PM or IM or otherwise contact any player at anytime about this game, regardless of if you are living or dead. If your role makes an exception to this rule for you, strictly follow the new rule in your role PM. Exception: all forms of intra-hydra communication are allowed.
Once you are dead you can no longer post in-thread.
Not even a "bah." post.
Each player can vote for exactly one other player at a time during the day. Make your choice in bold letters like
To change your vote, post
in bold letters, or make a post voting for someone else in accordance with
Cast votes and unvotes that do not follow the formatting guideline described in (3.) and (4.) will
be counted.
A lynch will occur when more than 50% of the players have their votes placed upon the same player, or have their votes placed upon
. After the 50%+1 threshold is reached, the lynch will occur regardless of any subsequent posting. Kills will be posted in thread between 6 and 30 hours after I receive them by PM. I will attempt to randomize the delay as much as possible to prevent date/time type confirmation of kill source.
Day and Twilight:
"Day" is defined as the period between the moderator's "Start of Day __" post, and when either a vote is cast that places a player past the 50%+1 threshold necessary for a lynch. Role actions can only be submitted during periods of Day.
"Twilight" is defined as the period between the time of the final valid vote necessary for a lynch or nolynch was cast and the following "Start of Day ___" post, or the "Twilight Expiration Trigger". Role actions are not valid if they are submitted during periods of twilight.
Twilight Expiration Trigger: Twilight (the period following the last vote needed to lynch,) will last for a set period. In alpha that period will be 6 to 18 hours. In beta that period will be = to 2 * the number of living players in posts. No votes will be accepted during twilight, and action submissions
will not
be accepted during Twilight. Flavor Excuse: lynchings are messy. The town has to clean up the gallows, burn the body, ect.. and it takes some time to build up the level of aggression necessary to kill another of your neighbors who might very well be innocent.
: reset on pages: 13, 24, 32, 37, 40, 43, and every third page after that (46, 49, 52...).
This game will not have deadlines. Ever.
When 72 hours have passed without an individual player posting, I will prod that player
only if specifically requested to do so in-thread
by any other player.
If a prodded player does not open the prodding PM within 72 hours he will be replaced. Until a replacement is found the player facing replacement can still vote and post. If I have to prod a player a third time during the game, I will replace him. If you expect to be unable to post in the game for 48+ hours, send me a PM. I do not check the vacation/leave thread.
Hydras (two players sharing the same alt account) are encouraged as a way to reduce the chances of replacement. All hydras will be public (all players will know who makes up each hydra) and hydras are static. You can't replace half of your hydra. I will not deal with hydra drama. If you PM me about drama within your hydra (not getting along, she changed the password, whatever), I'll just replace that hydra. Claiming to be experiencing hydra drama within the game thread is allowed...
but if you use your non-hydra account to do so you will be replaced
. Replacing out = loss. Replacing out for tactical reasons = ban from my future games.
Special rule for
: Spam is not allowed.
The second time you post more than three times in a row you will be modkilled. You will not be warned. Six posts in a row = modkill. Hydras need to be extra careful of this rule. Posts by alt account will count towards the mod-kill.
Making more than 15 posts within an hour will also result in a modkill
If you have the ability to edit posts, don't do it in this thread.
If you have any questions please ask me via PM or in-thread as they occur to you. I will be as fair and helpful as I can.
Every moderator will make mistakes, and I am no exception. Please be patient, understanding, and forgiving towards me.
I support free speech. Quote anything you like
(except for ongoing games!)
whenever you like. All forms of cryptography that do not
software (or more than 1 hour for me to work with just pen and paper) for encryption or decryption are acceptable as well. Do not PM or otherwise contact players outside the thread with game related information unless you are explicitly permitted.
*cite when (date, time) a player has posted elsewhere on this site
*cite information posted by a moderator in another game (including alignment if it is revealed by the mod)
You shall not otherwise reference another game.
If you write a post that has a chance of breaking this site-wide rule, PM it to me before you post it. I will tell you if it would get you modkilled or not.
The game ends when all living players are members of the same faction. If the game never ends then there will never be a "winner".
Breaking a rule = death for a given value of death. I determine that value. A modkill will not end the day.
Possible Roles
All roles that appear in the game are from this list. Not every role in this list is used in the game. This setup will include 1 Mafia Group of 3 players, AND at least 1 Compulsive Vig OR 1 Sk.
Last edited by Saunt Adelaus on Wed May 13, 2009 6:41 am, edited 34 times in total.
[color=darkblue]DHSDSM α and DHSDSM β and hydra oh my! [/color] -- (Adel+Claus)
just to be clear, Doctors, Mafia Doctors, Mafia Roleblockers, Roleblockers, and Trackers
submit a target (via PM to this account) for action phase 1 before the game starts in order to use thier ability during action phase 1. During action phase 1 they will submit their target for action phase 2.
