1.) Have fun. This is not an option. If you’re not having fun, replace out. I will not judge you.
2.) The mod is always right. Always. Yes, even then. However, if you think there’s some confusion, and it absolutely can’t wait until the end of the game, send me a PM; do not break my game because you died when you didn’t think you should’ve.
3.) Days will continue until a player is killed, or a majority of players vote no lynch during the discussion phase.
4.) Voting is not done through traditional mafia mechanics. For more information on this, see game specific rules below.
5.) Due to the nature of lynches in this game, there will be no vote counts.
6.) Feel free to quote your role PM as much as you want, or fake any information in order to gain an advantage. This includes things such as stats, etc. Alignment is determined independently of role in this game.
7.) Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless your role allows you to, in which case you may only do it during the specified times with the specified players. This is a modkillable offense.
8.) You’re required to post regularly. I prod after 2 days of inactivity and replace after 1 days of no response to the prod. This rule is flexible if you PM me in advance. Please be mindful, I will not be checking the V/LA thread regularly. That's not my job. If you have posted there, I expect you to send me a PM as well.
9.) Once you’re dead, you’re no longer subject to the previous rule. As a matter of fact, once you’re dead, stop posting. I will permit one simple “bah” post and nothing more. Please make sure that there is absolutely NO game relevant information in this post. Yes, even “go scum” is game relevant. Don’t do it.
10) In the event of a modkill, it will end the day.
game specific rules
1) Each player will recieve a character from me, complete with a set of stats, as well as armor, weapons, etc. This is the "Role" that you will be playing for the duration of the game
2) 3 players will be randomly designated as scum. They will have all the abilities standard to scum teams, with the sole difference being that the player they attempt to kill will be allowed to make a saving throw in an attempt to take half HP damage, rather than die.
3) Each day will be divided into alternating sets of phases. The first phase will be a discussion phase. This is like your traditional mafia day in every way except that it does not contain voting. Feel free to vote if you wish, but I will not be keeping track of them. After this, we will enter the melee phase, which will consist of each player rolling for initiative, and then taking/or not taking an action in turn. Discussion phases will last 3 days each, and melee phases will last for 2 complete turns for every player. Discussion is still allowed during melee phases.
4) Lynching will be conducted using the following system. Each player will receive a character, complete with stats such as are typical for a character in the game dungeons and dragons. These stats will include hit points. A player is lynched at the point where his/her HP drops to 0 or below. During the discussion phase, players are also allowed to vote no lynch. this does not preclude them from participating in combat.
5) Actions can be either PMed to me, or posted in bold in the thread. I will then do all the subsequent dice rolls, and post the outcomes in the thread. As soon as an action is resolved the next player can play his turn.
6) The game is over when there are no scum players or town players remaining. This means that even if a day dawns at 1:1:, the players will still have to enter melee in order to determine which one of them wins.