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Mini 1329: Create-Your-Own-Role Mafia: Game Over

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by julienvonwolfe

Elmo TeH AzN (replaced pregame)


Maruchan, townie, lynched day one
Choice, townie, killed on night one
shos, townie, lynched on day two
Pine, townie, killed on night two
Vijay, mafia, killed on night two
Hiraki (replaced Day Two)
kondi2424 (replaced Night Two), townie, killed on night two
BBmolla, townie, lynched on day three
Christine (replaced Day One)
kondi2424 (replaced Day Three), townie, killed on night three


1) Days will last for two weeks, nights for 96 hours. If activity lags, I reserve the right to shorten deadlines.

2) Role pms will be posted below, once they're all confirmed. Roles will be randomly assigned, and then roles will rotate in a predictable order, going to the next player on the list, unless modified by another role.

3) If a majority is not reached for a day's lynch, then a no-lynch will occur.

4) Other than the role mechanic, it's just mafia as normal. This, basically.

5) If necessary, I will add rules. Ask me in thread or PM me if you have questions. If you're unsure whether what you're doing violates the spirit of the game, PM me.

Sample Role PMs:

Hello, {insert players}, you are the mafia! You win when your number equals the number of townies remaining in the game. Each night, in addition to your roles, one of you must submit a night action.

Hello, {insert player}, you are a townie. You win when all mafiosi are dead.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by julienvonwolfe

Where possible, I have kept the original phrasing from players. If there is confusion over what is meant, don't hesitate to ask. X-Shot roles are counted throughout the whole game; one player's using a one-shot ability will mean that the next person to receive that role will not be able to use it. I haven't modified the roles much, so the game might be a bit swingy... but hey, freedom to the people!

Dead roles are in italics.

1) Oracle (from Maruchan)

The Oracle can tell the future of others. Unfortunately, the Oracle's predictions are only true if she dies. Every night they pick 1 other player in the game. If the oracle survives the night, nothing happens. If the Oracle Dies that night, in the Oracle's flip the NEXT role of the investigated player will be revealed.

Mod note: This relevation will always be true, even if the action of other roles might otherwise interfere with the rotation. The name of the player investigated will also be revealed.

2) Town Restless Stalker (from Pine)

Choose one person per night. You stalk that person all night, combining the abilities of a Tracker, Watcher, and Voyeur. You learn who visits your target, who your target visits, and what kind of actions they perform. However, the same person may never be targeted twice by this ability. You are not informed who previous possessors of this ability targeted. If you target the same person as a previous possessor, the ability fails.

3) Hider (from PranaDevil)

Unlike a normal hider, you may not hide on consecutive nights. So if the player that had this role prior to you hid, you will not be able to.

4) 2-Shot Time Traveling Doc (from Moneybags)

This Doc can protect someone on any night in the game. If somebody has been killed, they can go back and "protect" them, changing the outcome.

Mod note: This merely has the effect of reviving that person; for the sake of simplicity, they are not considered to have been alive in the portion of the game between their death and this Doc's action. The person targeted must have been the target of a night action.

5) 'Sort of like a ditto from pokemon' (from vijay2vasandani)

The mod will randomly assign this player a different role from this list to use for that night.

6) The Paranoid (from shos)

This guy is such a paranoid that every night he sets up traps near his house, so that anyone trying to kill him will be killed.

Mod note: Two-Shot

7) Necromancer (from AurorusVox)

Swap this role with that of a dead player.

Mod note: The choice of role will be that of the Necromancer; they will be able to use that role's action that night.

8) Emotionally-Unstable Doc (from manho)

Each night, you must protect a player. If they are not targeted for a kill, you receive a new role for the next night as per normal. If you successfully block a kill, you do not receive a new role, but retain this one. If your target is the target of multiple killing attempts, then both you and they will die (you will have committed suicide).

