Legacy of the Ancients Mafia (That's All, Folks!)

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Legacy of the Ancients Mafia (That's All, Folks!)

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:47 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »

Legacy of the Ancients Mafia

Backup Moderator:

Long ago, when the stars were young
from our ancient spires many-towered
we walked among the stars like giants,
seeking all that could be found.

Our heyday was glorious
but our fall was terrible.
In the course of our exploration
we uncovered a truly alien species.

Though each of us tried to communicate
neither could understand the other.
From our misunderstandings came fear, and hatred
and so began the War of Light and Shadow.

Long we strove, long we fought
and in the end we drove them off.
We thought the threat was ended...
but it was not so.

In silence, they regrouped.
In the darkness, they schemed.
And when we returned to our ancient homes,
in secrecy, they followed.

The dark ones came to our hidden worlds
and saw in them perfection.
So began
the War in Heaven.

Game State:
Over, scroll down for details

The Living:
2) Sajin, The Captain, Ancient Tracker (formerly Ancient Neighborhood Watchman), Survived
16) malthusis, The Grey Lady, Ancient Vigilante, Bombed Day 1, Revived Day 3, Survived

The Dead:

21) Slicey, The Intern, Outsider Mason, Struck Down Day 0

5) MafiaSSK, The Child, Innocent Ancient, Vaporized Day 1
1) Kairyuu, The Mortician, Ancient Janitor (Hypnotized), Committed Psychic-Assisted Suicide Day 1
14) Boxman, The Archon, Ancient Arcanist, Slain Day 1

22) Bogre, The Seeker, Shadow Mafia Redirector, Suffered a Heart Attack Day 2

No Lynch Occured Day 2 Due to Day-Ending Modkill
15) Maemuki, The Celebrity, Ancient Kidnapper, Died Gloriously Day 3
11) dramonic, The Senior, Ancient Investigator, Died Gloriously Day 3

3) Trumpet of Doom (rep. Seraphim), The Security Officer, Ancient Observer, Suffered a Heart Attack Day 4
4) zwetschenwasser, The Paranoid, Bulletproof Ancient, Lynched Day 5
9) UncertainKitten (rep. forbiddanlight), The Innocent, Ancient Mirror Guard, Suffered a Heart Attack Day 5

The Obliterated:

18) Amished. (rep. Cobalt), The Outcast, Ancient Miller, Assassinated Day 1, Removed From the Game Day 1

12) DeathNote, The Apprentice, Shadow Mafia Enforcer, Lynched Day 1, Removed Himself From the Game Day 1

20) DragonsofSummer, The Usurper, Neutral Hypnotist, Bombed Day 1, Removed Himself From the Game Day 1

13) Budja, The Bouncer, Ancient Elite Bodyguard, Torn Apart in Wrath AND Struck Down Day 1, Removed Himself From the Game Day 1

10) xRECKONERx, The Ambassador, Outsider Diplomat, Assassinated Day 0, Removed From the Game Day 0, Modkilled Day 2

25) Kise, The Monk, Ancient Ascendant, Slain Day 0 Removed From the Game Day 2
24) animorpherv1, The Enduring, Ancient Redirector, Lynched Day 3
19) SocioPath, The Hunter, Shadow Mafia Redirector, Assassinated Day 2, Removed From the Game Day 3

8) Xylthixlm, The Hunter-Killer, Serial Killer, Lynched Day 3, Removed From the Game Day 4

17) Starbuck, The Intruder, Shadow Mafia Godfather, Lynched Day 4, Removed From the Game Day 5

7) Vaya, The Attache, Outsider Mason, Lost at Endgame
23) Snow_Bunny, The Jester, Outsider Harlequin, Lost at Endgame

The Not Appearing In This Mafia:

-1) Non Player Character, The Redshirt, Ancient Doomed NPC Character, Locked In a Malfunctioning Airlock Pregame

