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A Roccisi Winter - Game Over

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:26 am
by TDC
Game Over.
11. Cobalt

Dead (16):
09. kyle99, Doctor, Milan Street, Town, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
10. Benmage, Townie, Venice Street, Town, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
12. Bogre, Miller Mason, Pisa Street, Palermo Street Masonry, Town, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
17. tatetothetot, Townie, Rome Street, Town, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
18. charter, Townie, Pisa Street, Town, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
20. Neopi, Vigilante, Pisa Street, Italian Mafia, Lynched Day 1. (Role)
15. Annachie, Compulsive Bodyguard, Torino Street, Town, Shot Day 1. (Role)
04. nhammen, Odd Day Cop, Milan Street, Town, Lynched Day 2. (Role)
Pyotr C. Romanof
HowardRoark, Weak Hider, Florence Street, Town, Lynched Day 2. (Role)
22. TheButtonmen, Mason, Torino Street, Palermo Street Masonry, Town, Shot Day 2. (Role)
roflcopter, Townie, Torino Street, Town, Lynched Day 3(Role)
21. Plum, Backup Vigilante, Pisa Street, Italian Mafia, Lynched Day 3 (Role)
Nuwen, Goon, Rome Street, Italian Mafia, Lynched Day 4 (Role)
DrippingGoofball, Townie, Venice Street, Town, Shot Day 4 (Role)
CSL, Townie, Rome Street, Town, Lynched Day 5 (Role)
14. ortolan, Goon, Milan Street, Italian Mafia, Lynched Day 5 (Role)
01. tubby216, Townie, Florence Street, Town, Lynched Day 8

LinksRules - Setup
Day 1:
Start - Reveals - Actions
Day 2:
Start - Reveals - Actions
Day 3:
Start - Reveals & Actions
Day 4:
Start - Reveals - Actions
Day 5:
Start - Reveals - Actions
Day 6:
Start - Reveals - Actions
Day 7:
Day 8:
Start - Reveals & Actions
Day 9:
Start - Reveals & Actions
Remaining Reveals - Group Abilities - Actions

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:30 am
by TDC
The Rules

  • General
    • The site-wide rules apply.
    • Do not try to hide information within your posts by using encryption, invisible/white text or similar means. If you are unsure whether what you're trying to do is allowed or not, please PM me.
    • If you're dead (which is the case in the precise moment I announce your death), refrain from posting at all.
    • All Mod communication should go through PMs, please do not request me to do things in thread. You may never quote anything you received as PM from me.
    • Added on 2009-15-12: You may never quote anything from a QuickTopic.
    • I am not a lawyer, so if you think the rules have holes, please let me know. If you exploit such a hole, expect to be mod-killed.
  • Voting
    • A proper vote must be bolded, include the word "vote" and something that I can trace back to one of the players. This may be the whole name or an abbreviation. Please make sure that I understand whom you mean to vote for. Otherwise, your vote won't count.
    • Unvotes are not necessary, but I'm sure the other players would appreciate them.
    • If you want to unvote without voting someone else, use a bolded "unvote".
  • Deadlines
    • All game days will be deadlined to (PLAYERS_ALIVE/2+7 real days).
    • I reserve the right to alter the deadline under extreme circumstances.
    • There is no reduced deadline lynch majority.

  • Lynching
    • Once an absolute majority of votes is reached, the player in question is removed from the game. This does not end the game day, but the vote count resets.
    • There is no limit on the number of lynches per game day.
  • Actions
    • Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any player may submit one personal and one group action each day. The regular deadline applies.
    • Personal actions have to be submitted by PM, Group actions in the relevant Quicktopic.
    • Choices must be bolded and it must be reasonably clear to me which action(s) you take (if more than one is available) and whom the target(s) is/are supposed to be.
    • The submitter of a group action will be the one carrying it out.
    • Group actions may be vetoed (again, bolded) in the Quicktopic at which point they become invalid and may not be attempted to be used again that day.
    • If you submit more group actions than you are allowed to (by default: 1), I will keep them by order of submittal. The dropped actions will silently fail.
    • If the submitter of a group action gets lynched, the action may be resubmitted by another group member.
    • If the target of any action gets lynched, it may be resubmitted.
  • End of Day
    • I will, as soon as possible and in that order:
      • Reveal all lynches of the day.
      • Process all actions and send out the results. All actions that were submitted before the deadline hit are treated the same. The precise moment does not matter.
      • Reveal all resulting deaths .
      • Announce the new deadline.
    • The vote count will reset, but the thread will remain open.
    • Reveals will include the full Role PM of the dead player, including group memberships, excluding group details. All active and passive abilities will be revealed, but for the sake of brevity, the first post will only contain a catchy role name and link to the actual Role PM. While alive, players don't know their catchy role name.
  • Participation
    • I expect each of you to post at least once every three days. (Some leniency will be applied on week-ends)
    • I will prod you if you don't. This will be announced in thread by me and you will have to answer the prod by posting in thread.
    • If prods are not answered or if I have to prod you repeatedly, I will replace you.
    • If no replacements can be found in a reasonable time, I will have to modkill you.
  • Information
    • I will try to post a vote count near the top of every page.
    • Additionally the first post will always contain the most current vote count and all other information you need.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:32 am
by TDC
The Setup

