1. This is a game. Don't take it too personally, remember to have fun, respect the other players and play to win.
2. Do not talk about this game outside the thread, unless your role PM allows you to do so.
3. Do not quote your role PM or any other PM's sent by me.
4. Do not edit or delete your own or anyone else's posts.
5. Do not use tiny font, otherwise hard-to-read text, or any cryptic code.
is reserved as mod color.
8. If you have something to ask from me, you can either ask it in-thread, in which case I will answer it in-thread, or by PM, in which case I will answer by PM.
9. Votes must be bolded. Unbolded votes do not count.
10. Unvotes must also be bolded. You do not have to include the name of the player you are unvoting.
11. A majority of votes is required for someone to be lynched or for there to be a no-lynch.
12. The player with the highest number of votes is lynched at deadline. In case of a tie, the first player to reach that number is lynched.
13. Votes cast after the deadline or a lynch do not count.
14. After a "hammer", the game enters twilight, where all players except the person lynched may continue discussion until the mod posts a death scene.
15. Lynched and night-killed players are allowed one "Bah"-style post.
The players may not disclose neither truthful nor false information about pro-mafia roles. (i.e., no posts of the form "I'm mafia with X and Y").
17. I reserve the right to modkill players if I feel that they are breaking the rules or faking the breaking of the rules.
18. Deadline for every day is (Players alive *2)+6 real-life days. For example, with 12 alive it's 30 days, whereas with 3 alive it would be 12 days.
19. Deadlines may be extended, if there have been several replacements during a day.
20. Deadline for every night is 48 hours, with Saturdays and Sundays counting as 12 hours each.
21. If you fail to post your night choice within the deadline, you will not act that night at all.
22. Inactivity for 48 hours, with Saturdays and Sundays counting as 12 hours each, will result in a prod, unless you have announced of being V/LA.
23. Failure to post in thread within 24 hours of receiving the prod will get you replaced.
24. Everyone can only be prodded twice during a day. Third prod will automatically get you replaced.
Please note the high activity requirements. If you do not feel comfortable with this, talk to me about replacing out.
This game has a semi-open setup. Two of the nine players have received the following role PM:
- Each night you may choose to visit a player's house. If that player is the other goon, you meet, allowing the two of you to night-communicate from then on and all your future night-kills will have 100% chance of success (but you will only be able to submit 1 NK as a team). If the visited player is a townie, then there's a 33% chance that the player will spot you and you will have to kill them. (Your kill still has 33% chance of success if the other goon finds you the same night.)
If your partner is lynched at any point in the game, you will stop your search and begin killing the townies (1 per night) to avenge your partner's death.
Based on your previous work, you know for certain that your partner is not one of {list of 4 randomly chosen townies}.
All other role information is unknown at the start of the game.