NY 164: Maniacal Street Mafia (Anticlimatically finished.)

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Post Post #500 (isolation #0) » Tue May 07, 2013 5:08 am

Post by pirate mollie »

I don't think either of us like him but for different reasons. I don't like their list of reads, but listing them in the first place seems townish, I dunno.

firmly unsure

ftr I don't like arc's posts either

I think bac is likely town

help me sort out eddie and mac
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Post Post #592 (isolation #1) » Tue May 07, 2013 1:44 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 589, Bacde wrote:
In post 588, AngryPidgeon wrote:
In post 582, mastin2 wrote:"I got accused of lurking, now what?"
Bus, bus, bus your bud. Then townie, you will seem. Merilly, merilly, merilly, merilly, its a perfect scheme.

sorry, couldn't resist.
this is awesome because I'm bussing nacho right now
sometimes I just believe what people tell about hemselves
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Post Post #775 (isolation #2) » Wed May 08, 2013 2:25 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

om thoughts on ctd

Spoiler: <<< Mod-edited-votecount >>>
Nachomamma8 - 4 (Red Ryu, Bacde, Nero Cain, Amethyst Kitty)

Red Ryu - 3 (Oversoul, Thor665, Baby Spice)

Oversoul - 2 (Nachomamma8, CrashTextDummie)
BeautyAndTheBeast - 2 (Cephrir, EddieFenix)
Bulbazak - 2 (Om the Destroyer, fuzzybutternut)
Cephrir - 1 (BeautyAndTheBeast)
ArcAngel9 - 1 (DLG)
Om the Destroyer - 1 (Bulbazak)
DLG - 1 (Desperado)

Not Voting - 7 (Mac, Syryana, Slandaar, Seanald, ActionDan, Rondar, ArcAngel9)

players alive, it's
to lynch.

Deadline is on Monday, May 27th, @ 11:30 AM PST, which is in (expired on 2013-05-27 11:31:59).
Last edited by mastin2 on Thu May 09, 2013 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1010 (isolation #3) » Fri May 10, 2013 9:43 am

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 1006, fuzzybutternut wrote:Prod dodge.

I'll read up some.

<<< Oh, god
it. >>>
I loled
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Post Post #1234 (isolation #4) » Sun May 12, 2013 10:23 am

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 1173, Thor665 wrote:
Page 23

I like B&B's catch on the kitten. Still want to lynch that thing.

Page 24

- how clever do you think Oversoul is exactly? Because it sounds like you caught him in a bad claim that would, by definition, require a large amount of cleverness to pull off. Functionally I feel like you're calling him clever and dumb scum both at the same time and applying both tells to him - thoughts?

Page 25

I hope Mollie explains the 3rd party thing better than 'because that's how you sound'

Page 26

http://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.ph ... 9#p4938719
Kind of feels that doesn't jive with later Cephrir answers. Urge to kill it rising...oh, snap, i said kill it, i am scumz!

Page 27

Bulbazak bleeds town.
SLaandar can be scummy now.

I'm done with this for tonight.

I still have about...20 pages? Ugh. Sunday may see a lot of that sawed down - or I'll just start skipping it out of boredom and figure I missed nothing of import.
"hittin da club" is a figure of speech, meaning "signing off"

I asked you why you were cranky cos I wanted to what entertaining story you came up with cos I don't believe you are actually cranky, I think you are just doing it so that players will keep their distance. it is a classic tell for old school players and what is interesting is that it is a certain personality type who does it. you have been dropping it all game and I just really don't think your male pms can possibly last this long.

yeah, bc probably won't be able to out wordplay. I can't either but I might be able to outmaneuver you someday with in thread game play. mebbe

but then I am in a majiffy hydra so things might be different haha
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Post Post #1367 (isolation #5) » Mon May 13, 2013 3:35 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 1366, CrashTextDummie wrote:Is it also scum whining if I once again complain about your slot being less than cordial? I didn't demand reads, I asked nicely.
huh. well it sort of seemed like you wanted them right this second.

