It is most definitely incorrect. If we go to day 3 with the ITK, budja, and The last member of the mafia team, budja and the mafia member both vote for no lynch then we prisoners dilemma the mafia member and ITK and hope for a win.SocioPath wrote:Wat.chamber wrote:Wrong. Lynching there would be town loss, correct play is a no-lynch which should still be doable.SocioPath wrote:If we mislynch today, and that happens, the game is still lost because Budja can't vote the ITK:chamber wrote:If we mislynch today then we go to night with 5, if the mafia hit seperate targets that aren't each other we go to day with 3, if she kills one of them it would be 1-1 = our loss.
A Non-Budja lynch, and separate scum kills would leave 3 (because you say Sotty killing a guaranteed scum is bad) but one of those 3 is Budja, and therefor, the ITK wins anyways.
Nothing I said there is incorrect. Perhaps you should reread it.
@DDD If it makes you feel better socio's been tripping my sumdar all day, but I can't see not acting on my cop info being the right play. Here's hopping both that he's the ITK, and its the ITK I trip out and kill.