/15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d2
(5) Charlie : Silver Slime : HP = 15/15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d2
(5) Delta : Silver Slime : HP = 15/15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d2