All Role PMs will have the following format:
  • Active Abilities:
    • Ability 1:
      • Ability Modifier 1
      • ...
      • Ability Modifier N
    • ...
    • Ability N:
      • Ability Modifier 1
      • ...
      • Ability Modifier N
  • Passive Abilities:
    • Passive Ability 1
    • ..
    • Passive Ability N
  • Groups:
    • Group 1:
      • Group Abilities:
        • Ability 1:
          • Ability Modifier 1
          • ...
          • Ability Modifier N
        • ...
        • Ability N:
          • Ability Modifier 1
          • ...
          • Ability Modifier N
      • Group Members:
        • Group Member 1
        • ...
        • Group Member N
    • ...
    • Group N:
      • Group Abilities:
        • Ability 1:
          • Ability Modifier 1
          • ...
          • Ability Modifier N
        • ...
        • Ability N:
          • Ability Modifier 1
          • ...
          • Ability Modifier N
      • Group Members:
        • Group Member 1
        • ...
        • Group Member N
  • Victory Condition:
List of Abilities (both for players and groups):
  • Bodyguard: Bodyguard: Each day you can protect another player. You will give your life for theirs. You can block multiple attempts at your target's life.
  • Cop: Each day you can investigate another player to find out whether or not they are anti-town.
  • Doctor: Each day you can protect another player. You are only able to prevent a single kill attempt per day.
  • Gunsmith: Each day you can find out whether a player has access to guns (via personal or group ability of Vigilante with any sort of modifiers)
  • Jailkeeper: Each day you can jail another player. They will be unable to use their own day action, nor can anyone else target them.
  • Hider: Each day you can hide in the house of another player. You will only die if they die.
  • Motivator: Each day you can enable a player to use one more ability the following day .
  • Nightwatchman: Each day you can find out whether the player you target used an ability that day .
  • Roleblocker: Each day you can block another player. They will be unable to use their own night action(s).
  • Role Cop: Each day you can receive the list of all active and passive abilities (with modifiers), excluding group abilities, of the player you target.
  • Tracker: Each day you can find out whom another player targeted that night.
  • Vigilante: Each day you can try to kill another player.
  • Watcher: Each day you can find out who targeted another player that night.
  • The Cop ability may or may not be accompanied with sanity confirmation.
  • The result of a Cop investigation will be either "Guilty", "Not Guilty" or "No Result".
  • These abilities will receive a "Yes" if the action is successful and the target meets the stated criteria: Gunsmith, Nightwatchman.
  • These abilities will receive a list of all players/abilities that meet the stated criteria if the action is successful: Role Cop, Tracker, Watcher.
  • These abilities will receive "No Result" if the action fails or if the action has no results: Gunsmith, Nightwatchman, Role Cop, Tracker, Watcher.
  • In short, the only ability that can tell whether or not it failed is the Cop.
List of Ability Modifiers:
  • 1-Shot: You can use your ability only once.
  • Amnesiac: You forget your own results, so you have to name another player who should receive your results.
  • Backup: Once someone with the same ability dies, you can use yours.
  • Collaboration: The ability is only available as long as at least two group members are alive.
  • Compulsive: You have to use your ability each day.
  • Even Day: This ability can only be used on even days.
  • Inventor: You cannot use your ability yourself, but each day you can give another player a 1-Shot of your ability for use on any subsequent day.
  • Final Chance: This ability is Free (see below) for the final member of the group.
  • Final Chance+: This ability is Free (see below) for the final member of the group. This final member may self-target with the ability.
  • Free: This ability does not count against the one personal and one group action per day rule.
  • Group only: This ability may only be used on members of this group.
  • No Back-to-Back: This ability cannot be used on the same target twice in a row.
  • Non-group: This ability may only be used on players that are not part of this group.
  • Odd Day: This ability can only be used on odd days.
  • Solist: This ability can only be used by the final member of the group.
  • Weak: You die when you target scum.
  • A 1-Shot ability will be used up, once the player/group attempted to use it, regardless of success.
  • The Amnesiac modifier only applies to investigative abilities (obviously) and the results will have the form:
    Ability: x
    Target: y
    Result: z
  • The following Modifiers only apply to Group Abilities: Collaboration, Final Chance, Final Chance+, Group-only, Non-group, Solist.
List of Passive Abilities:
  • Bulletproof Vest: You can survive one attempt at your life.
  • Godfather: If Cop-investigated you appear pro-town. If Gunsmith-investigated you seem not to have a gun.
  • Known Identity: The mentioned group knows your identity.
  • Miller: If Cop-investigated you appear anti-town. If Gunsmith-investigated you seem to have a gun.
  • Multitasker: You can use one additional ability per day.
  • Kill Immunity: You can only die by lynching. This does not guarantee endgame win.
  • Survivor: You lose when you die.
List of Group Types:
  • Mafia: All members are confirmed to be mafia together and share an anti-town victory condition.
  • Masonry: All members are confirmed to be pro-town and share the regular town victory condition.
  • Neighborhood: Alignments are unconfirmed.
All groups can talk at all times and will do so in a QuickTopic thread I provide.

