I'm stream-of-consciousness posting this.
Ignoring confirmation bullshit about QT? No QT? Who gives a fuck?
ani proposes a policy lynch. I'd hit him up, but it was on DK, so :goodposting:. Wanna see if we've discussed modlynches yet; I'm all for it.
Maruchan has shitty vote on ani (55).
ani is shitposting up the presume.
Maruchan defends DK; this is badposting but since Maruchan gameflaked, I don't care anymore.
glowball reads town.
kdowns is also shitposting and textedit needs to stop autocorrecting my damn usernames.
LLD voted Dram. + townpoints
shit furbelow is here so many VIs.
Furcolow is proposing massclaim? WTF? Also he has a title what the fuck
Espy y u no dramlynch?
DK is shitposting (no durr)
Furc clearly has undies stealing post restriction/bad fakeclaim of shitholeyness.
#192, songster isn't even reading
Um weird votecount WTFUCK?
and reck is a doublevoter keel is this just cause he's reck or what?
DK is super scummy and he should die a death of a thousand torments because I hate him.
I don't like Katsuki's postings but you'll let the cupcake get away with it anyway.
fur is shitvoting too, awesome
What is this RayFrost stuff up in here.
Never mind, I want RayFrost's role.
Why is shotty posting?
global is town.
Why does Katsuki have 11 votes that doesn't make sense
Aaawww I missed the Sapphire.
Oh god what did DK do
Okay keel more modfuckery and that's the end.
VOTE: sorgster
This is a good lynch, assuming DK can't be lynched.