When the founding gang regained control of Atomic Falls, Manitoba, the word went out among the criminal element of Canada. From Dawson to Halifax, low-lives, brigands, thieves, and other unsavory characters flocked to the small town, hoping for a new age of uninterrupted crime.
But, not all of the new arrivals are as crooked as they say they are. Three are undercover cops, who have been waiting for this day for 25 years. Their goal is to infiltrate the ruling crime syndicate, and take it down from the inside. This won’t be easy, as each night, one of the cops must drop their act, and make an arrest. That person will be taken out of Atomic Falls, and sent to a maximum security prison in Regina, from which there is no escape.
Oh, yeah, and it’s known that Tina, the psycho stripper who tried to kill everyone last time, has left the USA and is likely coming back to Atomic Falls, to finish what she started. She still kills with a poison, and she still dances to distract her enemies. And now, she has assumed the guise of someone else, and can perform that person’s night action as well.
Charles the Kidnapper
(played by imaginality),
Bruce the Martial Artist
(played by ~Jordan`), and
Mary Rose the Split Personality
(played by Snow_Bunny) are still living in Atomic Falls, having survived
the last encounter. Plus, the background radiation of the town has brought
Tom the Peeper
(played by xofelf) back to life, as a zombie. (We don’t call it Atomic Falls for nothing, eh?) But any one of them could be a UC cop; or Tina. But what about the new arrivals?
Could it be
(played by skitzo)? That paranoid conspiracy theorist is scared of his own shadow. The town doesn’t see much of him. He usually keeps himself holed up in the bomb shelter under his house. In fact, he’s been in that bomb shelter the entire last round. At least he’s safe from the killer there. Unfortunately, he recently developed a plumbing problem down there, so he can’t stay sheltered two nights in a row. Nah, it couldn’t be Wade. Right?
What about
Chloe, the poet
(played by Snix) from Montreal? She’s a mysterious one, all right. She can usually be found near the coffee house on poetry night. Her pieces are strangely inspiring. They have been known to cause people to do more with their lives. Every night, she reads a poem to someone, and that person can use their night action an extra time. She can’t, however, inspire someone who’s been distracted or kidnapped. She packs a punch, all right, but whose side is she on?
Keep an eye out for
Ralph, the taxi driver
(played by Snow White) from Ottawa. He’s been known to grab people into his car, and drive them places they don’t want to go. Every night, he grabs two people, and drops each one off at the other one’s house. Anybody else that planned to target one person will instead target the other. He cannot switch himself with anyone, because he has no home. He lives in his cab.
(played by
Eldritch Lord), from Edmonton, is a magician, which automatically means he’s not to be trusted. But he means well, and he tries to protect people with his “Magic Safe” illusion. He places his target in the safe, and locks it. Then, after the attacker does his business through a hole in the side, David opens the safe to reveal that it is empty! He then spins the safe around and unscrews the back panel, from which the target emerges, unharmed! Of course, someone has to attack the safe. Otherwise, the person gets trapped inside the secret compartment, with no food or water, and, well, you get the picture.
What about
(played by Ground), from Nunavut? She’s a social butterfly, who likes making friends and influencing people. Every night, she introduces herself to someone, exchanges phone numbers, and forms a strong bond. Eleanor can communicate secretly with her friends, and they with each other. However, she has no idea whether her new friends are really enemies. Even her friends can’t confirm her alignment.
Let’s hope it’s not
Robin, the criminal mastermind
(played by lewarcher82) from the Yukon. From the laboratory in her garage, she can dispatch a fleet of automatons. She only has three right now: a probe that can search someone’s house while they’re away, and find conclusive proof of their alignment (gangster, cop, or Tina); a floating cocoon that can find someone, and protect them from all attacks for one night; and a terminator that can track down a person and obliterate them. Unfortunately, Robin hasn’t had the time to work out all the bugs in her droids; they all have the annoying habit of self-destructing once they’ve completed their job.
Beware of
(played by
Jazzmyn), a cat burglar from Moose Jaw. She can steal into a person’s house at night, and steal their tools of the trade, such as Mary Rose’s machete, Robin’s machines, or David’s magic props. The effected player becomes a vanilla gangster/UC cop/Tina. Unfortunately, Carmen doesn’t know much about anything other than burglary, so she can’t use what she takes.
And finally, there’s
(played by TonyMontana), the infamous “Nova Scotia dropper.” He can kill anyone, even if his target is protected, even if he’s blocked. But the thing is he only has one bullet to use, so he can only kill once. Or so he says. If he’s a cop or the killer, all of his kills will be unstoppable. The question is, which is he?
The battle for Atomic Falls continues. Can the founding gang use their new power over the town to keep control of it? Will the police finally bring down the biggest crime ring in Canada? Or will Tina be the only one left standing?