0) Tarhalindur, The Ascended, ModGod, Is Not Playing In This Game

-2), Vi, Dimensional Traveler, Not Appearing In This Mafia, Forced Out of This Plane of Existence Day 1

6) Mufasa, The First Officer, Ancient Neighborhood Watchman, Retconned (Modkilled), Autolossed, and Blacklisted Day 2 for a Violation of Rule 0.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:48 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »


<0> I am the Mod thy God. If a dispute arises, my decision is final. That said, I am not infallible - if I make a mistake or you have a question, please inform me of the problem (preferably via PM or bold text) and I will correct it.
<0a> Refusal to accept the moderators decision once the moderator has made it clear that the decision is final will be punished by modkill (if applicable) and blacklisting.
<0b> I may, at my discretion, opt to use a greater punishment than usual on one or more players, provided that there is a clear pattern of more than one player violating the same rule and that the player(s) to be punished more severely broke that rule more severely or frequently than other players.
<1> This is a game. I hope that you have fun. In return, I ask that you not have your fun at the expense of the other players in this game (in other words, don't be a jackass). Repeated or extreme violations of this rule will result in replacement or modkill.
<1a> Attempting to use loopholes in the rules to gain an advantage in the game is considered jackassery, and will be treated as such. This applies to things like encrypted codes, invisible text, editing and deleting posts, etc. Please, use your common sense!
<1b> If there is any question about whether something might break the rules, it's probably best if you don't do it or at least ask first.
<1c> Rule 1 is a catchall rule; it is intended to preemptively outlaw any action I consider clearly unacceptable that I have not explicitly outlawed elsewhere, or for assigning a lesser punishment when I feel that the usual punishment for a rule violation would be too harsh. I will do my best not to use the first aspect of this rule, but if I decide that something qualifies as a Rule 1 violation then it is a Rule 1 violation. (See also Rule 0.)
<2> If there is a conflict between a role and the rules, the role wins.
<3> Claiming that another player is your scumbuddy will result in a modkill. I have zero tolerance for scumbuddy claims.
<4> For this game, I am experimenting with the strength of my role-based anti-PM quoting strategies. This game is going to PERMIT mod PM quoting. Quote whatever you want (with one exception - see below).
<4a> All members of nontown factions have the Falseclaim ability ("At any time, you may send me an ability (or set of abilities) and a role name. If you do, I will make a fake role PM for you using the given name and abilities at the earliest possible opportunity. This is a Rapid Action (it resolves immediately upon receipt). You may use this ability any number of times. ") unless explicitly stated otherwise.
<4b> All members of nontown factions will be given a full safeclaim PM (including ability templating and a town win condition) prior to the start of the game.
<4c> Do not quote QuickTopic links under any circumstances. Violation of this rule will lead to modkill AT MINIMUM.
<5> You may not talk with other people about this game outside of the thread (but see Rule 2).
<6> This game will have a vote count and a FoS count. Each player will begin with 1 vote (but see Rule 2).
<6a> In a Normal game, the FoS count will have no effect on the game. Theme games make no such guarantee.
<7> To help the game run smoothly, votes and FoS'es should be made in bold text, and use the format Vote: XXXX and FoS: XXXX, respectively. An unvote and/or unFoS is required to remove a vote or FoS; to unvote or unFoS, please use the format Unvote: XXXX or UnFoS: XXXX.
<8> If a player or No Lynch has a majority of votes (or 50% of votes in the case of No Lynch), that player is lynched and cannot be unvoted. You may talk during twilight unless I state otherwise.
<9> Each game day will begin with a negotiable deadline of 2 weeks in place. At the end of each week, if I find the activity level in the game acceptable and the week does not end with the deadline, then I will extend the deadline by one week, to a maximum of twice the original deadline (a maximum of 4 weeks); the maximum deadlines are not retractable.
<10> If no one has reached majority by deadline, one of the following three things will happen:
a) If a majority of voting players are voting for a player, that player will be lynched.
b) If more than half of voting players are voting for one of two players, each of those players will send me a haiku. Whichever one is more amusing will be spared the rope. (Example: If thirteen players are voting out of 21, and 4 of those are voting for Player A and 5 are voting for Player B, Player A and Player B will need to send me haikus.)
c) If neither a) nor b) are applicable, No Lynch will occur.
<11> You may vote to No Lynch any number of times during the game. When at least 50% of voting players are voting No Lynch, No Lynch will occur. (To vote No Lynch, please use the format Vote: No Lynch. FoS'es for No Lynch will not be counted.)
<12> Don't drink and post, lest ye receive Public Humilitation. (This rule is an injoke and doesn't actually do anything.)
<13> This is an Twilight setup. Actions are sent during day and will resolve at end of day. There will be a brief twilight (12-24 hours) after lynch count is reached for players who want to wait to send in actions to do so.
<13a> When a player is lynched, that player may send in an ability prior to being lynched.
<14> When you die, stop posting. You may make a single "Bah!"/"Frak you!"/etc. post in the thread. You may not include game content in this post. In addition, once you are dead, please do not discuss the game with anyone other than the Mod until the game is over, as this makes the mod's life easier.
<15> All players need to post at least once every 72 hours, or inform me if this is not possible. If you do not post for 72 hours, you will be prodded. If you are prodded, then you will need to post something (a simple "/prodded" will suffice if you're short on time) within 72 hours or you will be replaced. You will receive an Official Warning the second time you fail to post for more than 72 hours. The third time you fail to post for 72 hours, you will be replaced.
<15a> If you have limited access, you need to post to this effect, either in V/LA or in the thread. If I prod you despite you declaring V/LA status, call me on it and I will be duly embarrassed.
<15b> If you post before I get around to handing out the prod, you avoid the prod.
<15c> Players who have a history of being lurkers may be Officially Warned for a first prod and replaced for a second.
<16> Players may only use one special ability per day (but see Rule 2). Passive abilities and factional abilities are not counted as special abilities for purposes of this rule.
<17> This game will start on Day 1 after all players have confirmed (by the method specified in their role PM).
<18> Any player who is modkilled loses the game unless I specify otherwise. I will modkill in either the fashion that I deem least damaging to the game state or the fashion that I deem most damaging to the modkilled player's faction, at my discretion.
<19> I reserve the right to add rules if necessary (or if I really, really want to).
<20> Okay, that's enough formal-sounding stuff. Good luck, have fun!

