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Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:45 am
by Vedith
/in time shift

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:27 pm
by Rainbow Reads
/in Timeshift

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:28 pm
by Vedith
Yay \o/

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:47 pm
by wilky
/in schaad

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:04 am
by light_ganski
/in timeshift if there's still spaces

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:57 am
by Toogeloo
/in Timeshift

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:46 pm
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 6267, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 6265, Mephistophanes 39 wrote:
In post 6264, D3f3nd3r wrote:I have pre-ins from Shiidaji, Baezu, and Mephistophanes 39 (Nancy Drew + Aristophanes hydra). PMing to tell them to confirm now.
That was Nancy, so now it is both of us :)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 5:32 pm
by Shiidaji
aa /out sorry D3f!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:57 pm
by Toogeloo
/out Timeshift.
I have a last minute trip coming up in 2 weeks that I need to prepare for. I'll need my focus there.

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:41 am
by Wisdom
/out timeshift

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:03 am
by mmotahari5

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:03 am
by D3f3nd3r
Rejecting this considering their first five posts earlier today were in two ongoing games, a completed game, the financial update from last year, and a Scummies reveal thread.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 3:55 am
by MariaR
Now taking sign-ups...

Game 1
Timeshift Mafia IV
Game Description

Mephistophanes 39 (Nancy Drew + Aristophanes hydra)
Rainbow Reads

Game 2
Madness at Port Arthur
Game Description


Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:35 am
by Aristophanes
10 days left for Timeshift!

Let's fill 'er up! =D

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:41 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 6288, Aristophanes wrote:
10 days left for Timeshift!

Let's fill 'er up! =D

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 5:01 am
by TemporalLich
/in timeshift

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:43 am
by Nancy Drew 39
C’mon guys, only 6 more. It has the word “time” in the title, it has to be awesome. :idea:

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:36 am
by TemporalLich
/out timeshift

/in as hydra with Baezu

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:02 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 6286, D3f3nd3r wrote:
Rejecting this considering their first five posts earlier today were in two ongoing games, a completed game,
the financial update from last year, and a Scummies reveal thread.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:06 am
by Baezu
In post 6292, TemporalLich wrote:/out timeshift

/in as hydra with Baezu
/confirming hydra in

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:09 am
by Time Devil
This is the Baezu/TemporalLich hydra

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:09 am
by Time Devil
/in for timeshift

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:03 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 6295, Time Devil wrote:This is the Baezu/TemporalLich hydra
I’m a huge fan of Surrealism.

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:44 pm
by Fuscezu
/in port Arthur

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 9:22 pm
by Errantparabola
In to mod

Game Name: The Search

Flavor/Mechanics: Each person has an extra win-condition which is contained in their role PM. Due to this it will be a bastard game
within reason
. No alignment changes or funky mod interactions. Some withholding of information may occur. Everything makes sense in the context of the game and I think that the setup I have created is unique and interesting.

The nature of the game means that some roles may have an easier time winning than others but I have done my best to give everyone a reasonable chance of winning. But please don't take this one too seriously -- no balance guarantee.

Your Experience: Extensive.
Current Modding Commitments: None.
Reviewed By: I might find one before signups finish.
Back-Up or Co-Mod: I might find one before signups finish.
Number of Players: 13
Hydrae: Yes.
Restrictions: WOTM if history of excessive flaking.