were you offended that I said I thought you would have to be a dummy to not tell us apart? cos you should read the thread where I gave a clear statement that majiffy consistently capitalises and punctuates where I do not.
I have made my distaste for hydras clear in the sign up thread and I'm not insinuating anything wrt my read on you or anyone else. I can keep the two of you apart pretty well based on tone, but it's kind of hard to apply this to a naked list of reads.
well majiffy stated that those were his reads so there :P
Bacde stopped pushing a sound meta case the moment he started arguing that Nacho would be a good lynch even if town. What
does this? If you had actually read my thoughts on him and not just glanced at the short list of my preferred lynches, you'd know that the original case wasn't a deal breaker for me in spite of me not agreeing with it. And it's kind of ironic that you're suggesting that scum would avoid doing something that's completely in the spirit of the game for fear of ill feelings bleeding over into future games when you seem to go out of your way to make me not want to play with either of you ever again.
let's take a breather. "dummy" is not a pejorative term in the context that I am using it, it is more of a "hey wake up! here is something you are missing here!" and it is light sledging IMO (YMMV) to get a better read off of you. your reaction is a bit telling but majiffy and I disagree will probably fight over it. we will see.

as to your "what town does this?", why are you going after bc for it when nero has been saying in every other post (and is anyone else as sick as I am of his hard on for me? jesus christ) that he would sit on the sofa and eat bon bons if we could be lynched. why are you leaving him alone?

you will have to ask bc as to why he said it, I know that if it were me, it would be out of frustration cos I know the player is capable of doing better but isn't. it is an added form of pressure called "sledging" and I am sure you are familiar with the concept if not the term.
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Post Post #3985 (isolation #6) » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:59 am

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 3981, Ms Marangal wrote:Mollie, I was calling you stupid because you were being stupid. we told you we wouldn't be available for so many hours and you continued to call us out regardless.

We did tell you that we were both at work, and I at least told you that I will talk to you when I can about whatever you want but you wouldn't leave it at that.

When you originally asked me for it, I was at work and I gave you a list of what I think who is where. 3911 was that list.

I have also never give explanation on a null-read. they are null for a reason.

I am also not trying to AtE the fuck out of you, Mala isn't either and I told her she needs to cool down for a bit before she comes back in here to talk to you.

we aren't trying to do any of those things, at least I'm not intentionally trying to do any of those things.

Mala did ask for your read on Desp, She wanted to talk to Ffery about it but she did ask you why you thought Desp was town and the answer isn't even the best answer you could have given her.

and why would town be desperate to avoid a mislynch? that is, and always will be a scum-trait mollie, and the fact that Mala isn't even trying to wiggle out of this lynch or the fact that I'm not jumping on the biggest wagon, but trying to push my own should tell you something.

the fact that either of us aren't willing to jump onto Nacho or Thad, the fact that I oppose both of them should tell you that we don't really care about being lynched.

You aren't even looking at the points I brought up since I got back, you brought up the exact same line to KK that I am.

You havn't even looked at my town-case for Nero

I am trying to work with you, and talk to you but you are making it hard for the both of us.
okay but you said you had just gotten home from work at 5 and made post #3909 bt now you are saying when you made post #3911 you were at work?

you guys can't even keep your freaking stories straight.

lynch this shit
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Post Post #4040 (isolation #7) » Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:49 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 4036, Amethyst Kitty wrote:She wasn't on skype during my meltdown. She came around afterwards and I was already doing something to attempt to calm myself down.