Game-Specific Rules:

<21> Each player has an Ultimate - a powerful 1-shot activated or triggered ability, or a passive ability that is functionally a triggered ability.
<22> Ultimates, in exchange for their power, have an additional cost in addition to counting towards the action limit. This cost is known as the Renumeration. A Renumeration has no effect until a player uses his or her Ultimate; once the Ultimate is used, the Renumeration then applies for the rest of the game.
<22a> When a player uses an activated Ultimate, that player's Renumeration becomes active (regardless of whether the ability succeeds) and applies for the rest of the game.
<22b) When a triggered Ultimate triggers or a passive Ultimate becomes applicable for the first time in the game, that player's Renumeration becomes active and applies for the rest of the game.
Last edited by Tarhalindur on Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:54 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »

A Brief List of Races

Note: All races can be factions, but not all factions can be races.

The Ancestors
- The Ancestors are nearly as old as the Ancients, possibly older. They are a wise and benevolent people, but for the most part have become mired in their past; a subset of Ancestor society (with possible ties to many Ancestor officials) desires to enact radical change, by force if necessary. The Ancestors' greatest achievement is their uplifting of many species on worlds in their domain; over a thousand races can trace their sentience to the Ancestors' handiwork (hence the name Ancestors, bestowed by some of their grateful creations).
The Ancients
- The Ancients are one of the oldest known civilizations, with a history dating back millions if not billions of years. They are famed in multiple galaxies for their great cities and starships of shining spires. Ouranos, the setting of our game, is an Ancient diplomatic outpost, a place of deals where diplomats, traders, and criminals of many species meet to do business.
The Ancients are the primary town faction in this game.

