Comod: Spectrumvoid
Alive, bold unconfirmed:
Pinky II, replacing draygn_mage; Double Watcher
undo, Double Tracker
shadowarmy75, Double Doctor, killed night 0
Pinky, Double Doctor, killed night 0
Albert B. Rampage, Double Townie, lynched day 1
Phoebus, Double Mafia Goon, killed night 1
TonyMontana, Double Townie, killed night 1
Bob700, Double Mafia Goon, lynched day 2
johhan, replacing Boani, Double Townie, killed night 2
HackerHuck, replacing ac1983fan, Double Serial Killer, killed night 2.
JordanA24, Double Townie, killed night 2.
yeahthatguy224, Double Mafia Goon, lynched day 3
Rules (Everything in bold is unique to this game and will be important to remember)[/b]:
0. This is a game. Have fun. Don’t let things get personal.
1. The game will start with Night once all confirms are in, feel free to get choices in earlier.
4. If discussion lags or Day goes on for too long, a deadline may be set, most likely a retractable deadline, but if I feel it is necessary it will be non-retractable.
5. Do not talk outside the thread unless your role allows it.
6. If you’re dead, you get one ‘bah’ post with no game-related content.
7. If you have any question, complaint, or comment, PM either spectrumvoid or myself.
8. Confirm by PM.
9. Feel free to correct us if one of us makes a mistake, but be nice about it.
10. spectrumvoid and myself will try our best to get a vote count near or at the top of every page or at least every few days.
11. If you do not post for 72 hours or if a player requests I do so, spectrumvoid or I will prod you by PM, and then if you still do not post, you may be replaced or prodded again. Absences that are posted in thread, noted in your sig and/or posted in VLA are exceptions to this rule, though if we feel it is necessary, we might temporarily replace you.
Townie Role PM:
You are a double townie; you do not have any powers besides your two votes; as everyone has agreed to give two votes to each person instead of the normal one; which means you can either vote someone twice, or vote two people once. You win when all anti-town people are dead. We are starting in night, confirm by PM.