Votes must be
and in a form similar to
Vote: Playername
. If I do not see your vote, it will not count. Unvotes are nice but not required.
Lynches require a majority of votes (50% of the active players +1). If a 50% + 1 majority is not reached by deadline the person with the most number of votes at deadline will be lynched. If there is a tie for most number of votes, the person who received the tie vote first will be lynched.
See game specific rules.
No Lynches require only 50% of the vote to occur.
See game specific rules.
If a lynch occurs, the game enters twilight and players may continue to talk in thread until it is locked and a death scene is posted. No votes/unvotes will count in twilight.
Dead players cannot talk. Once you are killed/lynched. Do not post in thread. Not even a "bah!" post.
Each day will last up to 3n days where n is the number of players currently living.
Players may request one deadline extension of one week during the game.
Treat this game as a commitment. If you are going to be V/LA please post in thread or send me a PM. I do not check the V/LA thread.
Players must post every 72 hours (unless they have noted V/LA) or they will be prodded. Weekend days count as 12 hours each. Three total prods during the game will result in a replacement. Players may request prods of other players at anytime but if the 72 hours has not passed since their last post the prod will not count toward the three prods. I will use my discretion when sending these types of prods (I won't be your personal spam-bot).
If a player fails to pick up their prod within 72 hours they will be replaced.
Each night will last approximately 72 hours, during which time all night actions must be submitted via PM.
Have fun and be respectful to your fellow players.
Do not speak about this game outside of the thread unless your role specifies that you may do so.
Do not quote anything from the moderator that is said outside of this thread (including role PMs) or pretend to quote anything from the moderator. Paraphrasing is allowed but if you are questioning your paraphrase, run it by me first.
If I make a mistake, please address your grievance
in bold
in thread or in PM. Please point out vote count errors in thread only.
Do not edit posts. Do not use invisible text. Do not use small text.
Is my color. Do not use it.
During the day, placing a vote on a player is an indication that you wish for that player to be
. Deaths occur at night.
Upon death or arrest, only character name and alignment will be revealed.
Vote counts will list the names of players voting for a particular player. A pre-determined condition for "arrest" has been decided upon. Because of this, votes should be placed with care.
You have been warned.
Knowledge of the show is not required but it will make the game more interesting. Dexter is an awesome show...watch it.
All members of the town received a role with this format
Generic Town Role wrote:You have been cast as
Somebody Awesome
. You have a very interesting backstory.
Your Abilities are listed here.
Ability key: (A) = active, (P) = passive, (R) = restriction, (O) = other, (V) = vote
Win Condition:
You win when the streets of Miami are safe.