1. Primate
2. Drench
3. Chamber
4. MafiaSSK
5. Deathnote
7. Populartajo
10. Bogre
11. Boxman
12. Iecerint
13. Ortolan
9. Pyromaniac - Unnightkillable Hated Neighbour
8. Mr Squirrel - One-Shot Un-Nightkillable One-Shot Day vig
6. SpyreX - Cult Leader Neighbour
01] Votes must be in bold. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted.
[02] It would be appreciated if you unvote, if necessary, before casting a new vote. I do not require it, though.
[03] Lynching will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, their pleas are useless and any attempts to unvote will be unheeded. Feel free to post and pm in twilight, though.
[04] You may vote: No Lynch. Majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.
[05] Days will last 3 weeks long max. If I impose a day deadline, no one will be lynched if the deadline hits with no one reaching the required number of votes.
[07] Do not discuss this game outside the thread unless your role states it. No-one may post in the thread when I declare it night (In case I don't lock it).
[08] Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead. Stop typing. Not even a “Bah!” post. Just, just stop. Fingers off the keys. You're no longer breathing. Save it for after the game is over.
[09] No small or invisible text. Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts either.
[10] Don’t quote any PMs from me or other players. If you do, I will cast Summon Nature's Modkill V on you. Also, if you have anything sneaky or dicey such as screenshots, cryptography etc, please PM me and check.
[11] If you have a night choice to make, it is due by the posted deadline. I will not wait for you. If you do not submit a choice to me, its a No Choice. If you have a power and don't want to use it PM me "none" "no action" or similar to keep the game fast.
[12] If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread or PM me. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
[13] Unlike Oman (and like Crub) I am fallible. If I make a mistake, let me know. It can be either by PM or in-thread. In particular, if I post a vote count that does not accurately reflect your vote, please correct me, or your (incorrect) vote may be counted as I placed it.
[14] There is no Rule 6
[15]Green texts are my mod texts. Please don't use them. I know what I write, and if you try to pass yourself off as me, you shall feel pain.
[16] Any Role PM that contradicts one of these rules overrides the general rule.
[17] Play to win this game. Do not use it to build a meta-game of yourself for other games, this game is an island. Also, all players must read their role PMs and understand their role before playing. If you have a question PM me.
[18] Remember, it’s a game and it’s supposed to be fun. Be nice to your fellow players and your mod.