The Ascended
- The Ascended are not a single race per se. Instead, "Ascended" is a catch phrase for members of any race who have, in fine cliched science fiction style, Ascended to a higher plane of existence. Those who Ascend must recognize a code of conduct placed by the main school of Ascended thought, which largely prohibits the Ascended from interfering in mortal affairs (though exceptions may be granted for favors to those with special connection to the Ascended).
The Ascended are not a faction in this game, and there are no players in this game whose race is Ascended. The Moderator's race is Ascended.

The Balifids
- The Balifids are a cheery race of rodents with a disarming appearance. This cheesy appearance is, in fact, their greatest advantage - the Balifids are never taken seriously, so races that attempt hostile action against the Balifids quickly sue for peace when the Balifids show their hidden aggressive side. Moreover, the Balifids' appearance allows their spies access to places they would ordinarily never be allowed in, on the ground that they are "harmless". The Balifids are skilled diplomats and can often be found on diplomatic stations such as Ouranos.
The Devoted
- The Devoted are marked by their near-fanatical devotion to their gods (known as the Forsaken Ones; based on this, some have theorized that the Devoted are, in fact, the creation of the Forsaken) and the teachings of their religion. This is perhaps unfortunate, as their gods appear to be intolerant at best and outright xenocidal at worst. The Devoted occasionally will send diplomatic missions to other species, but these tend to be unproductive due to the rigidity of the Devoted mindset.
The Forsaken
- The Forsaken were once a civilization nearly as old as the Ancients or Ancestors. However, unlike most of the older races, the Forsaken found interacting with other species nearly intolerable (due to ingrained xenophobia and the government's strong intolerance of dissent). The Ancients defeated the Forsaken in a great war some time before the War of Light and Shadow, but occasionally relics of the civilization pop up to wreak havoc on the civilized universe...
The Eluders
- The Eluders are a race of shapeshifters, and relative newcomers to intergalactic civilization. Their shapeshifting originally evolved in order to allow them to escape the unusually ferocious predators of their homeworld, but has since been turned to a new cause: espionage. Beware - the Eluders' espionage abilities make up for their lack of military power, and their motives are unclear. Trust them at your peril.
The Gasbags
- The Gasbags are one of the species uplifted by the Ancestors. They have a strong relationship with their creators, having come to believe (rightly or wrongly...) that their purpose is the protection of those who uplifted them. Their alien psychology means that little else is known about this species.
The Guardians
- The Guardians are not so much a race as an order. They developed from an old Ancient order that concluded that the only way to fight the Shadows was with the Shadows' own abilities. The Guardians later took in members of many other races. The defining feature of a Guardian is the aura of Shadow power around them... an aura that grants great ability at the price of gradual corruption...
The Humans
- There are no Humans in this reality. This isn't a TV space opera, after all!
The Humans are not a race or faction in this game.

The Lost
- The Lost are, quite fittingly, lost. They are, like the Ancients and Ancestors, an old race; unlike the former, they passed out of known space long ago, in search of something unknown. Could they have come back? And if so, what is their aim?
The Melody
- The Melody are song made real. Everything about them (their culture, their speech, their goals) is determined by a song only they can hear. This has gained them a reputation for being nearly incomprehensible. The Melody has so far been a melody of peace... nobody knows what would happen if that melody changed to one of war...
The Mediators
- The Mediators, like the Balifids, are consummate diplomats. They excel at finding compromises and convincing both sides of a dispute to agree to that compromise. This makes them well-liked by almost all the races of the civilized universe. But could they have a hidden agenda?
The Minions
- The Minions are a relatively new race, created by an unknown hand for an unknown purpose. For the most part, the Minions are a peaceful people (with a reputation for being great dinner companions). However, when their masters activate unknown pathways within their bodies, they become cold-blooded killing machines and unstoppable invaders... which side will you see today?
The Observers
- The Observers' name is fitting. They view themselves are scientists and historians, concerned more with understanding why things happen than in trying to determine what happens. Some have, in fact, theorized that the Observers are from a parallel universe, and are studying this universe for a unknown purpose. But behind the Observers is a question... if the Observers are scientists, are they making reality into a controlled experiment behind the scenes?
The Other
- The Other are perhaps the most mysterious race in the known universe. Their purpose is as unknown as the meaning of their actions; even the most basic attempts at analyzing their psychology have failed so far. Their alien nature led to a great war between the Other and the Ancients in the fairly recent past, in which the Other were destroyed... or were they?
The Other, if they are in the game, are NOT a town faction.)

