These are the roles that have gone out:
You are
John Dorian
. You like looking after people, and you really want people to think well of you. If you target someone at night and someone tries to kill them, you'll do your best to stop them, of course, and you'll even succeed - but you'll die in their stead.
Oh well. At least you're not gonna upset anyone too much...
Perry Cox
, and damn if those idiots haven't gotten every damn thing wrong
. You could run around trying to fix everyone's problems, but... you don't want to. Instead you watch them and when they make a mistake you yell them to death.
make a mistake eventually...
You are
Chris Turk
. You like cuttin' on people... no! No, in a good way! Like, to fix their problems. Each night you can do a surgical consult on a player; if they have a big, gapin' stab wound, you'll fix them up. If they have a
problem, though, like poison in their veins or a sarcasm overdose (there's been a surprising upturn in that coinciding with a spring in Dr Cox's step), then that's not your business. You a surgeon, baby!
Kelly Chen
You are
Elliot Reid
. You're a good doctor; you can fix stab wounds, you can fix poison, you can even help people who've had a... "chat"... with Dr Cox. But, on the downside, you have really cold hands (you have bad circulation, you can't help it). If you try to help scum or the SK, they'll jump up, scream and then kill you, probably. Frick on a stick.
Who has two thumbs and still doesn't give a crap?
Bob Kelso
. If you don't like someone's behaviour or, damn, even just their attitude, you wouldn't hesitate to suspend them for a night, and then, they'd be out of your hospital and out of your hair. Nothing they can do about it - nothing they can do, period.
Carla Espinosa
and you watch out for your loved ones. Your beloved Turk, Bambi, your good friend Elliot, Laverne, Dr Cox, hell, even Dr Kelso can count you among his friends. In fact, you like to consider yourseld a friend to every person here, and you wanna watch out for them. Each night, you keep an eye on someone and see who's... interfering with them.
You're the
. People didn't think you could make too much trouble round here, but people didn't reckon with your Big Green Truck. You're good with it too; you can switch people around so fast no-one notices; their experiences of the night are totally swapped over.
Maz Medias:
The Todd
(2 "d"s in todd, to be clear there). You like the ladies... or possibly the gents. Maybe both.
Well, heck, you can hook up at night with anyone, right? And whatever happens to them that will happen to you too. Shared Fate Five!
Mr Stoofer:
You're Nurse
Laverne Roberts
. You like your stories, but what's goin' on 'round here's been even more interesting lately. You want to be up on the gossip, so each night you're able to follow someone around and see who they visited that night.
Ted Buckland
. You're a Worthless Peon. In your defence, you managed to turn that into an asset. The other Worthless Peons are away, though, so your only interesting skill is...
Aw, you're screwed. Well, you can check paperwork at least, right? By checking the paperwork of a dead guy each night you can see the name of everyone who ever targeted them.
Jordan Sullivan
. With all this... stuff going on, you thought it was safest to send Jack to stay with your mother. Maybe you should join him... but your board duties prevent you from staying away two nights in a row. When you
visiting your mother, though, you're safe from nightkills.
PBuG (r. now a ranger):
Doug Murphy
, and you've been killing a lot less patients since they moved you to the morgue! You've discovered, actually, that you have a real affinity for dead people. I bet if you concentrated
real hard
on a dead person, you could take on their role for the remainder of this... unfortunate situation.
8 people got: ...and you're
, and want the mafia and the SK dead
3 people got: ...and you're
(with X and Y) and want the town and SK dead
1 person got: ...and you're the
and want everyone who's not you dead
The Mafia have to choose someone to send to kill; that's
instead of
their usual nightchoice, and they are trackable/whatever as such
The SK can NK
as well as
his or her usual nightchoice, and is sneaky enough that the kill (poison) is invisible to everyone watching (Carla, Laverne, Ted...)