This is the story of 12 people living in Alpaca Street. Coincidently they are all just formed couples. Everyone has found love and everyone has found happiness in the love of their respective couples.
Or at least, they think so.
In the morning, couples spend their time walking in the park, kissing under the shadow of the high trees. In the afternoon, they stay in their houses, watching some movies, dancing in the living room, eating using skin as dishes. In the night, oh the magic night, they make love in the carpet, near the chimney.
But love hurts, you know? You really don't have idea what is love if you haven't suffered. And some days ago, some partners have been very strange, they are not the same. You start wondering why?
You are here to find out why.
But don't worry. You are a good person but that doesn't mean you can also play their games. In fact, let's just start one.
Welcome to I love you Mafia. I'm Tajo, your lovely narrator.
Current game status: Day 3!!!
Deadline : Wed 21st.
Alive (2/12)
Slicey, Adam, a gay and a mafia hot boy
survived and won the game.
Tjoe Min Ja, Marta, a lesbian and a mafia club whore
survived and won the game
Dead (10/12)
Mafiaplayer, Janice, romantic and a townie triangle maker
has been beaten to death with the maze of love day 1.
Elvis, Poly, openminded and a townie swinger bitch
has been red arrowed night 1.
MafiaSSK, Poly, openminded and a townie power sado
has been lynched with rain of lovestones day 2.
IcemanE, Corrie, oldie and a townie in love
has been red arrowed night 2.
DizzyIzzy, Mary, lesbian and a townie jealous partner
has been lynched with lovehate day 3.
Zwetschenwasser, Courtney, a horny and a townie doctor heart
has been red arrowed night 3.
Crazy, Mark, a romantic and a goon in love
has disappeared in the ocean by lack of love night 3.
Vaya, Ace, horny and a townie in love
has been lynched in endgame for scum victory day 4.
Iecerint, Scott, a gay and a townie in love
has been endgamed for scum victory day 4.
Col Cathart, Corrie, oldie and a pervert voyeur
has been endgamed for scum victory day 4.
Last edited by populartajo on Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:41 pm, edited 36 times in total.
1. You may not PM or IM or otherwise contact any player at anytime about this game, regardless of if you are living or dead. If your role makes an exception to this rule for you, strictly follow the new rule in your role PM.
2. Once you are dead you can no longer post in-thread. Not even a "bah." post. Seriously.
3. Each player can vote for exactly one other player at a time during the day. Make your choice in bold letters like
Vote: populartajo
4. To change your vote, you may post
in bold letters but it's not necessary for me to count it.
5. Cast votes that do not follow the formatting guideline described in (3.) will not be counted.
6. A lynch will occur when more than 50% of the players have their votes placed upon the same player, or have their votes placed upon Nolynch. After the 50%+1 threshold is reached, the lynch will occur regardless of any subsequent posting.
7. "Day" is defined as any time when the thread is unlocked. Living players can post during the day.
8. "Night" is defined as any time when the thread is locked. Special exceptions may be made if deemed necessary.
9. The game starts once the role PMs have been sent. Since you are reading this, that means that the game has begun. I will unlock the thread once everyone has received their role PM.
10. Each period of Day will have a deadline I announce, where:
initial date + 2*( number of living players ) = deadline date
There could be extensions.
11. When 72 hours have passed without an individual player posting, I will prod that player only if requested to do so in-thread by any other player.
12. If a prodded player does not open the prodding PM within 72 hours he will be replaced. Until a replacement is found the player facing replacement can still vote and post. If I have to prod a player a third time, I will replace him. If expect to be unable to post in the game for 48+ hours, send me a PM. I do not check the vacation/leave thread.
13. Each votecount will contain the "*" character next to the name of the player who will die if no votes are changed before the deadline. The "*" character will remain on the same player until another player has more votes. If there is a tie in votes when deadline hits, the player that reached the same amount of votes first is lynched.
14. Each night phase will have a deadline set whose length is 3 real life days. If a night choice is not submitted before the deadline, no action will be made.