The Outsiders
- The Outsiders are another one of the old races, albeit one younger than either the Ancients or Ancestors. Their biology is radically different, adapted for functioning on very cold worlds; this difference of biology leads to a difference in mindset that can be difficult to breach. The Outsiders, like the Observers, are watchers instead of actors, content to sit aside and allow all but the greatest of events to play out... right?...
The Silicoids
- The Silicoids are one of the strangest species encountered. They view time very differently from most races (only natural, as they move much more slowly than most races and have difficulty understanding the fluid). They are comprehensible enough to have their place in civilization, but only just.
The Shadows
- The Shadows were, for the most part, once Ancients. However, they grew disgusted with aspects of Ancient society, and in their effort to distance themselves from the Ancients they attempted to understand the Other in a way no beings before them ever had. This attempt drove them mad, turning them into something between Ancient and Other and more horrible than either could ever be. Now they seek to undo the Ancients and impose their vision upon reality.
The Shadows, if they are in the game, are not a town faction.

The Traders
- The Traders gained their name through a history of profit, investment, and a sound business sense. They are the main engine behind the economy of the known universe, and nearly every transaction made has their hand in it at some level. This, of course, makes them the ultimate wild cards, loyal only to themselves; they would gladly fund both sides of a war if it would make them profit later...
The Undying
- The Undying are old, nearly older than reckoning; some believe they are older than the Ancients themselves. They are a spent people, broken by too many years of watching wars and fighting themselves. Most Undying now focus on Ascension, in the hope that rising to another plane of existence will relieve them of their sorrows.
The Walkers
- The Walkers are relatively young for an old race. They are a remnant people; their worlds were destroyed by war long ago, and they have taken to wandering reality looking for a new home. Their journeys make them invaluable for diplomats, historians, and spies seeking information. However, they have a dark side; their history has led to an ingrained paranoia, and they will do anything to ensure that as few Walkers die as possible.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:54 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »

It is now the Confirmation Stage. Role PMs are going out. Day 0 will start once at least 95% of players have confirmed.

Note: Rule 4 has been amended to prevent an obvious issue. QuickTopic links may not be quoted under any circumstances. All other aspects of PMs may still be quoted. (Note that quoting private information from other ongoing games falls under Jackassery.)
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:27 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »

Beginning of Day 0

Even if you didn't know the name of this place before coming to it, the signs everywhere would educate you in short order. "Welcome to Ouranos Station. Enjoy your stay!" they say. But such a pithy phrase does no justice to what this station really means.

Ouranos Station is a trading station, built years ago in a backwater area of the galaxy. Since civilization runs thin so close to the rim, it swiftly became a place where shady businessmen, fringers, and outright outlaws could meet to buy, sell, swap stories, have a good time, and even recruit new partners. On Ouranos station, anything and everything became permitted, with two exceptions: respect the authority of the military command in charge of the station (in other words, don't try to take over the station), and don't do business with Shadows.

Ironically, it was this "everything goes" attitude that led to major government interest in Ouranos. Diplomats have great use for a place where secret deliberations can be held outside the public spotlight. Likewise, spies can use such a place for information gathering... either from black sources, or from spying on the diplomacy meetings. In time, these attractive features led to the establishment of clandestine embassies and the de facto conversion of the station into a hub of diplomacy.

