There's a park in the center of the city where children innocently play when being hovered over by a parent on a walk, and then transform into smuggling drug dealers and peddlers whenever the adults sleep. Many of the families are corrupted in nature, and the peers around them don't really help them break free from the spiral downward.
Police in the area have something else to worry about, though: the mafia attacks on people in the city have become a growing problem in the last couple of weeks. Obviously, there's always been mafia in the place, but it's been stagnant enough where the police could focus on other things in the city like prostitution, drugs, and gambling; now, it's to the point where everybody's locking up their houses because they fear the big man in the black leather jacket coming out to get them whenever they want to go get the local paper. This needs to stop, and it's up to everybody to get the mafia out of here once and for all and begin cleaning up the disastorous image of the city. A task force has been generated of twelve individuals:
Amare Thompson (inHimshallibe -- is dead)
Alberto Roberghi
Patricia Highlander
Michael Thatcher
Erica Amundson (Adele -- is dead)
Aaron Banister (PookyTheMagicalBear -- is dead)
Dana Florent
Delta Roberts (Jalyn -- is dead)
Tyner Brotoguard (Twito -- is dead)
Dr. Gordon Lancaster (ChannelDelibird -- is dead)
Tamara Galloway
...and in MeatWorld, all of these names are associated with these people:
ShadowLurker (was Lawrence now dead [Lynched D1])
Penguins of the Serengeti
Lawrence Prestegard, AKA ShadowLurker was lynched day one.
Erica Amundson, Aaron Bannister, and Dr. Gordon Lancaster (Adele, PookyTheMagicalBear, and ChannelDelibird, respectively) were found dead during night two.
Delta Roberts, AKA Jalyn was found dead night three.
Amare Thompson, AKA inHimshallibe, AKA klebian was lynched day thre.