I made extremely valid points, some that you should have considered on both side of the table.... I made points against jscope too genius, his answers were spot on, like he has done the whole game!ortolan wrote:Sorry RW but I actually think you made a sum total of zero valid points against us in that last post
1) I have no idea what determines the order of posts, I've seen them going both ways before. Sometimes after you post it reverses the order also. It's probably an option but if you're implying it's like that cause that's edited that's quite retarded. Why would I go to the effort of editing (and such scummy content which doesn't prove anything to begin with) only to order them in a way you cannot in the actual quicktopic? ~ I just determined any quicktopic I look at is displayed that way. See below.
Sometimes after you post it reverses the order? Did you read Lover Multiball, NONE of those threads have any post that were in reverse order... You imply anything I write is retarded again, I will FUCKING vote you right now and let JScope win if he scum!