9) Pikachu (from Choice)

Each Night, Pikachu may use one move:

- Thunder Wave (2 PP): Target's action takes place OR 50% roleblock target + target's future actions have 50% chance of not occurring.
- Iron Tail (1 PP) Target's action hits the player below the intended target on the playerlist
- Substitute (2 PP): Pikachu makes a substitute to take the damage and hits for it. If targeted by any kill, it fades immediately. If targeted by a negative effect, it can still block a kill, but it fades at the end of a night phase. If no kill or negative infliction occurs, the substitute remains. As in the game, there is a cost to using substitute. Pikachu's lynching threshold reduced by 2 for each usage. This cannot drop below 2, but if there are less than 7 players, substitute cannot be used again.
- Thunderbolt (1 PP) Target requires half the lynch amount to be lynched. This may not be lower than 3 votes.

Mod note: the number of PP refers to the number of shots each move has.

Substitute clarification: A substitute is essentially a punching bag for your opponent, and will take a certain amount of damage in your stead, fading after it has taken a certain amount. Thus, when you use substitute, you summon a punching bag to protect you for the night. No other players are involved. The substitute would remain with you even as the role rotates on; this is clearly intended by the wording. Thus, I interpret the words 'If targeted by any kill, it fades immediately' to mean that it would protect you from, well, any sort of kill - even in the day phase. Similarly, the lower lynch threshold would stick to you for the entire game.

10) Apathetic (from Malthusis)

Apparently there are mafia trying to take over the town, but you could care less about the whole thing. You care so little, you don't even vote. All you want to do is be bored, alone. Thankfully, this comes in handy, because no one cares about you either, and tend to leave you alone. No actions of any sort can target you.

11) Dinner Planner (from BBmolla)

Dinner for Two
- During the day, you may select two players. The selected players can be changed at any time, but you must select them before the day is over.
Once night time comes around, these players are sent a message by the mod stating "Tonight you were invited to a nice dinner with X. Join X here." The Dinner Planner also recieves the quicktopic link, but may not speak at the dinner. If the targetted players have night actions, they may only target each other.

Sirloin Steak
- In addition, this role has a Two-Shot Protect that can be used on one of the players at dinner. When the role is recieved, the player is informed how many protects are left. Both shots can be used in one night if wanted.

12) Percy Jackson - Hero of Olympus (Guy_Named_Riggs)

Since you are a hero, you won't let others protect you.

You are trying to get rid of the evil in the world and you don't like to sleep often, so you have a night kill (death by sword).

Eventually you get tired of seeing your friends die. This is your fatal flaw. After 5 people die, you become a Compulsive Elite Bodygaurd. You're friend won't die, but both you and the one who tried to kill your friend will die.

Mod note: Kills by this role will be noted as being by sword.

13) DOTA (from Elmo)

Since you love playing DOTA and League Of Legends and also when you play you listen to a lot of Basshunter you're in luck. At night, you can control one person's action, directing where their power is going to go if they still have one.

Mod note: In other words, you choose a player A and a player B; player A's role will target player B instead of their choice.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:32 am
by Maruchan


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:35 am
by malthusis
Since roles are going to be public anyway, anyone care to talk about their homemade roles?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:59 am
by Moneybags

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:51 am
by julienvonwolfe
Okay, we're just waiting on our stylish canine friend. I'll give him 24 more hours before searching for a replacement. In the meanwhile, I'll keep working on setting up the game. I'm aiming to have the game up and running this weekend.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:38 am
by Maruchan
malthusis wrote:Since roles are going to be public anyway, anyone care to talk about their homemade roles?

my role picks someone every night

WHen/if the person with my role dies, it will tell EVERYONE what the NEXT (not current) role of my person will be.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:25 am
by malthusis
Maruchan wrote:
malthusis wrote:Since roles are going to be public anyway, anyone care to talk about their homemade roles?

my role picks someone every night

WHen/if the person with my role dies, it will tell EVERYONE what the NEXT (not current) role of my person will be.

Lol, your role is totally useless! We are already told that by the mod who has what roles and how they will be shuffled....