[color=darkblue]DHSDSM α and DHSDSM β and hydra oh my! [/color] -- (Adel+Claus)
Q: When can (I/we) submit (my/our) kill?
A: The kill for each action phase can be submitted during each action phase, when it is not twilight. Twilight is not connected to action phases.
--added 19 April
Q: Will a Tracker get a report during action phase 1 on a player who made a submission during the pregame?
A: No. However, a Tracker will get a report if/when that player submits an action for action phase 2 during action phase 1.
--added 26 April
Last edited by Saunt Adelaus on Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[color=darkblue]DHSDSM α and DHSDSM β and hydra oh my! [/color] -- (Adel+Claus)
Twilight Expiration Trigger: Twilight (the period following the last vote needed to lynch,) will last for a set period. In alpha that period will be 6 to 18 hours. In beta that period will be = to 2 * the number of living players in posts. No votes will be accepted during twilight, and action submissions
for the following period of day
will not
be accepted during Twilight. Flavor Excuse: lynchings are messy.
deleted portion in red.
[color=darkblue]DHSDSM α and DHSDSM β and hydra oh my! [/color] -- (Adel+Claus)
Why? I was listening to Portishead, the new album, and I was thinking that it is just as progressive for TODAY as the old albums were FOR THEN.
Like, logically, Portishead(Third) is to NOW as Portishead(Dummy) was to 1994. You understand.
FOS Yosariwen
for artificially inflating thier post count.
CaffieneDeity (1:34:50 AM): (Don't self vote. That's just ridiculous..)
Why? I was listening to Portishead, the new album, and I was thinking that it is just as progressive for TODAY as the old albums were FOR THEN.
Like, logically, Portishead(Third) is to NOW as Portishead(Dummy) was to 1994. You understand.
FOS Yosariwen
for artificially inflating thier post count.
If Incamnito flips scum, Zmd is town, and Yosariwen is Incamnito's buddy.
[i]"That's it,' said Zaphod with the sort of grin that would get most people locked away in a room with soft walls."[/i]
Why? I was listening to Portishead, the new album, and I was thinking that it is just as progressive for TODAY as the old albums were FOR THEN.
Like, logically, Portishead(Third) is to NOW as Portishead(Dummy) was to 1994. You understand.
FOS Yosariwen
for artificially inflating thier post count.
If Incamnito flips scum, Zmd is town, and Yosariwen is Incamnito's buddy.
CaffieneDeity (1:34:50 AM): (Don't self vote. That's just ridiculous..)
J-Scope wrote:I don't get it. What does Portishead have to do with Zmd? It is an inside joke? I want answers!
Are you that dense?
Incamn's crumbing is neutral for now, as there are multiple data roles than can be of either alignment and would benefit from early crumbs. Currently a null tell.
a) OMGUS! No answers for you.
b) My meta on J-scope indicates that you would normally jump on Pesco Light for wasting a vote on the Mod. Why didn't you?
CaffieneDeity (1:34:50 AM): (Don't self vote. That's just ridiculous..)
This is perhaps the most fascinatingly frightening thing I've seen in a while (though my tiredness + big test tomorrow might well be contributing heavily to that perception). Especially the idiosyncratic posting and the mounting (but probably unfounded) fear that we'll get stuck in the random stage too long. Anyway. Hey, other head, how sure are you re Raging Wishbone's scumhood? I feel tempted to random vote Zmd but you got here first.
[i]"That's it,' said Zaphod with the sort of grin that would get most people locked away in a room with soft walls."[/i]
J-Scope wrote:I don't get it. What does Portishead have to do with Zmd? It is an inside joke? I want answers!
Are you that dense?
Incamn's crumbing is neutral for now, as there are multiple data roles than can be of either alignment and would benefit from early crumbs. Currently a null tell.
I didn't read it as a crumb and I still don't upon rereading the post. What do you mean? He was talking about a music album causing him to vote a player, as if the player would understand the vote because of the music album.
Incamnito wrote:b) My meta on J-scope indicates that you would normally jump on Pesco Light for wasting a vote on the Mod. Why didn't you?
Your meta needs a bigger sample size
Because this game does not place a restriction on the number of posts, it is marginally more acceptable to place a vote on someone that cannot be voted, for lulz. But you make a point that Pesco should be questioned for trying to vote a non player in this game.
J-Scope wrote:I don't get it. What does Portishead have to do with Zmd? It is an inside joke? I want answers!
Are you that dense?
Incamn's crumbing is neutral for now, as there are multiple data roles than can be of either alignment and would benefit from early crumbs. Currently a null tell.
I didn't read it as a crumb and I still don't upon rereading the post. What do you mean? He was talking about a music album causing him to vote a player, as if the player would understand the vote because of the music album.
It is just a little random insight into my life, to go along with my random vote!
I like to share a part of my day with all of you.
CaffieneDeity (1:34:50 AM): (Don't self vote. That's just ridiculous..)