Thus was created the dual nature of Ouranos: unofficial yet connected to official channels at the highest levels, famous yet unknown, lawless yet kept strictly under control, under the table yet home to many of the most sensitive official negotiations.

That nature has served Ouranos - and the races that make use of it - well for many years. Until today.

For the last few days, there had been a variety of odd accidents that had led some to question whether a sinister hand might be at play. But they were all questionable... all explainable without resorting to assuming a conspiracy. This is Ouranos, after all... accidents happen, and nobody really wants them to be investigated.

But the latest accident cannot be ignored so easily. Today, at 0500 hours,
The Redshirt
, one of the station's crew, was found in a malfunctioning airlock. Attempts to save his life were unsuccessful, and he died of asphyxiation.

Usually, something like this would be ignored. But
The Redshirt
was one of the station's crew. Moreover, the malfunctioning airlock had been checked for problems a mere two days ago; if the "accident" was due to a mechanical or computer failure, it should have been caught.

Most chillingly, however, was an odd program found in the airlock during a preliminary investigation. You can't be sure what it is, but it looks like a computer virus. Perhaps even... a
computer virus.

And so, you must confront a dark possibility: that a conspiracy of persons unknown, be they Shadow or otherwise, has infiltrated this station in order to subvert or destroy it... that this conspiracy may intend to destroy every last person on this station... and, most chillingly of all, that the conspirators may still be hiding in your midst...

Moreover, you can't ask for outside assistance... this is Ouranos, after all...

Find the conspiracy. Discover its goals. Then destroy it... before it destroys you.

-1) Non Player Character, The Redshirt, Ancient Doomed NPC Character, Locked In a Malfunctioning Airlock Pregame

All but three players (Bogre, Cobalt, and Maemuki) have confirmed. It is now Day 0. Bogre, Cobalt, and Maemuki have 72 hours to confirm via PM or be replaced.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:34 pm

Post by Tarhalindur »

"Ancients, n. - One of the dominant species in the civilized galaxy, and the oldest known starfaring species. The Ancients are known for their emphasis on learning and relatively peaceful nature. Despite this, the Ancients have fought over seven wars in the past ten thousand years, including the long War of Light and Shadow that so decimated their civilization."

- Encyclopedia Universalis entry

The Zeroth Vote Count (aka the "In The Beginning..." Vote Count)

1) Kairyuu (0)
2) Sajin (0)
3) Seraphim (0)
4) zwetschenwasser (0)
5) MafiaSSK (0)
6) Mufasa (0)
7) Vaya (0)
8) Xylthixlm (0)
9) forbiddanlight (0)
10) xRECKONERx (0)
11) dramonic (0)
12) DeathNote (0)
13) Budja (0)
14) Boxman (0)
15) Maemuki (0)
16) malthusis (0)
17) Starbuck (0)
18) Cobalt (0)
19) SocioPath (0)
20) DragonsofSummer (0)
21) Slicey (0)
22) Bogre (0)
23) Snow_Bunny (0)
24) animorpherv1 (0)
25) Kise (0)

Not Voting (26): Kairyuu, Sajin, Seraphim, zwetschenwasser, MafiaSSK, Mufasa, Vaya, Xylthixlm, forbiddanlight, xRECKONERx, dramonic, DeathNote, Budja, Boxman, Maemuki, malthusis, Starbuck, Starbuck, Cobalt, SocioPath, DragonsofSummer, Slicey, Bogre, Snow_Bunny, animorpherv1, Kise

Votes required to lynch:

FoS Count:

1) Kairyuu (0)
2) Sajin (0)
3) Seraphim (0)
4) zwetschenwasser (0)
5) MafiaSSK (0)
6) Mufasa (0)
7) Vaya (0)
8) Xylthixlm (0)
9) forbiddanlight (0)
10) xRECKONERx (0)
11) dramonic (0)
12) DeathNote (0)
13) Budja (0)
14) Boxman (0)
15) Maemuki (0)
16) malthusis (0)
17) Starbuck (0)
18) Cobalt (0)
19) SocioPath (0)
20) DragonsofSummer (0)
21) Slicey (0)
22) Bogre (0)
23) Snow_Bunny (0)
24) animorpherv1 (0)
25) Kise (0)

