-----Minineko wrote:RestFermata, you are Clint Eastwood, as Walt.
You are dead.
However, because you are just so awesome, you can still talk and vote.
You win when the town is the only remaining group.
Note that this role is intentionally ambiguous. I will acknowledge all
questions, but will not necessarily answer them.
Please confirm by PM.
-----Minineko wrote:You have returned to light as Haschel Cedricson's minion.
At night, you may kill another player.
Your win condition as also changed: you win when you and HC are the only players remaining.
If HC dies, you die as well.
(After dying)
-----Minineko wrote:Okay, you are probably wondering what the hell is going on with your role right now. Which is understandable.
You are still dead. But Walt is so awesome, of course you can still talk and vote! You also still have the power to kill at night.
Your win condition is still "You win if HC and you are the only remaining players." This won't be possible to accomplish without one of you reviving... which is... unlikely, to say the least.
I'm telling you this mostly so that you don't give up but you cannot claim the info contained in this sentence in the thread: it is still possible for you to win.
-----Minineko wrote:You'll most likely have to change your win condition somehow. What kind of roles could change your win condition?
Also keep in mind there are quite a few dead scums, and them game is still going.... hmm, I wonder why that is!
RestFermata wrote:If a role does not specify whether or not it must target a LIVING player, might it be able to target a dead player?
-----Minineko wrote:It might.
I did the best I could, but screwed it up royally. Mostly out of sheer bewilderment.