The Vanilla Townie Role PM is (more examples can be found here):
  • Active Abilities:
    • none
  • Passive Abilities:
    • none
  • Groups:
    • none
  • Victory Condition: You win when all anti-town forces are eliminated.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:28 am
by TDC
Roles are going out now. As mentioned in them, this thread will open in about 24 hours. Please confirm by PM.
Those that have access to QuickTopics are free to use them at any time, including before this thread opens.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:31 am
by TDC
I would like to point out that the same rule that applies to things coming from me, applies to the quicktopics. You may paraphrase but not quote or post screenshots (which is for all I'm concerned the same thing as quoting).
If you are concerned whether what you're going to post will go through as paraphrase, please aks me before you post.
I will add this clarification to the rules.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:42 am
by TDC
"I declare the Games open!"
"I said 'I declare the Games open'!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
*camera zooms out and shows a small Italian village, covered in snow*
"This isn't Vancouver, is it?"

It is now Day 1.
Deadline: Sunday, January 3rd, 14:00 CET (GMT+1)
Remember that QuickTopics may be used at all times.

With 22 alive, it's
12 to lynch.

Note: Neopi is the only player not to have confirmed so far. I will wait another 24 hours before searching a replacement.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:54 am
by Annachie
Yay, first player post.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:09 am
by Sopianae
Vote: tatetothetot

bandagon gogogo

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:23 am
by tubby216
hi thar

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:41 am
by Sanhora
Vote Tubby

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:08 am
by tatetothetot
Sopianae wrote:
Vote: tatetothetot

bandagon gogogo
Damn. I thought it was going to be Cobalt who voted for me first. :(

Well, no OMGUS vote for you so....

Vote: Tajo

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:22 am
by iamausername
Vote: tubby

competing bandagon gogogo

whatever a bandagon is

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:23 am
by tubby216
i am intertested in started a pact, an alliance if you will.

article 1 of the pact
the membership of the pact may not exceed more then 10 players
article 2 of the pact
no member of the pact may vote for another member unless the other 9 players agree
article 3 of the pact
a member is allowed to leave the pact at anytime however that posistion must be filled
article 4 of the pact
once the game has reached 10 players intotal and only the pact members remain the pact is dissolved

now disscuss on the validity / phallacy of the pact

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:36 am
by Sanhora
Not interested. Two reasons:
-I likez bandagon on Tubby.
-bad articles.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:44 am
by Pyotr C. Romanof
Time and again, the czar scanned the index of participants, and time and again his eyes fell upon the same names:
. His fists clenched with rage, and suddenly there swept over him a desire to seize the data processing machine by its brass-framed monitor and tear it apart, smash it on the marble walls till the clockworks unraveled and rattled down the gas-lit corridor. Damn to the depths these men, these impostors, who dared register names nearly as long as his own. The poseurs! He'd have them lynched, oh, yes, he would. Each and every one of them.

