"Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?" he asked.
"I could," replied the booth man, "but it wouldn't do you any good."
"Why not?"
"Well, Sesame Street's been under tight lockdown for several days now. The rumours are is that some... some group of organized crime... augh, what's the word... ehh.. oh right, a Mafia, so anyways they think there's a Mafia that's been formed on the Street."
"What's a Mawfia?"
"You know, organized crime, mobs, stuff like that. Anyways, last I heard they had totally devolved to mob justice. Hope they sort everything out."
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A large wall has been built around Sesame Street. The situation is now dire. Bodies are piling up. The stench is becoming unbearable. Sesame Street is no longer the safe, carefree place it once was. All because of the Mafia. Nobody knows who is in it, or where it will strike next. Nobody can be trusted. And because of that, society has devolved totally into a roving mob. All the shops are shut down. All the people run in a fearless panic in the-
"Hey," says Diabolical Penguin, "that's an oxymoron."
"Oops!" said our narrator, "sorry about that. I was trying to say 'fearful.' Thanks for catching the error."
"No problem."
All of a sudden, gunshots are heard, and another falls. Twelve remain. Finally, something inside the mad mob snaps, and they begin crudely building a makeshift gallows.
It looks like the once happy residents of Sesame Street are now the unhappy lynch mob members of Sesame Street. And they will not rest until those who oppose them are no more.
So, will they succeed? Not even I, the apparently not all-knowing moderator, know. Hopefully we'll soon find out if the happy Sesame Street-ers will be dead or victorious.
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7. Tamuz
9. Twito
10. Quagmire
11. Yosarian2
1. Kain (Papa Bear/Mafia Godfather) Lynched Day 1
5. Glork (Grover/Doctor) Bludgeoned Night 1
2. Pink Princess (Bert/Mason) Shot in a drive-by Night 1
8. Bluemonick (Baby Bear/Mafia Goon) Lynched Day 2
6. Thok (Sherlock Hemlock/Cop) Bludgeoned Night 2
12. DiabolicalPenguin (Barkley/Tracker) Shot in a drive-by Night 2
3. Foolster41 (Mama Bear/Mafia Goon) Lynched Day 3
4. Arafax (Ernie/Mason) Shot in a drive-by Night 3
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All pro-town roles have the victory condition "You win with the town" somewhere in their role PM's, usually at the end. Anti-town roles have conditions appropriate to their role and/or motive.