Truly, it seems like a small group of intruders have entered the invincible battle station. Squad 19, one of the numerous squads of Stormtroopers assigned to the Death Star, has been infiltrated by insurgents posing as the Empire's soldiers. Twelve players will enter the room and only a few will survive the coming had started as a rebellion. Now it will turn into a full-fledged war.
- 2. SajinSlicey
- 9. BloodCovenent,Imperial Interrogater, Imperial Jailkeeper, shot Day 1
7.Knight of Cydonia,Jebus,Stormtrooper, Imperial Vanillamauled to death Day 1
5.Santos,Stormtrooper, Imperial Vanilla, lynched Day 1
6.Kreriov,Imperial Officer, Imperial Database Expert, mauled to death Day 2
11.xRECKONERx,Han Solo, Rebel Smuggler, lynched Day 2
1.Starbuck,Stormtrooper, Imperial Vanilla, lynched Day 3
10.MacavityLock,Veteran Stormtrooper, Imperial Double Voter, killed in the chaos Day 4
3.Slicey,dothefandangoTrigger Happy Stormtrooper, Imperial One-shot Vig,decapitated Day 4
12.Furry,RestFermataStormtrooper, Imperial Vanilla, endgamed Day 4
4.Kdub,Stormtrooper, Imperial Vanilla, endgamed Day 4