Not FoS'ing (25): Kairyuu, Sajin, Seraphim, zwetschenwasser, MafiaSSK, Mufasa, Vaya, Xylthixlm, forbiddanlight, xRECKONERx, dramonic, DeathNote, Budja, Boxman, Maemuki, malthusis, Starbuck, Cobalt, SocioPath, DragonsofSummer, Slicey, Bogre, Snow_Bunny, animorpherv1, Kise

Current Deadline:
November 21, 2009 at ~6:00 P.M. GMT -6
First Mod Deadline Review:
November 14, 2009 at ~6:00 P.M. GMT -6

Begin Day 0!
Last edited by Tarhalindur on Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:36 pm

Post by dramonic »

first post!

Vote: Zwet
I'm a hoot
Stream: twitch.tv/dramonic
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:50 pm

Post by DeathNote »

This is going to be one crazy game. : /
Looking for love in Alderaan places.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:53 pm

Post by Slicey »

Vote: Bogre
Taking a temporary retirement from playing mafia games... damn you invitationals.
Coming in Summer 2010: Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Mafia. The most nonsensical game of mafia you'll ever play.
Note: V/LA most weekends, sorry.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:54 pm

Post by Vaya »

Vote: forbiddanlight
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:01 pm

Post by Sajin »

That is one long list of flavor.

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:02 pm

Post by Budja »

vote Mufasa
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:15 pm

Post by xRECKONERx »

Policy lynch.

Vote: Zwet
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:18 pm

Post by Budja »

Mufasa lynch > zwet lynch.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:24 pm

Post by DeathNote »

Kinda of topic-

There is a commercial out there where one person does something nice for someone else. While they do this, someone sees it and in turn, passes on the act of kindness. The process continues until if reaches back to the man/woman who started it. I can't remember what the commercial was advertising and if anyone knows it, please tell me.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:33 pm

Post by SocioPath »

Vote: forbiddanlight

Shes a secret Ascended co-ModGod who is also a sleeper agent in the game!
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:53 pm

Post by Xylthixlm »

vote: zwetschenwasser

"Xyl was completely berserk" -dramonic
"Xyl's ruthless policy lynching won the game." -Vi
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:09 pm

Post by Boxman »

Trust me, Mufasa is better as a policy lynch. :P

Vote: Mufasa
bandwagon away

Also, noting certain things I've noticed.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:27 pm

Post by Xylthixlm »

Boxman wrote:Also, noting certain things I've noticed.

"Xyl was completely berserk" -dramonic
"Xyl's ruthless policy lynching won the game." -Vi
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:00 pm

Post by Starbuck »

Vote: Maemuki

For being way too lurky in the last few games I've played with her.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:01 am

Post by Snow_Bunny »

Vote: Maemuki

Never played with you before.
Taking a long break from mafia games.

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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:34 am

Post by forbiddanlight »

Shes a secret Ascended co-ModGod who is also a sleeper agent in the game!
How did you know!?

Oh crap, gotta distance!

Vote Tarhalindur

I don't care if he's not in the game!
"Never have I seen anybody glorify their own lynch."

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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:49 am

Post by Maemuki »

Starbuck wrote:
Vote: Maemuki

For being way too lurky in the last few games I've played with her.
I lurk as:
* Vanilla Townie,
* Mafia Goon
* Mafia power-role
* Town Power-role.

Live with it.

Vote: Tarhalindur

Die mod die.

Intentional lurking is Jackassery (Rule 1 violation). It will result in an Official Warning on a first instance and modkill or forced replacement on the second. You have been warned. - Tar
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:52 am

Post by Starbuck »

Lurking is disrespectful to everyone. Why don't you just participate instead of using it as your excuse?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:07 am

Post by malthusis »

for TRADTiMM (you know what I'm talking about :P )