General Rules
0. This is a game. Play it to win.
1. I am the Mod, my word is the final word, regardless of rules.
2. I'm not perfect, so if you see any mistakes just post in thread (or PM).
3. This game is self-contained. Don't bring outside influences into this game, and don't talk about this game outside the thread (Mafia Discussion,chat, etc.)
4.Quoting any PM's is not allowed. I will probably not hesitate to mod-kill you if you do this.
5.When you are dead, you may only post 1 ''Bah'' post, nothing more.
6.If you try to find loopholes in the rules, you will get the same punishment as if you broke the rule.
If I need to edit posts, my color will be cyan. Don't use it!
Game Related Rules
1. Each day lasts
2 weeks
, and I will not hand out extensions unless desperately needed.Each
twilight lasts 48 hours (or less if everyone gets their actions in before the deadline).
2. You must post every
48 hours
or else I will give out prods. If you do not pick up your prod within 48 hours, I will replace you.
3.Remember to bold and unvote when voting.
4.Each player may only use one [Active] ability every night.
5.In the case of no one getting lynched before deadline, the person who has had the most votes for longest gets lynched.
6. You may vote No Lynch during the game. You only need 50% instead of a normal majority to successfully No Lynch.
X-Com Rules
1.This game will be played with alternate accounts. Do not post in your original account. I will give 1 warning if it is a accident (and delete the offending post) but if it looks like you posted on purpose, I will modkill.
2.Please try to obey the spirit of the game and don't try to puzzle out every one's original accounts or post your original accounts. DO NOT claim account names.
3.This is a game using the Twilight (Deep South) system. The thread is not locked during night and anyone (except the lynchee) can talk as much as they want.
The Vanilla Townie PM is this:
You are
, an Able Seaman (a merely average aquanaut). You will do anything to wipe out the alien threat, but you have no special abilities other then your voice and your vote.
You win when the H.Q is safe from all threats.