1. Social Contract
*This is a game. I've done my best while setting it up to make it enjoyable for everyone. Fun is our first priority.
*I will do the following:
=treat this game as my MafiaScum priority, as a committment to the players
=post votecounts at least once per page whenever possible
=prod players w/o prompting
=answer questions as soon as possible
*I expect all players to do the following:
=have fun and play to win
=treat the game as a commitment to yourself, to the other players and to me
=not make personal attacks
=stay active per my activity policy
=bring concerns or problems to my attention as soon as possible
=if you believe I've made a mistake, please PM me and do not post it in the thread
2. Activity
*This game will have fixed deadlines (extensible only in extreme circumstances) and I expect players to actively participate.
*Deadlines are 3 weeks long for Days 1 and 2. Days 3 and later will be 2 weeks long. Nights will be ~72 hours long. All deadlines will expire at midnight East Coast US time.
*Players not posting for 72 hours will be prodded and must respond in the game thread within 48 hours. I will prod for inactivity twice. On the third instance of 72 hours without posts, or on failing to respond to a prod, you will be replaced.
*If you see a player has not posted in thread for 72 hours and I have not announced a prod, please PM me. All prods are stated publicly.
*If you will be away and unable to post over 48 hours, please let me know. You may be replaced if I believe your absence will disrupt the game.
3. Votes and Lynches
*Lynches will only occur with a true majority of voters. Once a person has reached a majority, they are dead and unvoting them will not stop the lynch.
*If the deadline hits before anyone has been lynched, then no one will be lynched.
*Votes and unvotes must be bolded in a
format. The colon is optional.
*Unvoting is required to move change or remove your vote.
*Players may vote for no lynch to occur on any given day (vote: No Lynch). A majority of votes for no lynch will end the day and no one will be lynched.
*Until I have counted the votes and posted the death scene and role reveal, all players including the lynchee may continue to post. Once I have posted a vote count indicating a player is lynched, they are dead and are not to post anything else at all, not even a "Bah!" post.
4. Other (but still important!) Stuff
*Do not post or quote directly from any PM or communication outside this thread between me and you or you and another player. Do so and I will modkill you. Don't even fake it. Put whatever you have to say in your own words.
*Modkills end the day.
*No hydras (more than one person playing a role with a shared account).
*Do not post invisible or small text.
*Do not edit your posts or the posts of others.
*Do not discuss this game with other players (whether in this game or not) outside of this thread, unless I have told you otherwise, until this game is completed.
*At my sole discretion I reserve the right to remove any player from the game and replace or modkill their role.
*If I've overlooked something and need to modify the rules to account for it, I will post a notice in the game thread and update this post.