Be prepared for:
-Total nonsense
-Terrible logic
-Awful puns
-Recycling of old ideas
-Logical fallacies
-Innacurate votecounts (that I will blame you for if you correct me)
-Much more, but only if I feel like it.
Living players:
3.Citizen Karne
Dead players:
1. DrippingGoofball,
Rod Blagojevich, Corrupted Senator
Lynched Day 1
8. Jazzmyn,
Fantabulaman, the Omnipotent (town).
Killed Night 1
9. Danchaofan,
Minineko Kyattsuai, the Silly Hii Cat (serial killer).
Died Night 1
7. Haschel Cedricson,
Rod Blagojevich, the Most Hated Senator in US History
Lynched Day 2
6. RestFermata,
Clint Eastwood, as Walt
Died during pregame, then again on Day 2
Last edited by Minineko on Sat May 23, 2009 4:59 am, edited 27 times in total.
Rules (stolen from myself, who modified but stole them from Interpolled, who stole them from Einsteinmonkey and modified them again):
- Please bold votes, I already fail at votecounts badly enough. If you don't unvote, I will assume you didn't.
- Lynching requires a majority of votes.
- If the number of players is even, a No Lynch takes one less vote than a lynch.
- Suggesting No Lynch on day 1 is likely to get you bandwagonned. Wait, that's not a rule. Never mind.
- Do not discuss this game outside of the thread unless your role specifically says you can do so.
- When you are dead, do not spam the thread. Do not post anything game-related unless your role specifically says otherwise.
- Do not edit or delete posts (I think this is obsolete now).
- Do not quote mod PMs unless your role specifically says otherwise.
- I will edit your posts for no reason in a pathetic attempt to be funny. I will stop doing that when the game leaves RVS.
- Make night choices quickly.
- Lurking will not be tolerated. I will prod you after 3 days of inactivity, and then you have 48 hours to post something. Exceptions to this may be granted if I am notified in advance.
- Most importantly: this is a game. Play it for fun, and play it as well as you possibly can.
Jazzmyn, Oh ho, then we have something in common~ I wonder if admitting that in this city would result in my lynch. (I'm living in Canada at the moment, but I'm not Canadian.)
Apparently her votes don't count. This makes her useless... right? RIGHT?
"I can't not give mad props to the murderbot 9000 that was q21." - Spyrex, after Scummies Invitational 2010.
You know those times when you wish you could think of something really funny or interesting to say, but just can't?... Yep, this is one of those times.
"I can't not give mad props to the murderbot 9000 that was q21." - Spyrex, after Scummies Invitational 2010.
You know those times when you wish you could think of something really funny or interesting to say, but just can't?... Yep, this is one of those times.