It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to meet the muppets on the Muppet Show tonight!
It’s time to put on makeup it’s time to dress up right, it’s time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight!
Welcome to the Muppet Show!
Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie and most of the most famous muppets are all out pursuing their careers beyond the show but the rest of you hard working muppets are still here and still have a show to put on. You might lack the big names but you’ve got all the talent you need to do this. Unfortunately there seems to be some disagreement about exactly who should be calling the shots. When Kermit left, he and J.P Grosse, the theater owner, put Nigel in charge of making sure things run smoothly. Today when everyone came in for the dress rehearsals you found both Nigel and J.P. Grosse dead out in the alley behind the Muppet Theater. Clearly someone doesn’t want the show to go on as planned. It looks like you’ll have to try to figure out who. And lynch them of course. Muppets aren’t opposed to a little obligatory violence after all.
Day One end - Day Two end - Day Three end - Day Four end - Game Over
-Zorblag R`Lyeh