Flavour? Right, the game is supposed to have flavour or something. So, you know the spiel. Beautiful women, ugly women—beautiful men, obviously
is going to go wrong in this world. Oh right, misplaced love. As a result of this, the man who had his women jacked is out for revenge, slowly killing everyone in his kingdom partially for her, partially because he can. Enter our town, ah yes… there is the rub! They stand betwixt this evil man and his goals. So, it is for our amusement to see how this tale of backstabbing and blind deals will end, in true love or fairer revenge!
Rules (stolen, of course… free daykills to everyone who guesses from whom)
[01] Have fun and don't be a jerk. Please have consideration for the other players and the mod, and actually PLAY the game by posting and voting.
[02] No communication outside the thread unless your role allows you to do so and then only in the game's nights.
[03] Get your choices in before the deadlines. If not, a random choice will be made for the first night, and no choice for subsequent nights.
[04] No quoting my or others PM's. No paraphrasing of winning conditions either.
[05] If you're dead YOU'RE DEAD. No more posting relevant information after that. Bah posts are encouraged though.
[06] Lynching will be carried out once a regular majority is reached - and cannot be undone by unvoting. If I impose a day deadline, lynching will require at least half of the regular majority. In case of a tie, first come first served. In the endgame (6 or less) only a real majority will result in a lynch.
[07] Only votes in BOLD will be counted. Please clearly unvote if you want to change your vote, although I will still count your vote if you don't.
[08] Do NOT edit or delete your posts! If you made a coding error, just post again.
[09] Do NOT post in invisible text.
[10] If you know you will not be checking the thread for a period of 72 hours or more, it would be nice if you would post that beforehand.
[11] If you're out of the game, you may not come back as substitute - only if you do not talk to other players about the game after your death of course.
[12] The mod is always right. Accept the decisions, and if you want to discuss them, take it to email, or do so after the game has finished
Tamuz is the expression of the alienated, of the ambitious, of the dispossessed.