I don't need to be coached and Mara doesn't need to be coached either. You do realize we were calm during our hydra game and I was calm in the piratecat hydra. Remember when you flipped out because of Slandaar/Bork and I was there. Well this is a similar situation, but in a total different hydra.
okay well if I am in a game and I have access to someone who is more experienced than I, I am always eager to be coached. I am pretty arrogant but not so arrogant as to miss out on a good opportunity to learn.
The only reason why I flailed because you are cutting it close to the personal edge which I don't want to happen. If it continues any post that comes from you will be replied by from Mara and if you need a question directly answered from me it will come from a Mara post.
okay well I was not the first one to engage in personal attacks. like I am pretty sure I never said you were stupid.
I'm a lurkly player in general. Don't try and say I'm just a lurkly scum player
because I'm lurky as town and I have been given heat for this in the past in a few games we played together
. I'm not going to change my status just because I'm in a hydra and you know I only use phone skype and that the status never changes, but you failed to put that in perspective before attacking us for it.
You just tried to rolefish us in another post. I Breadcrumb fake crumbs as VT to draw the NK. I don't crumb when I'm a doctor or a protective role, but I will crumb if I'm an investigation role. If I am a PR I do not crumb during Day 1 (unless it's a hider then I will subtly crumb). I try not to crumb when I'm scum so I don't get locked into a fake claim. You know this based on DT/skype.
well, I don't know that you do not fake breadcrumb as scum or that you are incapable of it. the only time I played against you as scum was in a newbie game and there are only so many set-ups allowed.
For the reads:

I have been disconnected all game besides Day 1 and now. She has been giving her reads out and I was giving them to the best of my ability.
Sure you can have a trail, but we are town and I don't see how our reads will help you after we are dead.

You answered my question that you didn't see it because he looked smug and I thought fair enough. I was just pointing out that I tried to reach out to you in regards to it. I don't want him to catch onto the relative tell so I'm not going to post the one that I see. If you want us to trust you then why don't you trust us or stop being paranoid and trust your original read on us.
okay. so when mara posted the reads, had you not yet communicated that you took it in stock and she was going with what you previously thought? cos that is the piece I am trying to work around at the mo
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Post Post #4046 (isolation #8) » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:31 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 4045, Amethyst Kitty wrote:It wasn't the pressure that made me snap. It was the fact you're just being paranoid and just flopped without explanation. You decided I was scum off a relative tell that was just unreliable. I do think you're town however, but sometimes you are known to get onto the wrong track and you tunnel for a while and this is what scum uses to their advantage.
why would me being paranoid make you snap? I get that way about everyone. occasionally I wonder if my hydra partner was given a different role pm than I did.
As I said, I didn't call you stupid, but you were pissing us both off which is not good. It normally takes a lot for me to lose my temper and when I feel like I'm getting too out of hand I need to step away because I don't want it to affect a friendship.
neither do I. I am still confused as to why you guyz got pissed off when I was applying pressure to you in the first place.
Uh, we were talking a little while ago once you posted your first big post. I paraphrased it because she doesn't want to post over here right now.

See that's the thing. You need to apply relative tells that apply to us and not the general population.
I thought I did.

which ones tell are you talking about
I only was going to bed because nothing was happening. Now I'm watching a TV show because I was eating chocolate and it made me hyper. So I'm kinda here, but off my phone.
german chocolate brownie ice cream from cold stone is teh best.

still scum reading you but the aTe meltdowns were epic <3
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Post Post #4381 (isolation #9) » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:42 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

In post 4364, Desperado wrote:
In post 4360, Nero Cain wrote:Despo, are you voting me 'cause you think that I'm playing different then WWE + you agree with the Nacho case?

<<< Double-post deleted. >>>
More the latter than the former, because I really don't think the WWE game is a good indicator of your townplay...you were basically universally town by what, halfway through D1? and it never changed. I've never seen what you look like as town when you aren't comfortable with your state in the game, which would justify some of the things I found scummy about your reaction to the Nacho case.

fery, I have to see this game where Bulb dominated as SK. Link/name please?
then look at this game:


I watched in horror from the sidelines as he was lynched
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Post Post #5626 (isolation #10) » Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:37 pm

Post by pirate mollie »

UNVOTE: perv