Basically, you made a VT.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:01 am
by Moneybags
We should start soon =/

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:06 am
by Maruchan
malthusis wrote:
Maruchan wrote:
malthusis wrote:Since roles are going to be public anyway, anyone care to talk about their homemade roles?

my role picks someone every night

WHen/if the person with my role dies, it will tell EVERYONE what the NEXT (not current) role of my person will be.

Lol, your role is totally useless! We are already told that by the mod who has what roles and how they will be shuffled....

Basically, you made a VT.

I think you misread.

We don't get told who what role is. We get told who MADE each role, and WHAT all the roles are in the OP, just like ANY Open Setup. We then get randomized who what role is, and that part is closed. We don't know each others roles.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:08 am
by Maruchan
EBWODP: Okay, you're right.

However I sent in my role before he told us that the roles were predictable.

What becomes the point of the game then? This makes no sense...... Tempted to request replacement as this isn't what I thought it was going to be. It's no longer what I classify as a game of mafia.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:42 am
by malthusis
Maruchan wrote:EBWODP: Okay, you're right.

However I sent in my role before he told us that the roles were predictable.

What becomes the point of the game then? This makes no sense...... Tempted to request replacement as this isn't what I thought it was going to be. It's no longer what I classify as a game of mafia.

Dude, this is just a modified Smalltown/U-Pick setup. It's been done before many times, I don't really see the whole "this isn't mafia'' argument.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:10 pm
by Maruchan
In my mind, Mafia is trying to figure out who and what everyone is.

if you know all the roles, and know what role everyone is, and you just have to figure out their alignments, then it becomes a game of how can we use the roles to determine the game ect ect ect.

I have never played in games like that, and don't like the concept.

I thought that the roles would still be hidden, in which case I loved the idea beyond measure and would have gladly played in it, but thats not what it is.

/out please, sorry 2 the mod.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:13 pm
by Moneybags
Moneybags wrote:We should start soon =/

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:28 pm
by julienvonwolfe
Confirm you've received your roles, and we'll be away.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:45 pm
by PranaDevil
confirmation here boss monkey.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:51 pm
by shos
um, so generally, we all start with our own role, and then we know which role everyone gets every day phase..? hmm. interesting.

But doesn't that make certain stuff a tad unstable? for example, if a mafioso gets the Percy Jackson, will the mafia have 2 kills for that night? dunno, I have no problem playing this, and am interested as well, but I too expected something like what Maruchan said.

we could probably plan most of the night actions ahead. Then if anything happens not as they should, we may be able to understand who didn't cooperate..

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:58 pm
by AurorusVox

So wait, do we know who has each role every night? :\
I agree with shos that this is going to become more about planning than playing. But let's see where it goes.

Yikes, I didn't put enough info in my role ._.
- does my role allow the Necromancer to USE the role of the dead player when they swap it?

Either way we can use it to bring a valuable role back into the mix ^^"

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:04 pm
by PranaDevil
Unfortunately the timing of the start of this game coincides with me sodding off for the day to a wrestling show. Despite that, at first glance, I think the "plan everything ahead of time" routine may be best overall, but I'll have to take a closer look when I have time later. Going to be interesting to see how the game runs though.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:16 pm
by manho

i think we should get random role to start with, so we may need some times to figure out every role. and i think we should agree to not claiming unnecessarily. it's more fun playing the game than planning everything.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:25 pm
by julienvonwolfe
Oh wait...

*massive and spectacular facepalm*

I did say I'd assign the roles randomly; I got confused with another version of this game I'm running right now off-site, which is almost identical. It's a freak accident of queues that I'm modding both together. I'm going to re-role this game, since it hasn't yet started. Sorry. Alignments will stay the same. I've also sent Maruchan a PM.

Edit: Everybody should now have a new role PM. Continue.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:26 am
by shos

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:20 am
by manho
/confirm again

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:34 am
by Guy_Named_Riggs

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:46 am
by Moneybags