Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:19 am
yeah, agree.
↑ Z7-852 wrote:Damn I misclicked when trying to edit post above. Ignore it because the reads where copy pasted from above and they are not my own.
My real thoughts are as following.
fferyllt - Leaning Town
At early game (and after it) had kept the game going without being too aggressive toward anyone. Getting information is good and we have had some.
Eye urn - Leaning Town
Have also been digging information witch is nice. Not really much to say against or for. For now I have a gut feeling about him leaning town.
Goodmorning - Leaning town
Seems to play in the same team as fferyllt. Might be piggybagging but I would say there are at least two townies.
Deras - Leaning town
Mac - Leaning town
Two new players that haven't given much but still they seem both townies.
Revenus - Null
Sometimes giving good insight but sometimes seems to be little off. But still keeping the wheels rolling and not being aggressive about it. He is not pushing the lynch nor denying it's usefulness. Little hard to tell but lets him be null for now.
CareyHammer - Leaning Scum
Too much lurking and too little action. Maybe not a scum move but at least a reason to put pressure against him. Also have been pressuring players that I think are leaning toward town. CareyHammer have been not really gave much explanations for his votes. Thread this long should at least give some ideas who to vote.
ArcAngel9 - Leaning scum
Lurking again. Not saying that all lurkers are scum but players that don't play don't give any information for townfolk.
This is just what my gut feeling is after skimming the thread. I haven't read the whole thing and really don't have strong reads on anyone. I would vote CareyHammer or ArcAngel9 but don't want to drop the to L-1 on basis of just on fast catch up.
↑ fferyllt wrote:I am still liking Deras for town. If he's scum he's totally zoomed me (Aretha Franklin reference ftw)
Cary is coming off quite earnest and stuff since his earlier stfu I'm on spring break get a life posts or whatever they were
Revenus scares me. He's posting stuff I agree with for the most part but not enough and not often enough.
My townish read on Eye has gone a little stale.
My townish read on Fropome is stale and also flecked with paranoia. (HOWEVER - he posted while I was working on this so I'll back off on this a tad)
Mac is bugging me. I'm cautious because I have a tendency to either trust or strongly distrust people who go after me. More likely to trust someone who does it first or does it originally. Second and sloppy seconds not so much. I'm awaiting his response to an earlier post I made. Right now, I'm cautiously leaning scum.
ArcAngel - she came into a slot that I was starting to get a scum vibe from. I've read a couple of her scum games to see if the relatively large amounts of stuff that is not applicable to this game or its current landscape is a feature of her scum games. I'd say that the quantity is not typical. But, a quick ISO of a couple town games do appear to be more short, sharp and to the point. The whole argument about the likelihood of one SE/IC player being scum and the other being in a n00b slot feels like distraction and maybe misdirection. Right now, I'm leaning scum.
goodmorning - backing off, I'm finding that I'm reading most of her recent posts as town, and more telling, I'm replying to her as though she's town. That often happens before I actually wake up to the fact that I've decided someone is town. So yeah, my gut has decided she's town.
I'm taking anything I've written here that is meta based with a huge grain of salt. My game does have a strong meta-analysis component. MS is like a meta goldmine and I could easily spend a ton of time reading prior games looking for patterns I can match to this one. But, one thing I've learned in my short time playing here, is that for me to do reliable meta-analysis it has to be meta that I've experienced. A will of ISO posts is not a good substitute for the types of comparisons I draw about games I've actually experienced.
↑ ArcAngel9 wrote:
And you say what you doing is Town? Reactive is not scummy, what do you do when Scum pushes to you an edge? would you react or stay quite? I guess you know the answer....
Look, I was kept under L-1 yesterday which i pretty much see it as scum motivated wagon. the only thing that stopping me to see you as scum is how you changed your mind and took me back to L-2, otherwise I am not liking the way you continously pushing me to participate more. I will particapate and put out my opinions when i have and I feel to put out. I don't have to necessarly write out my reads to meet your expecations.
And the other thing I am not liking is how the scum is now driving focus slowly to my side so they could take an adbvantage on my lynch.
did you properly read theZ7-852reads, How conviently he jumped into saying that I am leaning scum, And I am not suprised that Revenus agreeing with it. I am not saying everyone is Scum but there is scum in between them who is just agreeing with things..
↑ ArcAngel9 wrote:^ this is a false accusation, I did gave basis of my reads, did you even read my opening post? It has the base read of each player in detail . What do you call that? Why are you lying about that?
Like I mentioned that my reactiong was clearly geniune as I was pushed to L-1, Carrey had a stupid reason to jump into my wagon and so is you...
↑ ArcAngel9 wrote:So, I have did a quick catch up, so its going to be a simple reads..
Although this is a newbie game, I can tell that most of the players in this game seem to have had their own experiences elsewhere playing mafia games.
So, apart from the people I know already. Welcome to rest of you! If you’re a mafia game lover, then you have come to your paradise. This site is a final stop for all the players who love playing mafia games, enjoying staying here.!
My advice for all of you - Slow down first, understand the site meta and people, follow the rules, don’t get offended and play for winning
And about my reads… I have done a fair catch up, I will tone up with you all soon as the game go … (note that I don’t enjoy writing really long posts, so my reads going to be simple .)
Fferullt– She seems like an aggressive player, almost suspecting everyone in the game which is a good town-tell, Leaning town.
MAC– mac seems different, she is playing more logically on this game than in the games I have been with her, Leaning town.
Revenus– I really didn’t like the way he went on with Carey, Being an SE and knowing this site meta and how things usually works here, he should been knowing already that lurking is common here.. So Just only reasoning lurking for accusing Carey as scum is not good, Leaning scum.
Eye Urn– I don’t like your avatar, I hate giant evil octopus. And, to talk about your game play, I see that you’re pushing GM’s much with no reasons, I am not sure if you were doing that because you think that you may not need direction from an IC or if it is your play style from the other sites that made subjectively concluded that GM is scummy becuz she is being overly cautious ?, either ways you need to remember that she was given an additional task in the game, she usually be more cautions than any player and she is not scummy that way. You’re leaning scum to for now.
GoodMorning– Hey, Thanks for the heads up, Yeah I don’t think you’re again too… I am bit bored of suspecting you in almost every game we play. So who do you think is scum here? And btw, you’re doing a great job as IC. Keep it up girl
Carey– Null so far, you need to pull a better play Carey, and stop saying like you’re catching up. Read through for real and post your reads.
Fropome– Fro has been one of the active posters, it’s good thing for a newbie with that I can tell you that he is may be new to this site but not new to mafia game. He appears to be buddying up with Eye and Revenus, I don’t have positive read on either of them. So Fro is neutral to me for now.
Deras– His reads seems genuine, Leaning town.
And to look at this game in a strategic way..
There will be 2 scums in a 9 player game.
And I am positive that there is one scum between SE’s & IC
I feel GM is town, Carey is null. Revenus would be my choice for this day’s lynch, if everyone wants to move this directly.
And there would one more scum in the rest of you.
↑ Deras wrote:↑ ArcAngel9 wrote:^ this is a false accusation, I did gave basis of my reads, did you even read my opening post? It has the base read of each player in detail . What do you call that? Why are you lying about that?
Like I mentioned that my reactiong was clearly geniune as I was pushed to L-1, Carrey had a stupid reason to jump into my wagon and so is you...
Actually, I just read this and went to check really quickly: yes you did add reasons to your first readlist but that lists me as leaning town, then your next one says bleeding scum, you haven't explained what made you change. (didn't check the others to see if there were changes)