Vote: Fayul
for trying to stop the random votes...
sorry, just had too... lol
Anywhoo... I'd like to point out the fact that based on my role I have reason to believe the following:
Charlie, Veruca, Augustus, Mike, and Violet are all roles. In addition none of those characters, with the exception of Charlie have abilities. I think Charlie and Grandpa may be masons. Wonka is likely a cop/FBI(searchndestroy). the doc is possibly Dr. Wilbur Wonka. or he could be the GF, thats a very IFFy issue and the anti-chocolate's are obviously Deep, and maybe more oompa's... PREVIEW EDIT: Arthur Slugworth is another possible role, being Wonka's rival choco-maker.
Deep is the first name of the actor who played the Oompa's in the 2005 version of the movie. In doing some research these are the names of the actor's who played the Oompa's in the 71 version: Angelo Muscat, George Claydon, and Hussien Farhat.
As for the accompanyment of parents within the factory I have reason to believe that none are in the game. If not that, a maximum of maybe 2...
another preview edit: NOTE: Deep is anti-town not listed as "scum". The-anti chocholate's may be a cult, or a second mafia. In fact 2 mafia's would sound more reasonable than mafia missing a NK and then having one of their members SK'd/Vigged...
here is a breakdown:
Charlie - Town possibly-mason
Grandpa - Town possibly-mason
Veruca - no-ability townie
Mike - no-ability townie
Augustus - no-ability townie
Violet - no-ability townie
Wonka - Cop/FBI/Searchanddestroy
Dr.Wibur Wonka - Doc? GF?
Arthur Slugworth - Scum? anti-town?
Deep - Anti-town, Cult?
???????? - Scum/anti-town
???????? - Scum/anti-town
Strategy, smategy.