The Rules
Please actually read the rules, even if you think you already know the rules, as there are some important bits in them about how this game will work.
The Rules:
Votes must be in
. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted.
Please be attentive and unvote, if necessary, before casting a new vote. This is not required, but I’d appreciate it.
Lynches will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, his pleas are useless and any attempts to unvote will be unheeded. You may vote: no lynch – majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death. Lack of movement in the game may result in a lynching deadline. If a lynching deadline is imposed, the player with the most votes at the deadline time will be lynched. If no players have any votes at the time the deadline expires, there will be no lynch.
The game is not to be discussed outside of the thread unless your role specifically states that you may do so.
There are only two factions in this game: scum and town. If your role PM said you were scum, you win with the scum. If your role PM identified you as anything else, you win with the town.
Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead. A single uninformative ghost-post (such as "Go town" or "You all suck" or "Vive le revolution", that sort of thing) is acceptable, but not necessary.
Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts. Don't post invisibly or any of that sort of thing. If you feel that you must encode secret messages in the text, please do so in a clever manner. Also, as posts are meant to be read, please don't post in extremely small text. I can't read it and it makes me cranky.
Don’t quote any PMs from me, either completely or in part.
If you have a night choice to make, it is due by the posted deadline.
Everyone in this game has a night choice
, even if it is just to choose a room. If you do not choose a room, I will assume that you are staying in the room you are currently in. If you have never chosen a room, I will randomly assign you to one. All players will choose their own rooms individually, although if your role allows you to speak outside the thread, you may, of course, deliberately decide to go to the same room.
Once a murder (nightkill) has been committed in a room, that room is off-limits for further choices.
(Seriously. Do you want to spend the night in a room with a dead guy? Because I don't.) The first post will contain a list of available rooms, and you will also be reminded of them in the thread periodically.
If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
Remember, it’s a game. It’s supposed to played. It’s supposed to be fun. Hope you enjoy the party.