15. Breaking a rule = death for a given value of death. I determine that value.
16. If you have the ability to edit posts, don't do it in this thread.
17. If you have any questions please ask me via PM or in-thread as they occur to you. I will be as fair and helpful as I can
18. Every moderator will make mistakes, and I am no exception. Please be patient, understanding, and forgiving towards me.
19.Talking about ongoing games is against rules.
20. If you write a post has a chance of breaking this site-wide rule, PM it to me before you post it. I will tell you if it would get you modkilled or not. A modkill will not end the day
Role PMs are now out. Please confirm by PM. The confirmation phase and pre-game phase will last for as little as 24 hours or as long as 72 hours depending on the length of time it takes for all signed up players to confirm. Please confirm ASAP. Thanks!
Grandpa had car accident. No access until things get better and giving priority to this game. Im unlocking the thread now. If I take too long Ill contact a mod replacement.
Also, since we appear to be able to night talk with our lovers, I suggest we claim all the lover pairings in order to prevent later fake claiming from scum.
DizzyIzzyB13: For the record, I /ghooked Cogitate :p
ChannelDelibird: Well, for the record, FUCK YOU
ChannelDelibird: ;_;
DizzyIzzyB13: Cogitate is shorter. :(
DizzyIzzyB13: Sorry, CD
ChannelDelibird: Well, at least that's the first time a girl has told me "it's not short enough"
I don't think we should claim lovers at this time. The only advantage in doing so I can see is the unlikely scenario where we kill both members of a lover pair and then a scum pair chooses one of those lovers apiece and manufactures false night communication. This is a pretty remote scenario, I think, especially early on. However, it may become useful to claim lovers later in the game.
tajo, may we quote non-mod-derived quicktopic communication in-thread?
Icerint wrote:I don't think we should claim lovers at this time. The only advantage in doing so I can see is the unlikely scenario where we kill both members of a lover pair and then a scum pair chooses one of those lovers apiece and manufactures false night communication. This is a pretty remote scenario, I think, especially early on. However, it may become useful to claim lovers later in the game.
I don't see the purpose why scum would do that, instead of just telling the truth and not having to make up fake quicktopic info.
I'm indifferent to claiming lovers. If we decide to do it, I'll go along; if not, I don't care. I really don't see there being much of an impact either way.
DizzyIzzyB13 wrote:Also, since we appear to be able to night talk with our lovers, I suggest we claim all the lover pairings in order to prevent later fake claiming from scum.
Weird idea, but I don't mind it...
[b]Mini 934[/b] is [b]over![/b] Thanks to everyone participating.
[i]What the hell? That Colonel guy was awesome.[/i] - Fate
Well, I don't know why scum would need to fake claim a lover anyway. Aren't all players paired up? Are we thinking scum don't have lovers or something? Because I know my lover wasn't confirmed to me, which leads me to believe scum are mixed in to the pairs.
Talk nerdy to me.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -Joseph Campbell
Crazy, I think scum is unlikely to do it until very late in the game. Early on, there's too much chance of the dead townie's lover still being alive. Later on, though, scum could reasonably safely claim they'd partnered with an influential dead townie and claim that said townie suspected whichever town player.
Maybe we should only claim our lovers after our partner has died. This prevents the scum from falseclaiming a lover without leaving themselves in a 1-1 while still minimizing information scum has access to.
I think tajo would set this game up so that claiming lovers on Day 1 is at best neutral and at worst anti-town.
I'm sure this looks very stupid... but my role pm did not say I die when my lover dies. But I guess this is just implied since lover roles always do that?
Talk nerdy to me.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -Joseph Campbell
Oh, and since I think the answer to that last post is yes, and I support claiming lovers because at this point the scum have probably shared with the team their pairings so they know some of the pairings. So they know more than us and can push a lynch at the weaker side of the pair if they want to get rid of someone. So I think we should get all the pairs out there so we know as much as they do.
Talk nerdy to me.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -Joseph Campbell