farside wrote:Also
fos: rokovoj
how does this not sound like a poisner to people that is classic scum role.
Wow, thanks for assuming that a scum-sounding role is scum instead of analyzing my play,
in a game like this. We had a town-aligned vote-stealing Rod Blagojevich after all.
FL wrote:I wonder if the cookies and oven mitts have an interaction..
Huh, maybe. Some pure speculation here, but perhaps having oven mitts changes the effect of my cookies. Though, the cookies I sent to q21 were made without oven mitts, since I only got those last night, so if the mitts did anything to my role I think we'd only see that tomorrow. I think it's equally likely that your oven mitts do nothing.
FL wrote:Also...have we tried lynching the mod yet?
No, but I suppose we can if you want. Since the mod isn't here and there's no deadline we apparently have time to attempt to lynch the mod AND RF.
CK wrote:I targeted rokojov. If you are town, then you wouldn't be notified. If you are scum, well you would have said if you had accepted, now wouldn't have you?
Hmmm. You got oven mitts last night, then your oven mitts were replaced with copies, nobody else has said they targeted me, and now I have oven mitts. Maybe when you targeted me, you somehow duplicated your oven mitts and gave me a pair. We hadn't seen this happen before because veerus and DtF don't have night choices.
Anyone else want to send an angry PM to Minineko or shall I do the honors?