Only—he hadn't a clue where to start. Woe was the czar, for he was awash with that most dreadful impairment
Paralyticus par analyticus
Sopianae wrote:
Vote: tatetothetot

bandagon gogogo
Lo! Before long, Sopianae—a fine gentleman, the czar knew, if only by virtue of his humbly short name—solved the czar's problem for him.

* Translated "paralysis by analysis." Sorry, don't know an ounce of Latin. Will tackle it in college.

vote: tatetothetot

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:45 am
by Pyotr C. Romanof
Tubby, not sure such a thing would be good for anyone but the mafia. :| Feel free to elaborate.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:52 am
by tubby216
Pyotr C. Romanof wrote:Tubby, not sure such a thing would be good for anyone but the mafia. :| Feel free to elaborate.
ok first off its a way to get us out of this rvs.
second with it being ten players its larger enough that scum would not be able to dominate it,

third with it only being 10 players its not large enough to take over the town, at least not day 1.

fourth it makes a game with in a game wich makes it eaier to find scumm in my opinion.

fith since we cannot pm one another about the game all talk with in the pact will be in the full view of the entire town, thus makeing it easier to see slips tells etc.

sixth it forces conversation, wether you are for or agianst it, then if it actually gets started it forces active participation. since people will be trying to move the pact forward or trying to tear it down either way it works

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:30 am
by Bogre
Howdy guys.

I am a miller. The first time playing one, I agree with the immediate claiming rather than hoping to not be investigated, as per the discussion on playing millers in the mafia discussion thread.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:34 am
by Sanhora
Sure, it's very likely that scum can't dominate it (Not unlikely. Though you seem sure this is the case. Any reason why?), but it does give them the opportunity to hide. Either within the pact, outside the pact or the pact being a huge distraction. In other words, it giing something to talk about isn't useful if it's not the right thing to talk about.
I'm glad that you can see that the third point is only valid this day and perhaps one or a few days more. However, your plan is for the pact to be in play the whole game.
I don't see how it make it easier for players to slip.

Short stated, I think it will be a huge distraction as many arguments will be pro-pact or anti-pact, instead of focusing on those players inside pro-pact or anti-pact. It also divides the town into two.

I'm still against it.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:45 am
by tubby216
@sanhora, i feel its highly unlikely that the scum would have enough numbers to make up a majority in a 10 player group, and even so some scum from that scum group would aviod it like the plague, so purely by numbers alone the pact would be mostly town driven. and it is useful since it put a large minority soon to be majority under a mirco scope, its far easy to hide in a large pond than it is to hide in a small one.

@borge i am content with your claim since i have tried to get claimed millers lynched before and no one listens

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:11 am
by Sanhora
Once again, at the start perhaps. However, your rules don't work together, Tubby.
The only thing that I can agree with is that it's highly unlikely that the scum will dominate it. But they still have something to say if they are in it.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:53 am
by Benmage
The rvs is cute, and i enjoy the fun banter...But screw it...lets do the policy lynch phase...with a quick skim of the players (theres a few I dont recognize) the others don't see worth policy lynching...So I open the floor, doesn't anyone have past experience with players here that would warrant a policy lynch?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:59 am
by TheButtonmen
Benmage wrote:The rvs is cute, and i enjoy the fun banter...But screw it...lets do the policy lynch phase...with a quick skim of the players (theres a few I dont recognize) the others don't see worth policy lynching...So I open the floor, doesn't anyone have past experience with players here that would warrant a policy lynch?
Vote: Benmage
, Policy lynch at the end of D1 when we at least have a days worth of information, not at the start.

@ Pyotr C. Romanof
Don't worry your name is a letter long!

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:00 am
by TheButtonmen
Benmage wrote:So I open the floor, doesn't anyone have past experience with players here that would warrant a policy lynch?
No, but thats not saying much I have limited experiance on MS.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:28 am
by kyle99
TheButtonmen wrote:
Benmage wrote:So I open the floor, doesn't anyone have past experience with players here that would warrant a policy lynch?
No, but thats not saying much I have limited experiance on MS.
Nor do I, but I probably wouldn't be happy with a policy lynch anyway, unless it's a really good reason to do it.